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Messages - Graildigger

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 02:20:31 PM
I ran into these stats from Esoito on other forum:


Also what about dozens vs doublestreets (lines)? Showing of 3 dozens vs showing all 6 natural lines... any difference? I noticed some members ask for all lines or all doz/col to show before testing their bets. Educational purpose?

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 07:33:05 AM
As for dozen/column movements i was looking into last 2 dozens (LD) ----> 123 - play 2 and 3 and jump dozens (JD) ----> 123 - play 1 and 2.

Now i expected to see a dozen sleeping more often. Dozen can sleep 20+ spins but it looks like in most cases dozens hits within 3-5 spins. Could be my imagination...
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 07:13:47 AM
CEH said that he found 4 CWB. I try to focus on the one shikamaru spoke and Razor found. Other bets probably include 2 columns. One CWB at the time gentleman, LOL!

Razor said to look for movements of the dozens first without focusing on EC triggers yet (DISCLAIMER: that is how i understood it). What CEH said:

" [size=78%]Roulette produces random results:[/size]
   1.  Roulette  series results
   2.  Roulette  mixed results
   3.  Roulette  cross combination results

I could go on and on, but understanding those three will lead you to finding a consistent winning bet. There are only a few that will give you a profit return to secure your wealth for life. Some are of course better than others in percentage returns. Professional players or city money dealers will know that even a small but consistent margin can make a fortune if exploited regular.

Lets continue with proven facts like this. Lets deal with each of those "killer" traps.
[/size][size=78%]SERIES RESULTS:[/size]

Because roulette is random it means that anything can happen and at anytime within the parameters of the game. Because it is random it throws up colours, numbers, dozens, even bets, and blocks in short and longer series. This results in a "pattern" that you may recognize . A good lesson to look at these patterns, because it will teach your brain how to think about roulette.

However you will not find a consistent winning bet within any of the series simply because you will never know when the change comes. This kind of bet is often touted by the roulette system sharks. You will lose...twice.

These are the kind that jump all over the table or wheel. Look closely and of course you can see patterns of a kind too. Ie. abccbaabcabcdca ...etc. Same rules as above apply.

CROSS COMBINATION RESULTS:[/size][size=78%]This is probably the area where there is the most confusion, and perfect for the sharks to sell you a system. There is no such thing as "Cross combination results" They are simply past results that anyone can say...look at how many reds followed high etc.etc. It is wide open to impress you with what's looks clever.[/size][/size][size=78%]  [/size][/size][size=78%]I have to cover this stuff because so many "experts" and "sellers" all over the Internet use this.[/size]

[/size][size=78%]They are all traps you use, and lose. You have to set your own trap that consistently traps more winners than losers. Only correct knowledge can help you find one. Proceed slowly. "[/size]
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 17, 2013, 08:41:26 PM
You are the man Razor! Thanks for help and understanding!

Ok, i have some ideas. I think playing 2 dozens until a loss or X number of spins (on Xth spin usually comes the change) is part of the bet. Other part is probably to soak part of losses if change comes earlier. So combo could be 2 dozens + 2 EC or maybe 2 DOZ + 1 COL + 1 EC. 
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 14, 2013, 06:56:42 PM
Great posts guys! It looks like the main problem with understanding CEH's bet is his noobish terminology.

Quote from: 6th-sense on October 13, 2013, 07:09:07 PM
there was no increase of bet size during a session...however in any session the betsize may change in size for the session only...but the actual size of the bet remains constant throughout each individual session..that was the criteria for his bet..now i think he said he split his bet into 20 separate bets....and did he mention he sometimes lost 9 bets in a row..but no matter as such is his bet selection he always came out ahead...so if he lost 9 bets out of 20 what odds was he choosing to come out ahead every game...maybe a small loss in 30 sessions...

He plays 18 or less numbers? So he plays EC alone, dozen alone, column alone. It's some kind of planned minigame. Is it possible that he switches bets (bet types) on a trigger (or loss)?

Quote from: Pockets on October 14, 2013, 10:24:42 AM
Bally, Sputnik,

You both are right. I will tell try explaining why.

First, Sputnik, you are absolutely right in saying that betting just even chance is no worse/better than betting multiple locations. Consider it this way, there are four people sitting on the table. Each betting on one of the betting positions called out in the 4 unit bet. For the CEH method to end in profit, the collective sum of all these 4 people has to end in profit. And common sense says that it doesn't. There will be days when they will end in profit and there will be days when they will end in loss. There will be days when all four people will win and there will be days when all four people will lose. It just doesn't make any sense and you are spot on Sputnik.

