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Messages - Steve H

General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 12:49:54 PM
Yes we had some fun times roadkill cactus
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 12:30:57 PM
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 12:06:35 PM
Greenguy, hows it goin?

Basic computers have been studied by casinos, and even the basic ones are recognized as a threat. Why do you think they watch you closely if you bet late? You can even beat wheels with basic visual ballistics if you know what you'er doing. No casino staff has ever evaluated my hybrid.  I have full control over it because I can see where it is being used, who is using it, the wheel, results etc. I see the live video feed always.

Anyway, the mk7 wheel model is exactly the same when the tests were done. It's still the huxley current model. Besides like i said, anyone can test for free. Do you really want to argue the point? Anyone can test easily with my permission
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 11:49:07 AM
QuoteWhy the demonstration didn't took place inside a casino?
Why there were not more than one individuals to test it?
Who is this Ronjo anyway?

Ronjo was around way before you. He was well known & respected by the roulette community.

Read what Ronjo said about meeting with one of my players from his country, and results from real casinos.

Well originally I sent a free computer to TWO people but neither had time to test. But how many people do you want me to send free computers to? How much time do you want me to waste refuting garbage about me and my computers...especially when anyone can just see and test them free for themselves. How many more group public demos should I do? I have better things to do, like manage my teams. Again the information and proof is all out there. All anyone needs to do is just look at it.
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 11:00:06 AM
If anyone has a system that worked, the best way to profit is have others use it for you, and you split profits. But it must be done in a way to keep the actual system secret, if it's at all possible. That's exactly what I do with my best method (hybrid computer). Any serious player can get it free, and pay only later from winnings and IF they win. They don't actually receive the computer - they access it remotely. The calculation server runs via the internet.

Anyway my point is everyone assumes someone with the HG will just use it themselves. There's a limit to what one person can win. The limit is much larger when there are teams of players.
General Discussion / Re: Re: Trolls + TimeWasters and more
September 03, 2016, 10:33:46 AM
QuoteTo this day, nobody has come forward with a review of any of Steve's hardware or software

QuoteAnd I agree, it's odd that there have been no reviews of his wares, although it could be that he asks clients to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

1. Yes all my players submit NDAs.

2. Perhaps you arent aware of this:

Not everyone is able to visit me for a personal demonstration. So I had my roulette computer openly tested by a well-respected, trusted and neutral member of the roulette community who everyone knew would give an honest evaluation.

The requirements of the person doing the test were:

* Competent and knowledgeable enough to conduct testing. The tester needs to understand how to conduct proper testing

* Well known and widely trusted. The purpose of the test is for a widely trusted individual to report findings.

Initially the roulette community chose two particular individuals who were both sent a free roulette computer for testing, but neither had time to do the testing. So the computers were sent back, and everyone selected another individual named Ronjo.

The full forum thread with all details of the public demonstration is at www.rouletteforum.net/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?m-1220826187/ – it is a long read but you can read the summary of Ronjo's findings below:

Ronjo's Comments About The Testing:

QuoteSteve's claims are correct about the Diamond hits and I had predictions within a three pocket arc several times and within a six pocket arc as well,and hits more than 50% on one half of the wheel. I did not have a direct hit on one number, but I had a hit on the next pocket to the predicted number three times in fifteen plays,in my opinion that is close enough. So to recap in fifteen spins I had a three pocket arc hit three times, a seven pocket arc hit five times the rest were losses or they were out of the three and seven pocket range but in half the wheel. This pattern kept on repeating in my testing.quote2

Steve's explanation is correct on my testing. The different diamond test was done and is correct and that the prediction was within a three pocket arc, the first spin and several others as the sample spin gets updated and deals with errors, as below as per quote that there were no predictions as the tolerance got tighter which is better than getting a poor prediction. I tested the whole DVD and as the sample was updated I got the same results. I was very impressed with the accuracy of the predictions, where I got predictions in a three pocket arc and a seven pocket arc and over 50% of half the wheel within the three pocket arc.

facts are facts and some people find it a problem to accept them.

everything Steve says in his explanation is correct.you guys need to read his post carefully as it must be kept in mind that we only focused on one particular diamond and we are getting a 1 in 5 hit rate and it was not only the fifteen spins that has been mentioned, this pattern repeated over the 100 spins and was consistent.

everyone, Steve is no scammer and has contributed a lot on RR a few years back and helped me a lot.

I can assure you that what I tested was legit, and keep in mind that I was testing on one particular diamond for  testing purposes, I could have tested any other diamond but we tested only one,and the test was not to test predicted numbers but only a diamond,and sorry to say the test was accurate.quote2

And to cap it all, Steve Hourmouzis put me in contact with one of his players here in my country and we met up and discussed the computer and he was getting very good results. I can not let out what we discussed, but I can tell you that you would have to be very serious about playing this way and if applied correctly with timing in placing your bets you would do very well, that's all I can tell you.

So unless you have had first hand experience I think it would be wise and best to stay out of the politics concerning Steve's computer. So guys let's let the man get on with his business,and unless you have the computer let's get on with this challenge. Jackal check this out my testing is there read it carefully.

As I have said I have met up with one of Steve's players and he is not this imaginary player we have created, he is for real, and we have results from real casino plays and  discussed the computer in length and I am satisfied if applied properly we have a good edge against the casinos and that is final.

