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Messages - Macau

Meta-selection / Re: System Randomization
March 10, 2013, 11:51:19 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on March 10, 2013, 01:36:26 PM

Sting like a bee and run like a rabbit  :o ^-^
don't forget to sting at random place for your safety :p
Meta-selection / Re: System Randomization
March 09, 2013, 02:39:03 PM

Do you know why all systems or strategies in all forums led to the failure?
Because all systems has received negative opinion from the people.

My teacher said that the positive and negative energy on something is very significant effect on the universe.
If you have ever learned about Quantum Mechanics you will know that the world is ruled by probability. In the QM there is the term "observer effect". In the game of roulette, where the ball will land, black or red, simply depend on the subconscious observers in the world. The subconscious is the fear/believe, general knowledge, etc in every head people.

Yes, Pattern Breaker worked very well for JL. And failing or unstable after JL post in the forums. This also happens with the stock market indicators that in the beginning is very profitable for the inventor, but failed or unstable after so many people exploit the indicator or the triggers.

Then why random strategy very effective, at least for me? because the random strategy is very difficult to get negative energy.
I think this forum should go to another level of understanding.

Sorry english is not my primary language
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
March 07, 2013, 08:12:14 PM

oke i will give you all something

I have a good friend who might be very lucky. but I saw he was a genius. and now I became his student.
He turned $ 1,000 become $ 250,000 in one year. He had stopped playing baccarat now and enjoy life with financial freedom.

He had hundreds of strategies and choosing random to be played in one day with a very small profit targets. He saw gambling such a heated iron. if you're too a long time at the gambling table then iron will melt and you will lose.

Yes, the hit n run strategy does work well if you have hundreds of strategy, or what you call the system, and choose random for a day and you'll see impressive results.
Do not forget to put main target such $ 100,000 or whatever you want as long as you can achieve. And then STOP!

Hit and Run will still work perfectly if you never come back.
now I'm at 70% of the main target