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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 17, 2017, 12:53:02 AM
I'm trying to extend my free offer with my publishers so sure will try and sort something for you.

  No need to send me anything.  I'm only working on this due to a simple miscommunication causing it to cross my desk and am about to put it on the shelf after some validation testing today.

  I've tested it enough "internally" to see that it is not a valid play for me, personally.

  Others may find it most suited to their own style.

  Thanks anyway.

Quote from: Blue_Angel on June 16, 2017, 11:41:40 PM
Andy, could you please let me know where I could find those hands to download?
You can't anymore.  It's not there anymore, at least the database that it came from is not there anymore that I can find.
It was a personal compilation gathered over a specific point in time.  40,000 hands from one single table literally minute by minute, time coded for reference.

I figured that 40,000 hands should be enough to validate pretty much any "system" play that came across my desk.

Quote from: Blue_Angel on June 16, 2017, 11:41:40 PM
What if I can produce a hefty net profit after betting all those hands?
Would that be interesting to say the least?

You know, I've freely handed out that hand compilation to several people who said they desperately needed it to finish off some testing of a great system.  I've never heard back from any of them.  Hopefully at least one of them got some good use from the data.

You're welcome to it if it will help you develop an idea that you have.

Or I can sell it on Amazon as a Kindle book for $9.99.  :P

Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 16, 2017, 11:46:55 PM
when you read edition 3, you will be making a living from the casino!
I've given you the strawberries but JUST WAIT FOR THE CREAM! I really pour it on!


  Actually I'm not on the list for Edition 3 and really don't plan on buying the book.

  However I did go back and take a look at that first run of 50 shoes (original result was -16) and after applying the "new" rules (mid-shoe losing exit and all that) it dropped down to -4 across all the shoes.

  I'd say that mid course correction does make a difference. 

  I'll put some time into this over the weekend with some testing routines. 

  Thanks for the idea.

Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 16, 2017, 11:12:33 PM
Also please don't forget to SPLIT the wins, when 3+ units are gained, call that a day and start from that point on wards. But in any case if they are proper shoe results sourced from a casino then system should be absolute bullet proof and ultimate, save that I will release the advantage information in July.


  I plugged the 50 shoes (616 thru 666) into the box and using the "new and improved" rules it came out with a +42 units for the run.   That's not bad.

  But, being the detail man that I am, I had to manually check that my calculations on the spreadsheet were giving me valid results so I ran those 50 shoes MANUALLY.

  Yep, it came out with +44 after those 50 shoes.    18 losing shoes (of -5 or less) and 32 winning shoes of +2 or more.

  I would have to say that making the change to "leaving at neutral or slightly down" anytime past about mid-shoe made a difference.

  Let me run back and check that first batch with the "new rules" and see if it made a difference overall.

Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 16, 2017, 08:45:45 PM
Whilst you might run, 'The Ultimate Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy' through a program please consider that I have advised that by about half way if the shoe results are not going the person playing the games way, that they should try and exit at break even, therefore you'd have to set the program to follow this advise too. Also a person might want to exit other shoes 3- as opposed to 6- depending how many decks of cards are being used because the results of a shoe of course depend on how many decks are being used. Remember that while my strategy is The Ultimate, (of all systems) it does not promise miracles. The person using the strategy should employ strict money management. His/Her aim should be to try and walk away 3+ unit wins in profit in a day and not to play shoe after shoe after shoe. Since I have written in previous threads, all systems go through cycles. The game is very tight,50/50 therefore a player should use common sense. To win a player should be looking at the longer term and not a set of computer generated results through a program. Real casino shoe results differ largly from those generated via computer programs. his also holds true with roulette or any other casino game.


  I will run another set of 50 shoes under these "new and improved" guidelines.   All of my tests are run with REAL shoes.  No computer generated data at all.

  Heck, if I really get bored tonight (it's currently raining and I can't get to the range for tonight's match) I'll even run them by hand to make sure they computer is running them correctly.

  As today is June 16th I'll run my tests with shoes 616 through 666.   Yes, it is a pain to cut and paste 50 different shoe results.

  If I can ever get a decent batch of shoes to produce a profit worth mentioning, I'll then put it to the acid test of the "Bac-Malta 40000" file.   It's 40,000 consecutive dealt live hands in chronological order from a live dealt table.   I'll have to modify the start and stop points along the way to make sure it leaves shoes at the appropriate times, but it can be done if I really need to.

  Why I'm putting this much effort in it, I really don't know but I am intrigued that I might be missing something obvious, but I do have my reservations, of course.

Quote from: ice789 on June 16, 2017, 05:17:40 AM
i buy i know trigger opp+wait 3

i want rx code for test

I think we can all assume that you're talking about having the TUBS play programmed to run under the Roulette Extreme program.

Shouldn't be too difficult as a very similar RX code is already done that comes with the program proper.

Quote from: Stephen Tabone on June 14, 2017, 01:07:41 AM
No system is perfect unless one is proven to work good enough at least to limit losses and the person using it also manages his money. I think everyone will agree to that.


