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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: 2-Face on February 16, 2016, 10:02:34 AM
Deary me, why are decent folk banned, censored, muted by a moderator who has promoted some of the worst scammers in the gambling fraternity, yet this tread is allowed...

It stinks once again...  and no, i don't expect this post to be approved.

Deary me, why are we subject to your constant whining.  If you hate it here so much, why do you keep coming back under different usernames?

Get over yourself, act civil and even this username of yours can stay on the forum for more than a day or so!

This advertisement has  been released to the forum.

It has NOT been checked, tested, verified or anything.

View it at your own risk (and report back if it works!)

General Discussion / Re: Locked - Why?
January 23, 2016, 04:05:42 PM
Quote from: Jimske on January 23, 2016, 03:28:27 PM
Maybe some of you don't want to talk about ADulay - fine, but IMO when you got a moderator who was involved with scam sites (maverick and Ellis) and knew it questions should be asked.
You make that sound like it's evil or something.  I paid the full membership to join Ellis' BTC a long time ago.  Why does that make me a criminal in your mind?  Maverick was born out of the BTC site by a member who had a better idea and he broke away to build it on his own.  I was lucky enough to watch it build from day one and understood the reasons for each build and why it apparently worked.

And to keep everybody happy, I was NEVER, EVER paid anything to help Maverick explain his system play to the others.  As I understood it better than most, I helped anyone who needed it when they asked the questions.   Evidently helping fellow baccarat players with a system is some type of evil now.  Which might explain the next quote. . . . .

Quote from: Jimske on January 23, 2016, 03:28:27 PM
Andy doesn't really add much to the forum even though he apparently has vast experience with Baccarat
Because Andy has been burned bad from helping anybody with a cause.  When I see a discussion of intelligent baccarat, I'll stop by and participate, but only if I have something of value to add.  Arguing on the internet with people hidden behind their keyboards in their mother's basement is pointless.  I rarely even post on any of the forums I participate in as there are just too many people who just want to be argumentative.   I find it odd that you can literally be anybody you want on the internet and most people choose stupid for their alter ego.

Quote from: Jimske on January 23, 2016, 03:28:27 PM
You got to ask what the motivation is for a guy to be a moderator on all these different sites.
I'm glad you asked.  In EVERY case, save for my own private forums, I WAS ASKED to be a moderator by the site owner.  I have never solicited my internet service to any forum.  I have always been invited.  I can be asked to leave anytime and will leave gracefully and quietly.

Anything more you need to know, just ask.  Just because some members in the gambling community have a beef with Ellis is not a reason to complain about the unpaid, hired help.

Quote from: Jimske on January 23, 2016, 03:28:27 PM
....... to be a moderator on all these different sites.

For the record, I am currently a "mod" on THIS SITE ONLY.

AD (unpaid, volunteer staff)
General Discussion / It was me
October 20, 2015, 07:45:38 PM

  Yes, it was me.   I removed Rolex-Watch/Johno/Mahatma and whomever else he comes in as at least until the end of the month.

  The continued harrassment and negative attitude towards other players, continued disruption of threads and overall bad attitude just got to be too much to let ride for free so he has been put on the "No Fly List" so to speak.  He is not banned.  He has been put on the "Group W" bench as it were.  If you're old enough to know what that is, you'll understand.

   He will be welcome to return later as a fellow gambler, as long as the never ending hatred demonstrated over the last several months is left behind.

   In a message earlier today he has stated that he "is out of here" as this forum is of no use to him.   We shall see if he'll keep his word.

   So when another brand new member shows up later this afternoon and starts slamming the active posters again, we'll take it one day at a time.


General Discussion / Re: For theese who lost contact
October 16, 2015, 02:36:08 AM
It sounds more like something may have happened to the original "group" at some scattered locations or perhaps one single location and it kind of went away.

With the former members now drifting in space, so to speak, if they show up here, they can get back into contact.

One would think if it was a "tight" group, they would have had their emails to reconnect, or any of a hundred or so "social" links.

A private forum is cheap, like in free so I wouldn't be too concerned about secrecy and people hiding valuable information on the casinos.

At least not here.

AsymBacGuy / Re: The key asymmetrical factor
September 27, 2015, 12:13:44 AM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on September 25, 2015, 11:57:51 PM

3) why do you need to press the enter key so many times, before hitting the post button, creating a lot of empty space on all your posts?

