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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: Arkra on June 16, 2016, 03:02:09 PM
HI there!

I would recommend my favorite online casino where I make good money. It's http://s--------.com. Enjoy!

Well, should you decide to explain just what makes your online casino so enjoyable, we'll be able to post the name.

Is it live dealer or RNG?   How fast do they pay?  What are their requirements to deposit?

Things like that.


For those of you who are still working and testing this play, here's my shoe from today.

Comments were added during the transcription as the original gets really messy at the desk.


Quote from: Garfield on May 31, 2016, 08:43:02 AM
Okay. I have some questions :

1. In case of B pppp BBBB. We will win @#4,5 and lose @#6,7,8. In other hand if we count the start of B @#4 as 1, we may get 2 W for the last 2 B.

So how do you determine when re-start the count? After a W? Or after LL? Or how? Please do explain

Thank you

Oh btw result of p B p BB pp B p will get 3 L @5,6,8 and 1W @#9


  I think you need to look at how the AP's are selected.

  In your first example, "B pppp BBBB" you win on the 4th hand with a 2-3-4 AP which is your first wager.

  Work it that way and continue on.

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Let's play this session
June 05, 2016, 09:38:29 PM
Quote from: Albalaha on March 18, 2013, 03:50:17 AM
Dear Friends,
          I am putting a real session of smartlive casino having 185 spins. for those, who are not familiar with this data, let me tell u that the session starts from lowest right side and progresses right to left and goes upwards.
        Our betselection is static/fixed: we are betting third dozen only. You can see that there are 56 hits of third dozen (25-36). Play it with your favorite Money management and let's see who can do it better.

For what it's worth and to bring this thread up to date with the current working/testing system as of this date, I ran the VDW play from Nickmsi on this particular set of numbers.

Flat betting 56 Wins.  48 losses with only TWO of the losses coming on a "green"!

Not bad for flat betting.

Long losing streak was 4 (twice but not consecutive) and the longest winning streak was 6.   Obviously any long streak on either side is a winning play.

Quote from: Nickmsi on June 04, 2016, 02:03:29 PM
In live play, though the starting a new session after a win or mutual bet seems the most logical and fastest way to play.


I would tend to agree with this, especially when playing live, online.

You know, with all of the deletions of messages in this thread, nobody will be able to figure out what the heck is going on.  Luckily (or not) for me I can go back and see what's been removed.

Yes, I know the thread "author" has that ability, but reading a one-sided conversation is pointless for the regular members of the forum.

This entire thread may be removed, to be restarted as a new one, if this action continues.

Hey!  I've got an idea.  I SHOULD RESTART THE ALBALAHA SALES THREAD and that way nobody can remove the messages!!

Yeah!  That's the ticket!

AD (Play nice, boys)
Quote from: Trbfla on June 03, 2016, 11:54:07 PM
AD I just got it....lightbulb....the 2-5-8 right.....

You beat me to it!

Quote from: plolp on June 03, 2016, 10:19:15 PM
Thanks for the description A dulay

line 14 you don't bet  because 1 4 7 give B

so  :  -2

Good catch.  Thanks.

OK, in order to show just how this was played, I transcribed my play here with explanations.

The first wager is at hand 4 completing the 2-3-4 AP and restarting the next 9 hands.

Next wager is hand 7 completing the 1-2-3-AP and restarting the next 9 hands.

The 1-2-3 AP loses its wager at hand 10 and the 2-4-6 AP at hand 13.

Hand 14 does complete the set with the 5-6-7 AP and of course the reset of the next 9 hands.

Hand 17 loses the 1-2-3.
Hand 20 wins with the 2-4-6 AP.   Reset the nine.

Hand 24 wins the 2-3-4 AP and a reset.

Hand 28 loses the 2-3-4 wager.
Hand 31 can end the set with either the 1-4-7 on Banker or the 3-5-7 on Player so it is a No Bet Draw AND a reset of the next nine.

Hand 35 wins the 2-3-4 AP and of course the next nine reset.

Hand 38 loses the 1-2-3 AP.
Hand 40 loses the 4-5-6 AP.
Hand 42 wins the 5-6-7 AP and of course a reset.

Hand 45 loses the 1-2-3 AP.
Hand 47 loses the 3-4-5 AP.
Hand 50 is a No Bet Draw due to the 2-5-8 and 4-6-8 both available to win.

No bets on the final two hands while waiting for the next AP to develop.

Hope this explains the play.


Quote from: Albalaha on June 03, 2016, 03:26:42 AM
Horror Session: 7th..   W=45, L=60

OK.  What would you like done with this session?

Quote from: Nickmsi on June 02, 2016, 07:12:13 PM
Hi Plop . .

I ran your numbers through my bot for roulette (1=B, 0=R) and got a -4 result.

Hope this is what you wanted.


I ran it tonight manually and and finished at -1 flat betting.

Evidently we're not all on the same page with real time play on this yet.

AD (live from the boat while offshore tonight)
Quote from: plolp on June 02, 2016, 06:54:21 PM
@ Big Ez
Can you show how you doing with that?

0 . . . . .

. . . .1    random .org   


How did it comes out when you ran it?

I'll run your session tonight when I get back from tonight's short casino run after my match.

For those of you who are working with this method I would REALLY recommend that you take the time to run these test manually so that you can see just how the numbers flow to make the sets complete.

Waiting on Nickmsi to run his bots is great for the overall picture but it doesn't help YOU, the player, to see what is happening in front of you.

For those who have taken the time to work this out hand by hand, you will no doubt see where the problem comes in eventually and it's an 'oldie but goodie" to boot!

It is not insurmountable but it does rear its ugly head from time to time.

If you flat bet this, you should be OK and you'll be even better if you can increase the session/set wager once you run into the "-4" set.


There is a shoe posted today by Alrelax in a thread titled "Sections".

As he was kind enough to post it so I just had to run the VDW on it.

It finished at +16 for that shoe.

Copy and play it yourself to see how it comes out for you.

I did run into three sets where the "No Bet" came up, but none back to back so it wasn't a problem.

This shoe also demonstrated how the long runs help out when doing a back up after the 1-2-3 and 1-3-5 win.

Have just finished the first 1000 hands dealt for this VDW play.

166 wins.  121 losses.

Playing out to the full nine hands rarely happens and generally will finish with a "No Bet" due to either side being able to complete the set correctly.

Playing out to 7 or 8 also produces a "Net No Bet" for the mathematical win, but a set loss.

Once I arrive at a "No Bet" situation where either side can complete the set but neither side is selected, that ends the set for a restart at 1 and you take the 3 losses.

Also, winning on a 123 or 234 allows you to merely reset the string at "1-2" or "3-4" to be able to win ALL hands in any string larger than two and not just every third hand.

Longest losing streak so far has been 5 and that was due to TWO "No Bet" sets ( at 7-8 or 9) in a row, which has happened only once.

Testing continues in "real time" online now.