Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 18, 2017, 12:39:40 AM
If anyone who shows they want my third book I'm happy to extend my offer. You only need send me a pm. I really am hardly making any money from books sales, this is not my main objective. Though since I have books and am writing more I can't escape from that fact. I believe that randomness can be ordered, or structured into a mode of play that helps the bettor to win. I read that some do not agree. Well they are free to believe whatever they want.I think my strategy has been tested and proven to work, on this website forum, and by those that are using it to win money. That said, people can use whatever strategy they want. I wrote my book because personalty I could not find any reliable way to win. It is as simple as that. I'm lucky after costs to profit 350$ per year on my book thus I'm hardly in it for the money.
I want the 8th edition with all the bells and whistles.