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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: Albalaha on January 08, 2017, 12:47:29 PM
I do not know what you did but any method can work on any particular bad looking case. If anything works to get a net profit is same ideas played all sessions, that is worth serious thought.


  Hopefully I can get some more free time to play with this and I'll run a few more of your posts.  Would there be any particular one that I should take a look at?


Quote from: Albalaha on January 05, 2017, 11:08:11 PM
Harsh Session #28:
                                        87 Wins vs 105 Losses: Very tricky session


  After reading your response that these "Harsh Sessions" would be the equivalent of any EC game, I elected to run your latest one (#28) using my current normal play method.

  As my baccarat sheets only go to 80 hands, I played the first 160 hands across two sheets.

  Flat betting Harsh Session #28, with a small progression AFTER wins of 4 in a row and 9 in a row, like normal, the result was a very nice +22 to finish.  (Without the small winning progression the result would have been +15 for strictly flat betting one unit per wager).

  Between hands 32 and 55 the bankroll did drop from a +17 to +10 but it recovered nicely shortly thereafter during the 8 IAR that showed up.

  The opening "10 IAR" set the tone nicely as the bankroll never went below that initial starting win.

  Long winning streak was 10 (hands 107 to 118) and long losing streak was 4 hands (3 times).

  I'll try to translate some of your earlier posts to see if this event holds up.

Quote from: Albalaha on January 06, 2017, 02:53:13 PM
I play and simulate in excel. I try to pick the worst( in different types of challenges) sessions as Harsh and the point where I get at net profit session ends. A few sessions are imaginary too and a few provided by a friend. Few are so harsh that they can not appear realistically or in other words you need lots of extreme badluck to witness them.
          The motive behind compiling such diverse set of challenge is to see if my approach is really dynamic enough or not to handle all.


  If I were to change those "W" and "L" to "Bank" and "Player" would the overall effect be the same?



  Are these "harsh sessions" you display here runs that you've played, seen, heard about or just imagined?

  Where do these come from?


Albalaha's Exclusive / A good start to the year
January 02, 2017, 11:45:08 PM
Yes, we're off to a good start.  It's only January 2nd and Albalaha has already closed a thread.

Well done.

Alrelax's Blog / Re: YOU FOUND 'THE BLOG'
November 29, 2016, 06:20:05 PM
Got the card for that one?

Was there some kind of crying NEED for a "000" wheel?

Who came up with this and who asked for it?

Can't believe anyone would even consider playing on it unless there is some other offsetting rule that comes along with it.

7% vig?   Just say no.

AD (along with 6:5 blackjack)
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Forum Trolls: 1 Azim
September 07, 2016, 12:14:28 AM

  You're treading on thin ice.

  If you have a problem with member Azim, take it to email and hash out your problems.

  Most of us do NOT wish to hear you, of all people, complain about somebody else's methods of beating a million spins or whatever it is everyone preaches.

  As you have been known to remove many posts that do not coincide with your view of things, I may have to restart some threads with ME as the Moderator so as to avoid that.

  Plan accordingly.



Poker Forum / Re: A new site free and legal in USA
September 04, 2016, 01:12:46 AM
Quote from: nature1970 on September 03, 2016, 06:13:55 AM
Quarter poker they give everyone a free quarter. If in this video game you can amass 50.00 you can with draw it through pay pal. Any way I am literally the only one on it as I post. Online poker in USA has declined when a free roll online game with cash payouts had one soul signed up although 67 will be plying Sundays freeroll.

Really?  Paid through Paypal?

Good luck with that.

The only thing they hate more than gambling is guns.

Quote from: Nickmsi on July 25, 2016, 03:33:42 PM

Welcome, Whopper1967.  Perhaps Adulay would be kind enough post his current method.

Mark is right when you get repeating doubles like PPBBPPBB you will get a -3 loss. This method of play does not win every session.

However, using the 2 back restart, which is recommended, you will have an equal chance to get streaks of PPPPPPPP which will give you a +6.


Yes, I'll get my current play typed up shortly. 

Also, for the time being it might be good to think of this VDW play as a good way to stay on the table, floating around while waiting for the strong streak or ZZ run to appear.  Especially if you're only looking for a small win per shoe.

I really don't wish to argue with anyone about what Albalaha has posted.   I have seen the messages he is claiming to be harsh towards him and they are close but nowhere near being removed but Albalaha removes so many messages in his own threads that a few that carry over in others won't kill him.

I've been casino gambling since the early 1970's and have NEVER had a losing streak of 17 in a row in any game I was playing and I used to be a big roulette phreak in my Bahamas days.

The reason I added to the requests for actual numbers/spins/hands is because I want to play against that evidently bad run and see where I would be bailing out, waiting or just taking the losses and playing on.

Evidently Albalaha is asking if you can survive the 17-20 losses in a row during play.   I want to play it and see if my style can AVOID it.

A Win/Loss registry only shows, well, wins and losses.   Bet a Martingale and you'll lose, obviously.  Flat bet it and you're "only" down 17 at that point in time.  We're all concerned with the middle ground mostly.

How did you get there is the important part to me and evidently a few others.


Quote from: Albalaha on July 24, 2016, 08:00:09 PM
I am not demanding anything from you. If you can't understand LW is enough to work upon showing working of any MM, relax and let it be like this. A few others can work as it is on this. I don't need to prove you anything and you are not being requested to do anything in specific. Move on.


  I do believe that "The Crow" had a valid request when he asked for the spins and not just the decisions.

  Many of us would like to see how these "worst best cases" came into being.  Actually we probably don't care about "how" they got that bad, we'd just like to work with the numbers ourselves.

  So, add me to the list of those who would appreciate having the actual decisions for these "worst case" outcomes.

  Excel data would be acceptable to everyone I'm sure.

Quote from: Trbfla on July 23, 2016, 11:03:44 AM
So AD, you are always going back 2 steps after a win to restart? This would work great on streaky shoes but not sure how it does at choppy with 2s and 1s

After a win I will "look back" for the first available "1-2" and start there.

It saves searching for a valid restart and segues nicely into all streaks.

The same goes for something like a 2-4-6 win.  If you'll look at it on paper, it's a very nice ZZ run with the next logical wager being 3-5-7 etc.   Just continue on the ZZ until it loses and then restart right there with the resulting 1-2.

Quote from: james on July 23, 2016, 06:22:40 PM
Thanks for posting the shoe.
Decision 26 is shown as a win betting on P. Actually this is a mutual bet. You can bet on P based on decisions 24 and 25 or bet on B based on decisions 20 and 23.
Decision 27 is shown as a win betting on P. This is also a mutual bet. You can bet on P based on decisions 25 and 26 or bet on B based on decisions 19 and 23.

  On any mutual wager I always take the streak.  234, 345, etc.

  Just my own decision in an attempt to standardize play.

Quote from: MarkTeruya on July 22, 2016, 09:31:07 PM
Can you post the shoe please.

Here ya go.