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Messages - Ted009

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
May 08, 2020, 08:21:35 AM
Please forgive my honest 2 cent opinion here. I want to say it as honestly as I am allowed to say it here-

To win baccarat consistently or to make a living in playing baccarat, there are many many factors associated with it. Yes, discipline, patience, tutelage of the game, determination and the will, sufficiently allotted bankroll and bet selection along with the right progression is a must. For me after 17 years of learning and playing the game with real money, the most important factor in winning the game consistently is bet selection and progression. They must be equally utilized.

Know when to walk out and when to walk in.

No amount of computer testing and or practice based on the theoretical approaches will be accomplished without hands on at the table playing with your hard earned money. I don?t want any new potential or prospect players to think that it is a piece of cake to make a living playing baccarat or to win the money consistently. There is no holy grail period.

Please read, learn and practice with  real money at the table. Win or lose, strive to improve it from there.

My playing approaches are random vs random based on mathematical equations on progression. I set up my winning target and stop loss per session. Am I winning all the time, hell no. I win consistently and more than I lose, yes!

Please stay well and safe. I wish you, my fellow players, all the best..

Alrelax: please be kind to close my user account. You are welcome to communicate with me by other means because you my contact information.

Best regards,

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
April 30, 2018, 04:12:31 AM
Quote from: Lungyeh on April 30, 2018, 01:11:52 AM
Apologies if I do not sound too scientific or mathematical in my attempt to present my ideas. After more then 15 years of gambling and much losses (which I will categorise as R&D 🙄☺️ and will recoup over the next 5 years), I do think that. Human emotions. Sigh

So to identify how one can overcome their weaknesses, my suggestion is to impose 'arbitrary ' rules that we 'must' follow. And if we cannot impose these rules on ourselves, then we should bring someone along to help impose these rules upon ourselves. For example, whatever our accumulated winnings, when we run into a change of patterns or put the other way, when randomness sets in, and we start losing our grip on the situation, the self imposed rule could be reduce bet size to half or 1/3 or 1/10 after the first loss following a series of wins. If you lose 2 out of 3 bets stop for the next 15 rounds. If you lose 3 out of 4 hands, go take a walk for an hour. If you lose back 30% of your winnings or 40%, close the session.

Winning is easy. When you start losing, the issue is how to control oneself because just a few rounds of losses can inflict damage not only on your bankroll but on your psychology as well. Most of us  may claim peace or pray for peace. Peace can be easily ruffled in such situations. 'Impose rules'

Lungyeh,  you and I have seen a lot at the baccarat tables although you have more successes than me, hehe. Shout out to you, Alrelax, and all the pros and the fellow players out there!!

Baccarat is not a one size fits all game. We must possess all the skills and tutaleges of the game  are as important, IMO.

Simply put, if one wins more than loses, that is called a success for me.


Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 30, 2018, 04:22:31 PM
Quote from: alrelax on March 30, 2018, 01:15:48 PM
Happened last night, ' super classical' in Baccarat to the max.

I did extremely well on the one side 'cut/chop' bets as well as 4 F-7's for table max each one, in one shoe. 

However, to the point.  There was two mini repeat runs of 5 each in the beginning, then a few 1's and 2's with a player side making a 3.  Then more 1's and 2's.  Then the banker side got real strong with every prevailing banker  either adding a third card to make an 8 or a 9 or a natural.  That last event series is my key trigger that either side is ready to take off.  I have explained this before in better detail.

But the player side came out with 3-naturals and everyone, including my two buddies says--"has to cut back to banker, let's go heavy".  They did and I waited it out and I would not have done it.  Then a 4th and a 5th player happens.  Then the whole table once again is hell bent and all excited to get the last 2 or 3 table max wagers each lost on the banker.  They all are screaming banker.  I seen it, I felt it and I DID NOT wager the players side.  Everything that always happened, happened.  Especially with bouncing back and forth, right at half way around hand 40 or so.  During the last 5 players it just got equal on the score.  But the player was producing heavy and strong prevailing score totals.  Then it ran to 13 players total.  Everyone floored of course.  Everyone except for a player wagering small amounts, lost their continuing wagers.

But the streak came, does not matter really how or what triggers, they do come and people convince themselves continually in baccarat or roulette, the board is showing us 'XYZ' will happen because  it never made more then 2 in a row or 3 in a row or 'so and so' for the last 30 hands or 30 spins. 

It will get you and eat you up.  Runs and streaks and a long continuing pattern or event happens and will produce what it will no matter what happened prior or you believe will or will not happen, simple.  Stop thinking they do not and will not.

My rule is never wager against the streak. No freaking way-- either I stay out or follow the streak.

