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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: Baelog on May 14, 2017, 03:34:38 PM
Ok, so I have ran some simulations in Excel that I am posting here based on the information I have seen in the forum. I feel like I am very close to how Nickmsi is playing the game, but not all the way.

This is how I set up my excel program
- Only the 9 AP's
- Avoid mutual bet
- 500 random Descisions ( no live decks)
- Flatbet
- No stop loss

Here we go.


  Thanks for joining in on the discussion with your testing.

  I took a look at the first one and I don't believe it's being played correctly, at least from the standpoint of VDW proper.

  What is the wager at hand #2?

  Also, with the win at hand #5 (BBB) you would restart the sequence as any "win" ends the VDW session and starts a new one.

  Thanks for posting up.

Quote from: Blue_Angel on May 02, 2017, 05:42:37 AM
You should know better after all these years, I didn't expect to receive this respond from someone like you.
Just a friendly tip, the best way to decide what to bet is to wait to see where the most money have been bet and then bet the opposite.
If you are the only person at the table then good luck...!

The question remains unanswered: "Just how are they (the cards) arranged"?

Not the particular method as that would be pretty simple to do.

I'd like to know the arrangement they make so that everyone, or most, lose at the baccarat table.

And if they're rigging the shoe so that the wagers on the most money are losing, I'd really like to know that one.


Quote from: Blue_Angel on May 02, 2017, 01:46:33 AM
Don't play those machines because they arrange the sequence of the cards,!

And just how are they "arranged"?

Quote from: Baelog on May 01, 2017, 03:03:26 AM
Could you teach me your style of play using VDW?


I will grab one of the recently posted shoes on the site and transcribe it to a worksheet and post it up here with details of the line by line play.

Probably tomorrow as today is pretty well tied up with scheduled duties, 9 holes of golf and a shooting match tonight.

AD (Monday night Match Director)

Quote from: Blue_Angel on April 26, 2017, 03:21:00 AM

Nothing prevents results to form a streak of 10, or a streak of chops or any other permutation you can imagine at any given time.
Why you cannot (don't want) understand common sense?!


  Would you care to explain why a streak of 10 or a streak of chops is a bad thing?

  It would be even better if you could explain why it is bad under the VDW play.


NickMSI is currently writing about VDW over on the GamblersForum and the boys over there are being pretty harsh.

Most of them have apparently missed what he was attempting to explain so it would be pointless for me to jump in and attempt a mid-course correction of the discussion.

I still find the concept reasonably fascinating and having boiled it down into 4 simple wagers, it can be played "sans card" if you prefer.

123, 246, 147 and 258 from time to time.   You'll avoid the mutual win wager by restarting at 12 when it shows up.

Flat betting "solves" the Terrible Twos and allows you to mark time until the inevitable streaks of P, B and singles show up.

Just my two cents on the subject.




Off-topic / Re: What else do we do?
April 17, 2017, 06:11:55 PM
So come on people, don't you do anything else besides read gambling forums?

Trains, boats, cars, bikes, sports?

Maybe a Pez collection?

AD (don't make me post my skydive videos)
Off-topic / Re: What else do we do?
April 17, 2017, 06:09:02 PM
You know, with the Indian casino being gracious enough to "purchase" a new sidearm for me (to use in the IDPA Revolver division) I figured it was only fitting to add this video to our always popular (two people) section on "What Else Do We Do?"

So, for those of you who wonder what I do on Monday night, here's a sample.

AD (hmm, seemed a bit blurry on the screen for some reason)

Off-topic / What else do we do?
April 09, 2017, 02:44:39 AM
As this is the "Off Topic" area, I figured I'd post up something other than a gambling subject.

One of my other past times is flying the Phantom drone around.

I have been waiting for about a year to catch this particular train coming out of the trees and crossing a specific drawbridge over a river down south of me.

This would be the result.   

Not my best effort, but it was getting late and the wind was picking up so this is what I managed to edit to completion.

AD (hmm, didn't realize it would fill the screen here)

Online Casinos / Re: 5 Dimes
April 07, 2017, 09:21:10 AM
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on April 07, 2017, 08:28:06 AM
A Dulay,

I was wondering how has your recent experience with betphoenix.ag been.

Have you had any problems with internet connections getting cut off or with money withdrawals?

I am interested in joining that outfit as a member, but still worried about any unethical games they might play. I am based in the the US, so my online options are obviously limited.

Normal connections with a few slow evenings.  Other than that, no problems.

Online Casinos / Re: 5 Dimes
April 06, 2017, 04:41:35 PM
Quote from: Wewin2222 on April 06, 2017, 02:11:46 AM
Played at 5 Dimes and would win small wagers and loose every time I increased my wager without fail. They would always take my money on anything larger than 200.00. I have wagered on sports through them but it's like pulling teath to get your money. You feel like a begger to get any money at all from them.


Thanks for the update.

Were the table game wagers on the "live" games or RNG?

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
March 14, 2017, 11:10:14 AM
Quote from: alrelax on March 10, 2017, 08:16:50 AM
What is up with Mini-Vans??  Every time I turn around and read something or hear about a criminal, assault or scam--it almost always involves the people getting away or last seen in a Mini-Van???

Heck, back in high school we had full sized vans, like Chevy C30's I thing they were.  We stripped them out and put shag carpeting in them, built a platform for a mattress up in the read over the wheel wells.  1/4" plywood on the sides and paneling over that.  Painted the side windows out if any and the rear windows inside as well, black.  The colors inside was Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin blues-greens-purples and hazy yellows.  We had a been bag or two and a cooler in the main part.  A couple battery powered lamps attached to the paneling in the corners.  That was the 70;s and early 80's.  We had fun in our vans, after high school we took our dirt bikes out, on weekends we were at the motocross race tracks.  Who the heck stayed in motels, we had full sized vans! 

Such memories.

Oh My God.  You just described my C10 Chevy Van that I had "way back when" almost exactly, right down to the battery powered lights!!!

General Discussion / Re: EDIT Feature--Vic!
March 10, 2017, 02:42:56 PM
Gotta agree.

Not being able to correct a simple spelling "errer" when reading a post is very irritating.

Uh, make that errir, nope, try errour,  nope, try airor.

Ah, the heck with it.

As my 5th grade teachers used to always say when "testing".

Be sure and show your work.

I'm sure that with the voluminous testing you've done on this "system" that you do have some valid testing data available for others in your peer group to evaluate.

AD  C:-)