I've often wondered that myself! 

As a side note to all of this, I've found that everyone I ever dragged over to the fronton to watch (and wager) on Jai-Alai really liked it.  ALL of them said they preferred it to dogs or horses for wagering.

For me, the main reason I never got into dogs or horses was the time in between races.   You can go a half hour or so at the track while Jai-Alai is a strictly timed EIGHT MINUTES between games!!

You had better have your picks ready and at the window to make the wagers.   That's also one of the reasons we did a lot of "advance wagering" as I generally had my picks ready for the entire session at one time.

All that and you can sit down right on the screen/mesh and literally be in the action on the court.

All this talk has the wife saying we really need to make a run over and catch the matinee one of these days.  Dania Jai-Alai is closed for renovation and a new casino setup but the Miami Springs Jai-Alai fronton is open.   Hmmm.   Road trip!!

Believe it or not, I actually have that book here in the house.  I bought it a LONG time ago.

When I lived in Orlando, I was wagering $1100 a week, every week, on Jai-Alai.  At the time you could "advance wager" up to two days in advance of the actual game so every other day the wife and I would drive up and make the advance wagers.

I was seriously into computers and this was a time when almost everyone used pencil and paper to track what they could.  I wrote several very nice routines on those old computers and had DAILY printouts of which games and players to wager on.

When I left the area, computers still hadn't caught up with Jai-Alai and I had some very interesting offers to purchase my years of data.  I eventually gave it away to a very deserving older individual that I had struck up a great relationship with on Jai-Alai and all things worldly.

Now, everyone and their brother has the data basically handed to them with each program for a dollar!!  What separated my data from the current data was the depth and percentages that I carried over time.

Yes, I did show a nice profit year after year in the pari-mutuel arena, but it was literally a daily grind.  I loved the game so much I actually learned to play it from the pros and played in the open public leagues that they had there.  Jai-Alai is a beautiful game but I can only see it now when I head over to Miami or Dania to visit friends.   They closed the Tampa fronton about two weeks after I moved to the west coast of Florida.

That book that you mentioned had some good data in it but it is now terribly dated.  It did give me some great programming ideas at the time though.

AD (amateur Jai-Alai player of no note whatsoever)
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
September 03, 2015, 08:41:04 PM
Quote from: seaview on September 02, 2015, 10:31:59 AM
the air roulette machines in casinos should not be rigged but i think they are i have a method of play that never loses on paper but breaks down when i play for real can we sue the casinos

The short answer?  No.

But if you can post up some of your losing "live" play records I"m sure someone will step in with the appropriate corrections.

Quote from: RichBailey86 on May 28, 2015, 09:32:30 PM
this guy is a scammer promoting that product

just like the "newer" guys who have come to the boards lately

And with the added effect that his one post "asks" a question about a specific program AND hasn't been back since.

Oh well, as they described Earth in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". . . . .  Mostly Harmless.

General Discussion / Re: can't upload anything
April 11, 2015, 02:15:10 AM
Quote from: horus on April 10, 2015, 09:01:29 PM
Another way is to put it on 'Dropbox' and then you can just paste the link.



  I've also found that "Dropbox" is an excellent way to have very large files available for others as well as an automated "sync" backup for all the computers and iPads.

General Discussion / Re: Adulay is NOT guilty
March 31, 2015, 11:29:02 PM
Quote from: ADulay on March 20, 2015, 02:35:41 AM
Friday is a casino day for me.  (Good clam chowder and fry bread, too!).

If you would like, I can post up my shoe (which will obviously be fabricated).  I can explain to anyone who will listen just how it was played and what the secret was/is.   Yes, I only play one shoe.

But then, that would be an exercise in futility for all involved.

None of the "herd" would believe it, no matter what the outcome.


All (well, at least the three guys yelling the loudest),

  Here is your long awaited "POSTED SHOE".   What a thrill it is to post this up.  The anticipation, the planning, the stress, the juggling of multiple strategies and system plays to come up with the OBVIOUS solution for this particular shoe.

  So, I'll just skip all the happy casino junk and get to it.

  This is the shoe I walked up on.  Two people at the table already playing.  I'm in spot 1 (dealer's left for those who care).