Mr. Gizmo has interesting chart and his way of tracking is unique. Although I don't understand his system 100%, but I will study it and try to learn it. Of course baccarat is my game but I want to pursue roulette especially Gizmo's.....

Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 30, 2018, 01:53:19 AM
Quote from: Gizmotron on March 29, 2018, 11:32:08 PM
It's right there at the top of the chart.

| 1  2  3 | A  B  C | 0  3  6 | P |
| X       |    X    | X       | P | -- 2
| X       | X       |    X    |   | -- 7
|       X | X       |       X |   | -- 34
| X       |    X    |    X    | P | -- 11
|    X    | X       | X       |   | -- 13
|-------------------| X       | P | -- 37
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 22
|       X |    X    | X       |   | -- 35
|    X    |    X    |       X | P | -- 17
|       X |       X |       X |   | -- 33 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 3
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 -- Won -- 36 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 3

1 = 1 to 12 on the table layout
2 = 13 to 24 ottl
3 = 25 to 36 ottl

A = 1 to 34 ottl, the column
B = 2 to 35 ottl, the column
C = 3 to 36 ottl, the column

The rest of the stuff in the chart is my own personal pet groupings. They are all based on the wheel in sections like spokes.

So in that first bet I put 12 units at 3 each on all 12 numbers of the second and third groups, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36. You can see on the next spin that 36 hit. So that is how it won. It paid off 36 units.

Here are the missing groups:

0 = "38,37,1,2,9,10,13,14,25,26,27,28,35,36,"
3 = "3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16,23,24,29,30,"
6 = "5,6,17,18,19,20,21,22,31,32,33,34,"

P = "1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,17,18,27,28,31,32,37,38,"
Not P = "7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,29,30,33,34,35,36"

Thank you very much again for your clear explanation. I truly appreciated it. May I please ask you one more question, and I understand if you don't want to answer it. When do you decide to bet the 1, 2, 3 , A, B, and C? I see sometimes you bet 2& 3 and sometimes you bet A& B instead?
Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 29, 2018, 10:49:11 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on March 29, 2018, 05:08:18 PM
Ted, each next-bet is posted after the previous results are posted on the same line, at which point the software waits for you to select the next numbers to win. I built the software for my students that allows all of those students to just press a single button from 11, and the next (24*) numbers to win are selected. The user then presses the "Spin" button and the next results are charted and their "won" or "lost" status and the current running total are also displayed. This way the user can just focus quickly on guessing. My method is just guessing. There's no secret formula or system.

I'm good at guessing because I created structure in the form of the illusion of randomness characteristics. I gave them names too. Some people will argue that they are real characteristics and others will argue that they can't exist. They are nothing but mindfully associated formations that are used to identify sequences of continuous spin conditions. But it's still just guessing. The good news for you is that these visual formations in my charts are also attached to reality if you use them during a gambling session. They become reality in their display of effectiveness during a gambling session. What happens in a gambling session is either good for you, flat, or bad for you. So what you practice for is in seeing the different phases, in real time, and taking action to improve your over all session results.

* there is a button to invert the bet so that the meaning of the button selection has the opting to go from what is going to lose (14) numbers to what will win (12) numbers. So the software can bet on 12, 14, 16, 24, or 26 numbers to win, all with a convenient button push.

It's all here at this forum. You can learn about the characteristics, the global effect, the effectiveness states, and the Elegant Patterns. I have shared it all. The software is too big to load here and to share it. I could share the source code in its native language and you could get the free Open Source development tool that supports it. But you would have to learn how to launch and run the development software to do that. The stand alone version is 8.5 megabytes. The source code version is 76 kb. The source code version will load into the free open source version of LiveCode. I don't want to teach how this is done. There are tutorials about using the development platform online. Perhaps there is a way to make a skinny version. I didn't bother to look that up.

Anyway, you can't use a computer in a casino. So I do it all on index cards. The chart, without the win/loss results, like the first non bet ten spins, are what you enter on index cards. You would need to get good at that anyway.

Hope that helps.

Thank you, Gizmotron, for your explanation. You are right that at the B&M casino we can't use the electronic device, but index card can be used.  According to your chart, it seems that you don't start betting right away. Do you bet on column or dozen or both at the same time? I think I understand how you track the dozen and column but the 036 and P sections, I don't understand them yet. I did read about them and saw your explanation on the 036 and P though.

So according to your chart, X |       X |       X |   | -- 33 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 3
      X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 -- Won -- 36 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 3
The first bet calls for (2&3 to win next) @3. Please be kind to explain the next bet.

Thank you again for all your help.

