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Messages - Rogerdog

General Discussion / Re: 2013 Net Results
December 29, 2013, 09:09:10 PM
So a lot of you are basically calling those that put positive liars? As AD pointed out, the poll was for gambling results, not just roulette! I am down in roulette as I said, but up in baccarat, which more than covered the roulette losses. And I suspect a few of the positives will come from baccarat and/or sports betting.
Just my 2cents.
General Discussion / Re: 2013 Net Results
December 28, 2013, 08:59:15 PM
I suppose I would have to tick two results for this as I am up with baccarat but down with roulette. Though I just used some of my baccarat winnings to have a play around with roulette.
I will continue to play roulette for a change now and again as I enjoy it but just with small units and basically for fun, trying out some of the systems here and seeing if there is anything else I can come up with.