  You need not be a rocket surgeon to look at the first 14 hands and see that this is a shoe crying out for Time Before Last wagering.   At least it was for me.   System 40 (chops) didn't look good and neither did any of the system plays requiring a lot of paperwork.  As I would have spent half of the remaining shoe just getting a score card "up to date".


  Hand 15 starts the wagering with a simple 1,2,3 progression.  Why?  Because that's what I like.  Lose two of those and call it a day.

  Notice the single "two" at the start.   This is good.  We don't like twos running TB4L, right?

  Look at hands 30-33.  Here's our first chance to make the "3 wager.  It wins.  I continue with a single "test" wager.  It wins.  I continue on.

  If that wager at hand 33 loses, I'm done.  I take the +7 and call it a day.

  Uh, oh.  At hand 37 another "3" wager.  I don't like the way this is shaping up.  Too close but it wins and I continue on.  Once again, if it lost, I was done for the shoe/day.

  Damn.  Hand 45 and another "3" wager.  It hits for the third time, but I'm not liking having to make it.  I probably should have taken the +15 at hand 44 and blew the rest of it off but the logic of the moment said if it lost, I was still at +12 so go for it.

  Hand 49 should have been a stopper (+13) but I wanted to take a single flyer, one more time and it won so I stayed with it.  Obviously had that lost, I would have been done.

  Notice the final wager is a "2" and not a "3".  Never ever drop back under a +10 when you were so far ahead of it earlier.  If the 2 unit bet wins, I'll play on a bit more.  At it was, it lost so I was done.

  That's the play and the thought process.  No paperwork is involved.  The only thing you need be aware of is where you are with reference to your "goal" in the shoe.   I could have easily left that shoe much, much earlier but early on, it was running perfectly so why quit on a run?

  So, that's it.  Time Before Last was the big secret wagering plan.  Other system plays would work too, but this was the one I used this time.  Had that first "3" wager lost at hand 33 and I'm done.  I'll always take the safe win over a chance for a "big" win. 

   I don't know what else to add. 

General Discussion / Re: Really? Deleting messages?
March 15, 2015, 02:36:43 PM
Quote from: Rolex-Watch on March 14, 2015, 09:58:52 PM

Well done ADulay our moderator, who's is well known for promoting various Ellis scams over the years.     
Rolex or whomever you are this month,'

  Please take it up with Victor if you would like me removed as a Moderator on this forum.

  Your constant whining about my gambling life is really getting tiresome.

  The constant corrections to your slanted postings involving my name are no longer worth the time to fix.

  I can only imagine what would get posted if I gave the results of the last two casino sessions.   :applause:

  AD (full time fraudster, malcontent, scammer, swindler, system seller, cheat, liar, rascal and Range Safety Officer)
General Discussion / Re: Really? Deleting messages?
March 11, 2015, 02:40:23 AM
Quote from: Whiskeypete on March 10, 2015, 07:45:57 PM
ADuly back home in Ireland we have a saying it goes don't mash your potatoes in the same pot as you boil them. You should try to be more like St Vincent and humble yourself. That message wasn't directed to you nye did I call you a facist.
Now I know you may feel the world revolves around you but I'm sure it doesn't. Not everything is about you.
Now I know you like to make yourself seem important. Good luck with that.
Wow.  You really do read way more into a message than I had thought possible.

Please allow me to humble myself before thee.

I don't recall saying you called me a facist.  Please read the message.

Why would I have any need to make myself seem important?  It's a gambling forum.  Who would care?

You have engaged me here and in another forum.  I have tried to be helpful (and humble) but evidently that won't work.

Perhaps you can suggest a plan for me to become more acceptable in your eyes?  This would make me feel so much better in the morning.

Speaking of the morning, I'll be headed to Daytona Bike Week in the morning, so please take your time to consider what it is I need to do to make you happy.   If I can break away from the fun and games with people who don't sit at a computer all day, I'll try to read what you have come up with as a solution.

AD (Your most humble and obedient moderator) 

General Discussion / Re: Really? Deleting messages?
March 10, 2015, 03:54:57 PM
Quote from: Whiskeypete on March 09, 2015, 07:19:34 PM
It's not censorship if you are the author of the thread.
Now however dictating what is censorship is in fact dictatorship.

Well, at least I wasn't called a fascist.

I've got that going for me.