Gizmotron / Re: Practice Sessions
March 29, 2018, 04:00:24 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on March 29, 2018, 02:50:03 PM
Rust never sleeps. Glen and others have suggested to me over the past 6 months that my "three and out" method was not really realistic. Perhaps it is unrealistic.

"I gave up on hot numbers years ago for a reason. I wanted faster action. But I also wanted the massive kill off the casino with a super win streak and was willing to descend deep in order to reach that killer sequence. That has been my Achilles Heel for the past decade. But I recognize that as a strategic flaw. What cured me was to practice just winning three net wins and out. Now, I really do know how to kill off the casino in a huge and obvious win streak. So today I'm going to play at least one long session of practice just to prove that I can stay out of the deep holes while grinding away at steady upward advances. It's like fighting for each net win, as long as the deep holes are avoided.

Ken's (mrJ) method teaches how to get off the cold numbers and come back to them if they heat back up. So that is how I'm going to do it with my 24 numbers. I sometimes reverse the bets and bet the 12 instead. And sometimes I bet 16, 22, or 26 numbers. It's just the way that I trained myself over the past decade. That's what I'm good at. But this thread taught me to get off the cold spots faster. It was and is not a waste of time for me. Here is today's practice session:"

As you can see below, I keep going as long as a huge downturn does not appear.

| 1  2  3 | A  B  C | 0  3  6 | P |
| X       |    X    | X       | P | -- 2
| X       | X       |    X    |   | -- 7
|       X | X       |       X |   | -- 34
| X       |    X    |    X    | P | -- 11
|    X    | X       | X       |   | -- 13
|-------------------| X       | P | -- 37
|    X    | X       |       X |   | -- 22
|       X |    X    | X       |   | -- 35
|    X    |    X    |       X | P | -- 17
|       X |       X |       X |   | -- 33 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 3
|    X    |       X |       X | P |  # 18 -- Won -- 36 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 3
|    X    |       X |       X |   |  # 21 -- Won -- 78 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 3
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 26 -- Won -- 114 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 3
|       X | X       |       X | P |  # 31 -- Won -- 150 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 3
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 35 -- Won -- 192 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 3
| X       | X       | X       | P |  # 1 -- Lost  -- 120 -- ( B & C to win next) @ 3
|       X |    X    |    X    |   |  # 29 -- Won -- 156 -- ( A & B to win next) @ 3
|    X    | X       | X       |   |  # 13 -- Won -- 192 -- (Prime 16 to win next) @ 3
|       X |       X |    X    |   |  # 30 -- Lost  -- 144 -- (Prime 16 to win next) @ 3
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- 204 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 3
| X       | X       |    X    |   |  # 7 -- Won -- 246 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 3
| X       |       X |       X | P |  # 6 -- Lost  -- 174 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 4
| X       | X       | X       |   |  # 10 -- Won -- 230 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 4
| X       |       X | X       |   |  # 9 -- Won -- 278 -- ( 0's & 3's to win next)
|       X |       X |    X    |   |  # 30 -- Won -- 318 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 4
|    X    |    X    |       X |   |  # 20 -- Lost  -- 222 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 4
|    X    |       X |    X    |   |  # 24 -- Lost  -- 126 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 4
| X       |       X |       X | P |  # 6 -- Won -- 174 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 4
|    X    | X       |       X |   |  # 19 -- Won -- 222 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 4
|       X | X       | X       | P |  # 28 -- Lost  -- 126 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 4
| X       |    X    | X       | P |  # 2 -- Won -- 174 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 4
|       X |    X    | X       |   |  # 26 -- Won -- 222 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 4
|       X | X       |       X | P |  # 31 -- Lost  -- 126 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 4
|    X    |    X    |       X |   |  # 20 -- Won -- 174 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 4
| X       |       X | X       |   |  # 9 -- Won -- 230 -- (2 & 3 to win next) @ 4
|       X | X       | X       | P |  # 28 -- Won -- 278 -- ( 1 & 2 to win next) @ 4
|    X    | X       |       X |   |  # 22 -- Won -- 326 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 5
| X       | X       |    X    |   |  # 7 -- Won -- 386 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 5
| X       |    X    |       X | P |  # 5 -- Won -- 446 -- ( 3's & 6's to win next) @ 5
|       X |       X | X       |   |  # 36 -- Lost  -- 326 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 5
| X       |    X    |    X    | P |  # 11 -- Won -- 386 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 5
|       X |    X    |       X | P |  # 32 -- Won -- 446 -- (Not Prime 22 to win next) @ 5
|    X    | X       | X       |   |  # 13 -- Won -- 516 -- ( 1 & 3 to win next) @ 5
|       X |       X | X       |   |  # 36 -- Won -- 576

It is fascinating how you chart the result of the spins. Where do I find how you bet it? Thanks!
Quote from: alrelax on March 28, 2018, 01:54:09 AM
Thanks Ted!  I am trying my best.  He showed up an hour ago in tears.  I do my best.  He took a shower and crashed out.  Told me he knows if he is here in my house, he can't run to the one casino a few miles from his house.  He is convinced that if he keeps playing he will win and win it all back.  Oh lord,  he will learn.

