This is an extract (translated by me from Spanish) from the book Syncrodestiny, author Deepak.
"What most people call luck is nothing more nor less than the application of synchronicity in the fulfillment of our intentions.
Through the lessons of synchrodestiny, it is perfectly possible to adopt a state of mind that in life there are opportune moments and when we can identify them and take profit of them, everything can change.
"Luck" is what we call in the modern world to name the miraculous.
Thus, synchronicity, meaningful coincidence, miracle or good luck, are different ways of referring to the same phenomena.
As we have seen, the intelligence of the body is manifested through coincidence and synchronicity. Also the broader intelligence of nature and the ecosystem-the great web of life-
and the fundamental understanding of the universe.
When we begin to consider the coincidences as opportunities, each acquires meaning.
Each match (coincidence) becomes an opportunity for creativity."
This is related to what Gizmotron tries to teach in his posts.
Basically I agree with his stance.