Now coming to your question on flat betting Sputnik, I don't want to comment much on it as I know people who win absolutely flat betting. There are four forms of flat betting. One is flat betting in the true sense of flat betting, second one is flat betting in terms of units, but moving the betting positions, like parachute bets. Third is where you bet a progression 1,2,3,4, but on the progression loss, you move back to 1,2,3,4 again. Similar to your 1,2,2 method. You are flat betting 5 units. Fourth form is flat betting a session. Where you go to a session with a fixed pot of money or fixed Bank roll and you try to make profit or loss. The fixed bank roll/session Bank roll forms your flat bet. I have seen people practice all 4 forms and I have seen people both win and lose out of it.

Now Bally, eventhough Sputnik is right, your method is winning because, you are controlling your progression and balancing it using the wins from others. The biggest battle you have to do in roulette is the battle of your own mind. It is very hard to win that battle. You have tried transferring that battle to the wheel, by betting on multiple locations and the win or loss on one location controlling the totall number of units on the other location. That way, you are always limiting your progression, using a mixed bag of results.

You will get the same result even if you just chose one position and try catching a run with a positive progression, but controlling the positive progression with a rule of resetting after lets say 3 wins in a row and not when you are in a new bankroll high. This way you will control your positive progression and keep getting runs which you can capitalize on.

So is CEH actually "flatbetting" not flatbetting? End on a double win - WW or double units size? It smells on MM to me.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 11:48:34 AM
Thank you Carlitos for those 2 posts. It was so long time ago that i forgot about the poem and this example from CEH.
They completely change my perspective on the bet. "Look for the opposite in everything you find".
First and fourth verse are very important.
About formula - it looks like the bet could be very precise like a clockwork... X number of placed bets in every Y spins 
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 08:01:22 AM
"and to clear things up i didn't give the bet away instead i gave a clue that would lead you to it after much deduction. i narrowed down the bets that could be used to only 8 and then i gave them my play by play (down 3 units, down 2 units, up 2 units, etc. and the corresponding numbers, from a real wheel by the way and whether it was american single 0 double 00 or euro)

it makes a big difference whether it is an american or a european wheel as the numbers are arranged in a totally different manner. the fact that you get half back on even chances when it lands on 0 hardly affects anything.

if you don't know the significance of narrowing down the bets to only 8 possible choices then you know nothing of the holy grail. but at least you have the grail."

8 possible bets, that's a big clue. Also look the loss and gain unit wise. I think the bet is designed for european wheel. Maybe the reason of why is something happening less is in the carpet vs wheel problem. He says "the fact that you get half back on even chances" - even chances - plural? Or one at the time but sometimes you use R/B and other times E/O or H/L...
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 07:33:40 AM
Sam and Carlitos, you three cats have some great perspective on this matter!
Only thing that actually would surprise me is along those lines because we assume that all bets are equal.
Well they are equal on their own, column A will not show less times than B or C in the long run, I'm sure of that.
Had same thoughts (they look close enough to me) on this like Carlitos.
What's with combos? Runs?
Is some run less possible then others? ABBABBAABBA vs BCCBCBBCCCCBB vs ACCAACACAAACC ?
Do some appear less, are they shorter on average?
There is also something i was interested in my studies, clean runs - ABABABAB / BCBCBC .... betting against the order, against the pattern. Maybe this is somehow related.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 03:36:28 PM
Quote from: Razor on October 08, 2013, 06:39:36 PM

The bet can not be found without the help of the RX software..this is because the RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.
Sure it can be found with pen and paper but it s a lot harder and maybe will never notice what is going on.

[size=78%]On every spin observe...observe the movements...ringing a bell??[/size]


Movements of dozens and columns . Visual movements across the carpet? Left, right, up, down, diagonal? 9 of them as i understood reading other forums. AA AB AC BA BB BC CA CB CC?

Something happens less then it should. In movements of dozens and columns, or maybe EC behavior? Where does the trigger come from?
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 02:58:33 PM

1) Bet construction
2) Movements
3) Formula
4) Reason

1) Bet construction - 4 chips, engineered bet, very interesting part where it mentions "opposite bet", "bet has 2 parts"

Does every bet has it's opposite bet? You play 1 EC. What is opposite bet? EC again... same bet so to speak... opposite trigger is another thing, right? But - you play 1 dozen - opposite bet is different bet - 2 dozens

My wild guess would be 2 different bets, switching according to triggers:

Something like 1 DOZ + 1 COL + 2 EC vs 2 DOZ + 2 COL + ???
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 02:04:56 PM
Make a little room gents, i'm boarding this madman's train without shame. I spent lots of time on this puzzle bet never achieved the 29/30. I'm ready to spend a little more before i throw the towel and board the short bus. First question : Where is the puzzle? I was reading it in realtime, so many changes, deleted pages, offtopics, badmouthing and raving. Lot of stuff i forgot and what i saved died with the hard drive of my old PC. There is wayback machine but many holes in there.

Is this what we are looking for:


I would be very grateful if 6th-sense could share this book with forum and join the discussion.

My thoughts on the bet later.