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Messages - ChopChop

So if a typical shoe has 3 to 4 sections.   We're not looking to play every section of every shoe, correct?   Looking for one good section, maybe two?   Using this method, our hit rate on our bet attempts should be much higher, compared to the hit rate while attempting to play a whole shoe.
Hell of a trip report, that was an awesome read!  A good percentage of the time you go play baccarat, its going to be a losing session.  Even the few that are up lifetime will lose close to half of there sessions statistically speaking.

Which got me to thinking about your style of play.  Yes you can lose your buyin just like anyone else, but your pounce on it mentality you describe allows you to really hit some big ones once in awhile. And a loss is a loss, doesn't matter if its death by a thousand cuts or 8 or 9 shots.  Why not give yourself an opportunity to maximize your profits if you actually do end up on the positive side in a session.

Were you using the 1326 progression?   Do you keep a scorecard with hand values or just use the casino  provided screen?