  Hopefully you won't be offended by some of the "reports" on your Ultimate Baccarat System but we do have some pretty serious and intelligent players here who can analyze and dissect pretty much anything that gets posted on the board as "new and exciting" or the "Ultimate" system play.  That's one of the reasons we're here, to see "new" ideas from time to time and see where they eventually lead to.

  We have been kind enough to NOT actually post the contents of your "book" but it is becoming harder and harder not to do so as your play is so simplistic and pretty much any player with more than six months in the game has already run "your" play and dropped it by the wayside, for several reasons.

  So please stick around and perhaps you can answer some questions that others may have.

Quote from: 21 Aces on June 13, 2017, 10:51:28 PM
Sorry - do you mind posting definitions/ links for TUBS, VDW, etc.?  Haven't seen these terms before.  Thanks.

Did you read this thread?  It's in there.

Quote from: Sputnik on June 13, 2017, 05:42:51 PM
Mike ,,, what do you mean with fake review ? when i read the three reviews on amzon i can see that they buy papper edition and all three give it five stars.
One review mention testing it against 500 shoes with good results and i assume all is done flat betting.

So how are does fake reviews ?

Now two members at the topic Stephen R. Tabone started mention good reviews about his methodology.
How do you explain that!


I personally can't see anyone giving that system play an "excellent" rating or even an "adequate" rating.   It's not worth the $10 for the Kindle version unless you are an absolute  Day 1, New Player with zero knowledge of the game and wagering in general.     If you fit that description, buy the Kindle version and stay a little longer in the casino.  You will lose at a very nice, slow rate and enjoy your stay at the table.  You may even get lucky with a nice opening ZZ run to show off your new found system play!

Quote from: Eight Iron on June 12, 2017, 01:59:24 AM
Thanks for testing those shoes fellows.  I neglected to say I used a different strategy for those shoes where I won the four units.

The shoes yielded 3+3+3 = 9 units when I tested them using TUBS.

Well, if we can get "permission" from the author of TUBS, I'd like to post up the play from Shoe #2 which I show never goes positive after hand 14.  Obviously we're playing it differently.

Quote from: ADulay on June 11, 2017, 08:42:42 PM
I'll have the three shoes played later once I get back from today's match.

Playing by the rules established of +3 for the win and -6 to exit and flat betting. Here goes.

Shoe 1:  TUB +3   VDW -3
Shoe 2:  TUB -5    VDW -3
Shoe 3:  TUB -2    VDW +3

In the first shoe if TUB continues to play after winning the +3 it finishes at -3 for the entire shoe.
In the third shoe if VDW continues to play after winning the +3 it finishes at -2 for the entire shoe.

As none of those shoes had any long runs or long chops, they play out pretty neutral.

VDW looks for long runs of singles and straight side streaks.  Neither of those showed up in those shoes.

A good discussion of this "new" play would be nice but it would also be short.  The book is 38 pages long.  The information needed could be sent in a single text message.

There is a simple "fix" for the TUB play that would seriously help it out, but I'll leave that to the author of the book to include in the next iteration of the Ultimate Baccarat System.

I'll have the three shoes played later once I get back from today's match.

Quote from: bacply on June 10, 2017, 02:48:22 PM
After reading your post I bought the book in Kindle form.  I read it in about an hour.  I like most of the premise of your system but not sure I like the risk/reward aspect.  I will not give anything away, but I am willing to try it.




   As my wife was trying to be nice or something, she purchased the Kindle version of TUBPBWS for me as a surprise and I got notice of it this morning when I logged on to my iPad.  Oh swell.

   I've warned her about buying things I "browse" when on Amazon but evidently this had the word "baccarat" in it so she "one clicked" it away.  Said something about it costing less than a hot dog and a beer at the casino.   It is also why I have all kinds of odd gadgets for the Glocks that I'll NEVER use.  Most of that stuff gets given away to people who think they need it.

   But I digress.  It's in my possession now so I'll see what it does.   For those of you who are curious, it is very close to Ellis' System 40 but eliminates System 40's strength on runs.   

   For the near future I will now run VDW/2 and TUBPBWS in tandem when anybody posts a live shoe here on the forum and report back the results.  At least you'll have some kind of benchmark.

  Also, I haven't actually purchased a baccarat book probably since before the internet and looking that old book, it does look like it was literally typed with an old Royal Selectric typewriter and edited into a manuscript.   Having just seen what passes for an internet Kindle "book" on baccarat, I may have to start publishing.

  So, when I have ample time, I'll play all new shoes posted running both methods, just for grins.

Quote from: stringbeanpc on May 16, 2017, 12:00:12 AM
ADulay, how do you define a  legitimate starting point
Any "1-2" start will suffice.

Quote from: Nickmsi on May 14, 2017, 07:49:24 PM
Hi All,

Aduly says that after a BBB wins start a new session.
This is correct if you are playing the conventional VDW method which is to play the next 9 spins.

VDW can be played in many different ways.

Think about playing the LAST 9 spins instead.
Mathematically it is the same but you get so many more bets.



  Very true.

  Another way is the "rolling 9" meaning after any win simply back up to a legitimate "starting point" and resume from there.