H- Money is very lucky. He has his mentor nearby and he should learn from you. Loss is yesterday and like I said, please regroup and go back to the drawing board, Lordy, he needs to learn from the Master. I hope he can learn it from you.

Best wishes,

Ps. he won't win it back with his mindset right now. He needs to regroup and start it all over. Baccarat can be deceiving and every player should know that there is always another day, week and month to recover the losses. If I may just give my 2 cents.....
Quote from: alrelax on March 27, 2018, 10:35:44 PM
Okay, here is my buddy's texts to me.  Some are very late at night and he is emotional.  He even told me he failed at everything the past couple of days.  Not good.  I can't be next to him as we live 75 miles apart and I have my own business and he does also.  He has not been gambling for a very long time and this is his largest loss of his own money.  He says he understands and he promises me that, he will stay away from the casinos, but he does not.  He always tells me when he goes and what he has lost.  His frame-of-mind will not allow him to win, I truly know what he is going through.








The last text was meant to say., "Stay away a bit, until we go together".

This is baccarat folks. I always keep in mind of this reminder to myself " when the water is boiling, I cannot soak my hands in it." It will burn my hands badly. Gambling is the same thing. When I am losing, I will not chase my losses. I had my fair share of losses in the last 14 years or so.

I feel sorry for your for H-Money, your buddy, and I hope he can regroup and slowly make his money back.

Best wishes to everyone!!

Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on March 21, 2018, 07:12:52 AM
Members and guests here, had read thousands of post here, many will noticed that,
if someone says...ber EC....

1) bet the single color to streaks..
Others will say the other side may sleep for 30spins..

2) bet the chops
Others will say the other side may previal...

3) follow the last..
Others will say, the chops may prolong...

4)Then follow 2nd last..
Others will say, the long killer sequence may show up...

5) bet strictly, only a color..
Others will say , horrible ecart may hit ...

6) bet the leader..
They say, leader suddenly become follower..

What method, that could win,
When ...

streaks hit, (bbbbbbbbbb ... )
chops hit,(brbrbrbrbr....)
Imbalance ecart hit...

I think, follow 2nd last, is the answer.
Because,  only a specific sequence can kill ft2nd last.


and short sequence in clusters...

bbrr, r,bbrrb, b,brrbbrrbb

It should work pretty well with the right MM. Thank you.
I saw one www2.aa2888.com with 33 seconds.
Even chance / Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 06, 2017, 12:29:37 PM
Quote from: Rouletta on March 06, 2017, 12:10:22 PM

Anyone can say whatever they want about the method of Moglizu but I'm concerned about the following:

A)  There is no evidence whatsoever that the method is really a winnning method

B) There is no evidence of testing results that demonstrates that the method is a winning method.....

C) It has been claimed that 4 people makes chips with the method.....but up to now we have not seen any evidence from
     any of these people.

Naturally anyone can claim anthing; anyone is entitled to draw their own conclusion regarding the method. However, until I see evidence of matters mentioned
at points A,B,C above I do not believe that the method is a winning method as alleged.


He claims that he has been winning for 2 years and I tend to  side with his claim. Reason being is that his method has certain trigger call for the bet to be placed,  and his bankroll needed to play  is very small. And flat betting to say the least.
I know we tend to first look for the evidence from the testing and whatnot.  I also read his characterized statements over and over. Moglizu has something worthy, I can tell because he does not give a sh---t about anyone..
General Discussion / Re: Pledges to BetSelection.CC
March 06, 2017, 11:03:10 AM
LOL, it is the other way around, Mentor. Seriously,  this forum is my second home. I am learning a lot from it, and I am not a rookie either..
Good initiative Alrelax!!
General Discussion / Re: Pledges to BetSelection.CC
March 06, 2017, 10:56:40 AM
Nothing is free in this world. This forum is  awesome. There are many nice members here whom I get to know. Alrelax is one of them. I second to Alrelax's motion,  and I will pledge $25 to show my sincere appreciations.
I have learned awfully a lot from this forum.
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 05, 2017, 11:28:27 AM
I see it now!!
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 05, 2017, 11:24:16 AM
Quote from: Djbac on March 05, 2017, 09:47:51 AM
Allow me to try 1 step at a time. I will post the first event.

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

     EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)
  x          x

How about?
Run Change
X.     XXX?