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Messages - Dr. Mabuse

AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
November 29, 2018, 10:25:31 PM
"insufficient privileges to reply ". Where is that ?

Dr.  Mabuse
Victor ,

Happy Birthday  and many Happy returns .

Dr. Mabuse
General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 07, 2018, 10:07:07 PM

Well said.

Dr. Mabuse

Tsi Nan Fu
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
October 02, 2018, 09:08:20 PM
Sputnik ,

Check out  the JP   Baccarat 1-2-2.

Dr. Mabuse

Tsi Nan Fu
Math & Statistics / Re: 3 different dozens within 3 spins
September 17, 2018, 05:01:26 PM

Are you living in Vienna,    Austria ?
REALITY: casino gaming is  entertainment . It  does not bring a steady income unless a person is backed up by  substantial  financial resources .

Do mpt get your hops too high .


The Gambler
Roulette Forum / Re: The best players.
July 18, 2018, 07:39:22 PM
Vey interesting reply by Alrelax .

Gizmotron / Re: Day Trading on a Roulette Table
May 12, 2018, 11:01:56 PM

Excellent post.

Some  believe in programming, some in flying pigs, and some  in hypnotism. Why should beginners   consider 256  ? After all they are beginners and are doing it "THEIR WAY" .

Will anyone listen  ? Heck , NO.
*******At some point all of the EC's have runs or several runs and clear out.. Try some of your own roulette numbers and see
have fun ******

Once at a table  all the fun stops. It  becomes  strictly business.
A different attitude is  prevailing  in towns with  a cluster of casinos  in contrast   to towns where  one casino is monopolizing the local area.  .

General Discussion / Re: Due vs. cold
October 12, 2014, 09:07:23 PM
COLD is a statistical designation

DUE  a gambler`s fallacy
Online Casinos / Re: Do you think online casinos cheat?
October 11, 2014, 06:43:33 PM
I would trust   on line casinos  as much as Rick`s   Casino in " Casablanca . "
General Discussion / Re: You Tube again
September 28, 2014, 03:56:22 PM
But  they know   how to gamble that`s for sure.
Off-topic / Re: Re: Greg Fletcher
September 24, 2014, 12:45:16 PM
Quote from: bmare on September 23, 2014, 09:27:05 AM
Hi everyone.
After studying the Greg Fletcher "Baccarat Attack Strategy" (it's quite simple) i've decided to test it with real money and seems working fine.
I've modified the progression because it was too aggressive.
So instead 6-10-16-26-40-60 i use 6-10-16-26
Seems working fine, i play it with 0.50 coins (i earn around 10€ each session and sometimes i loose around 20-25€ instead 70-75 with Fisher attack).
I've made 22 sessions (software, not live), only 3 were lost so if the trend will not change it means that it's a good strategy!
I've always been skeptical about strategies readable online, but i've decided to trust him and here am I [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]

Google: Baccarat Attack Strategy pdf

That " generous" FREE pdf  of  the  baccarat system has now become a plug for the system at google. What a clever scam  . LOL.