So I have done group public demos (even recordings on my site), given my computer for free testing to a respected forum member, offer a free trial at www.roulette-computers.com/free-trial/

Plus anyone can even test all they want for free, or even see a demo via live webcam, on any wheel they want. What else am I supposed to do to demonstrate honesty?

I don't deal with anything other than direct proof and verifiable physics. It is very easy for anyone to find the truth.  It's just that most people don't bother to look. Besides its easier to believe rubbish from people who have a personal vendetta against me. I have better things to do than to constantly refute lies about me. For every 20 attacks against me, I respond to perhaps one of them. Again the facts are easy for anyone to find, if you look.
Roulette Forum / Re: Free online roulette game
April 11, 2016, 04:01:05 AM
This is the only data stored for each user:

Roulette Forum / Re: Free online roulette game
April 11, 2016, 03:58:22 AM
QuoteEven keeps track of who is making money and HOW they're doing it.

That's a pretty big assumption.

1. The software does NOT keep track of bets. It records only amounts won and lost.

2. Any casino could easily track bets and reverse engineer systems (unless there were clever diversionary bets).

3. I have no interest or motive to steal anyone's systems. Although the spins used are from real wheels, the game does not display sufficient data for anyone to develop a proper advantage play system. And the game wouldn't interest advantage players for this reason. So any system used in the game is no better than flying in the dark. So I expect that every player who has played a statistically relevant amount of spins (and has bet enough) will end up with a negative win rate, exactly as it is in real casinos when there is no player edge.

4. If Im wrong and any player did produce results beyond expectation, over enough spins, then I would ask them to take my challenge at www.roulettephysics.com/100k-challenge/ rather than try to reverse engineer their system. It is not just a challenge. It is an offer to buy a system I don't think exists, but would certainly pay $100k for it if it did exist.
Betvoyager no zero roulette is often mentioned like it's a good thing. Before now, I never bothered to investigate it because I suspected there would be some catch that gave the casino an edge. I wrote an article about it at http://www.roulettephysics.com/betvoyager-no-zero-roulette/

Basically your chance of profiting is almost TWICE AS BAD AS SINGLE ZERO ROULETTE.

Solution: See Betvoyager no zero roulette for what it is. It's just a clever way to scam you into thinking you have a better chance of winning, when in fact your chances are much worse than normal roulette.

Does anyone still think Betvoyager no zero is a good idea?? If so, maybe you would prefer 00 roulette.
Roulette Forum / Free online roulette game
April 05, 2016, 10:33:05 PM
Everyone probably already knows, but the free multiplayer game is at www.rouletteplayers.org - it's not just for rouletteforum.cc and anyone can join in.

Register at www.rouletteplayers.org/register (you need the www). For now it will work on pc only, not tablets and phones. Please use your forum name. If someone stole your username, let me know via pm.

Play the game at www.rouletteplayers.org


Screenshot is attached.

It is using REAL SPINS database, not RNG. Basically it plays one group of 300-600 spins from a real wheel, then swaps to the next wheel. So the chances are if you join and start playing, you'll be on the same wheel the whole time. There are hundreds of thousands of spins uploaded by my players over almost a decade.
1. exactly how much sponsorship do you need for development for everything you want?
2. exactly how much do you need for ongoing costs?
3. exactly which web host is providing the more affordable high availability hosting?
4. will sponsors later be reinbursed by the casino ads you run?

I've been developing all kinds of software and projects for decades. Again the way you propose going about it is inefficient and will cost sponsors much more than what's needed, for what should be a free forum that costs you $1 per month and virtually no time to run. But let me know details and maybe ill fully sponsor it, without any obligation, or perhaps we can use my programmers and i can assure it will be done more efficiently.

I don't know all the fuctionality you want to add, but what you mentioned is already available. Smf forum allows members to change the forum theme, if admin allows it. And any member can already have their own area with their own rules.

There are also already scripts that allow multiple players online. Making your own though would be realitively simple script mods, without needing to code from scratch. If you modify the smf engine, you degrade performance. If you just add php scripts the use a separate database, that would be ok but php hogs resources.

Things like additional moderation abilities is probably in an existing mod, but there ate smf coders that could probably do it in an hour.

High availability servers are for things like ad networks that lose money by the second if servers are down. I've had 100% uptime fir 12 months with my host, and the only problems I've had were with my stupid mistakes and cloudflare, which is not a reliable service. Most reasonable hosts have 99.99% uptime. The significantly extra money for high availability is a waste of money.

Anyway I don't know everything about your plans but the kind of things you mention are already free functionality, or not necesarry like high availability hosting. There isn't much difference between 99.99% and 100%. Again I've had 100% from the start and can host for free if you like.
QuoteThe ultimate solution of course is to have the web engine coded from scratch (clean slate). Hopefully there is enough sponsorship and hours to make it a reality this year.

What coding do you mean? The smf forum software is used by hundreds of thousands of forums, many with far more traffic. Its already very fast. Why would you need to re-code anything?

And if you need fast servers, I can host it for free on my servers.

Also im certain the freeze up were something like a javascrpt plugin. Just disable it. that's no reason to completely recode the smf engine.