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Messages - Serendipity

General Discussion / Re: EC + line and quad cycle
July 01, 2013, 12:52:51 PM
Quote from: GreatGrampa on June 24, 2013, 03:13:58 PM
I got some PMs asking for the method that I used and there is also some confusion in the forum in the post that ATlantis has posted the system as there are multiple versions posted around. As Sam rightly said, play exactly as it is written.

To avoid confusions and lack of examples floating around, I have attached one of my sessions playing this. Again, as Sam rightly said it is Easy Peasy. If you read the excel you will get how it is played. The only thing that I have done differently from what Atlantis has said is making 1u on line and 2u on EC and restricting my winnings to 3u per mini game. Atlantis has suggested 1u on line and 2u on EC with 6u win per mini game.

Atlantis, Sam, I am not sure whether am playing the way you intended this to be played, but this is what is working for me!

I have played 127 sessions so far with a target of  100/-100. 81 in casino and 46 in Bet voyager. I have lost 17 of them, 3 in casino and 14 in Bet voyager. I have used various progressions, but the one suggested by Atlantis is the one that I have used in about 93 games.

Also, those who are interested can read my short notes on concepts that I keep for every system I play, the kind of data I gather for every session that I have played. My daughter has kindly wrote me a datawarehouse database where this all resides and uses cubes to get me reports when I need :) Very insightful. Am learning it too!

A Big Thank You, GreatGrampa!
Best Regards,