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Messages - ADulay

General Discussion / Re: Global Library of systems?
October 24, 2014, 01:30:04 AM
I do believe that a compilation of hundreds of "systems" would be, well, ugly.

What I believe "wannawin" would rather have is a compilation of system plays that people actually USE.

Most, if not all of the stuff posted up around the forums is absolute junk.   Usually just tossed out as an idea, and usually a bad one at that.

No sense in "collecting" masses of junk plays.  That would about as pointless as throwing away a perfectly good spinach pizza.

So, I would recommend that the compilation be of system type plays that are actually IN USE when posted.

As most "mechanical" systems are based on either a trigger or some sort of opposite/repeat theory, the list of GOOD mechanical plays should be manageable.

September 29, 2014, 01:51:24 AM
Quote from: wannawin on September 28, 2014, 05:31:40 PM
This post is a mess of unfortunate timing. Virtually nobody wants to give their support. and the people who give it do not want to give to the people in the staff. At most we want to give to the strict maintenance of the website. Please consider this fact before posting things like this. When I give I do not say $ 5 USD for esoito or Victor, but $ 5 USD for the forum. Remove this . rightly so no support.


  I'm not quite sure where you've gotten the idea that the moderators are some type of paid staff.   This is completely untrue.

  The moderators are not paid at all.  No money, no credit, zero, nada, zilch.

  So, let's try to put that "rumor/fact" to rest right now.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators
September 18, 2014, 06:07:13 PM
The previously mention internet cartoon was depicting an idea, not a threat to any individual(s).

Anyone could have posted that, in the current context, and it would be acceptable.

Thinking that anybody gets "special" treatment is a figment of an overactive imagination.

If anything, the Mods let some of the more "colorful" characters a bit more leeway, just to see how deep they'll bury themselves.

Guys, it's an internet forum, nothing more.

Just be civil and deal with it.

AD (don't make me call out the flying monkeys)
Actuals/Hands / Re: Dublinbet baccarat shoes
September 06, 2014, 08:36:32 PM

Off-topic / Re: Re: Our Player's Edges
September 01, 2014, 07:39:55 PM
Quote from: muggins on September 01, 2014, 07:20:39 PM
Albalaha, maybe you are just being obtuse intentionally, maybe not, but as usual you just do not get it and from what I have read you never will. 

Nah, Al just wants to get the last word/message in before he quits the thread and probably the forum.

Same operation, different forum.

Be prepared for the dying swan song message.

Arguing about who has the least lame message post is, well, kind of lame.

AD (but it is kind of entertaining, in a sad internet kind of way)
Actuals/Hands / Re: Dublinbet baccarat shoes
August 04, 2014, 05:42:55 PM

  Thanks for posting those shoes up.  I had forgotten about Dublinbet recently and this brought it back to the forefront for me.

  I went back over there to get a few practice shoes in and forgot just how fast they play there.  It's almost "speed" baccarat!!

  For those of you who are thinking about playing the game, the speed at Dublinbet is NOT normal!!  However, if you can play there online, you'll be able to play in any B&M casino with no problems at all.

The initial execution of that "snatch and grab" was perfect.  The timing was spot on.

It went downhill when the original perp fumbled the snatch.  Once he got turned around, his unintelligent buddy comes into the scene and pretty much is a waste of help as he gets smacked around a bit and runs for the waiting getaway car.  The big guy starts getting beat up, the guy from the car comes back but the little guy from the store scares him back into the car as they drive 25 feet away for some reason.

With big perp on the ground, getting beat up, NONE of his buddies come back to get him or help him.

That's a half a$$ed crew if ever I've seen one.

However the timing on the original snatch was perfect, considering it was done from the car as it backed up into the scene!

In a lot of places, a move like that would have two dead guys with holes in their bodies laying on the ground.  They should consider themselves lucky they were robbing somebody not aware of their surroundings, especially at a gas station.

Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on July 18, 2014, 04:31:47 AM
ONLY  a handful of people in this world can solved below WL, and produce a profit of +1 unit, FLATBET!, yes, u read it right ... FLATBET!


One of them is ALBALAHA.
He knows how to win THIS, with flatbet, and win =1u..!
Of course I will not want him to show here, how to solve them.  ;)
[He has the answer in his web]

No! Please don't accuse me anything,
I not selling anything, or promote anyone!

Oh brother.

And people give me a hard time because I belong to a paid forum.

The solution is obvious to even the most casual roulette player.  What makes it an easy solution is because YOU didn't give us enough information on the "problem".

So, I took the libery of wagering three different ways and beat it all three times.

Please have The Wizard of Albalaha come back and show us how HE did it.

Sorry, these types of amazing challenges from Big Al get old fast and in this case, it's not even presented correctly.


Off-topic / Any Shooters Here?
June 10, 2014, 08:35:40 PM

  Well, this is the "off topic" section and I was feeling a little bored this afternoon so decided to post up this video of something I do when I'm not wasting incredible amounts of time doing casino stuff.

  Yes, I'm a shooter.  I have been all my life.  For those of you who are not from "The States" you may not understand our ways with these things, but it's just something a lot of us were brought up with and it's no more odd than carrying a cell phone.  (Which I don't normally do!)

  Hmm, now that I think about it, I carry the sidearm more than I ever carry a cell phone.   Oh well, I like Chicken Fried Bacon too.   Go figure.

  So, to make some sense of this video, my friends were giving me a ration of junk about my shooting for the night and wanted to see if I'd go for a tough shot right out of the box.   One of the clowns puts a tin can on the opening target and I'm supposed to take them both out.  They figured two shots and some time.  I figured to split the difference.  Take a close look at the can on top of the white, steel target for the first shot.

  Also notice the complete lack of respect I get from these "friends" of  mine.   Obviously it's all in good fun, but they just never relent!

  The gun is a Glock 23 and the Seminole Indian Casino in Immokalee, Florida was kind enough to pay for it after a session at the baccarat table last year.

  AD (hopefully this shows up as a video and not just as a link)


Quote from: Albalaha on April 20, 2014, 04:28:52 AM

      Nobody could satisfy with any method. Even if someone curve fits a method to get a win on #3 somehow, it will fail on any similar harsh bet. Adulay, GrGrampa and later Pockets tried to fool people with hypothetical theories but could not exhibit a winning way, that is created as a general "panacea" for bad bets. This is because they never knew anything like that.
             I do not see any improvement in the knowledge of most of the members since I have been reading them. They are as much in dark as they were 5 years earlier.

Don't believe me? Ask Adulay, Pockets or Priyanka to show how do they beat it. They will surely go unintelligent and deaf.
Big Al,

  OK, I really, really, really tried to stay out of your "challenge" for the longest time but for some reason YOU keep bringing my name up over and over.

  Using the rules as you posted in your own forum, I then proceeded to tell you how to show a profit/win on your data.

  You didn't believe me.  I explained it to you.  You mumbled something.

  I then requested verification of the rules of the "challenge".  I accepted them and beat your challenge.

  How did I do it?????

  Drum roll here as evidently Big Al can't understand how this all works. . . . . . .

  Play those numbers like you were in a ROULETTE TOURNAMENT.

  Well, DUH!

   As you didn't stipulate any particular amount of starting bankroll, I picked my own and played it to show a profit after RUNNING THROUGH THE ENTIRE DATASET, like you requested.

  Now, will you kindly leave me OUT of any more discussion of this silly challenge.  Even Garnabby could have come up with something better than this.  The "challenge" has always been goofy and unrealistic.  As an existential exercise in mathematics, it may have some social redeeming value, but as a "gambling" topic, it's pointless!

   So, once again, let me leave out of your "challenge" and give it to people who seem to believe that it's important to do this.  I no longer do.  (Actually I never did, it was unintelligent from the start.)

   I showed a profit in your challenge, explained how I did it.  It's your turn now.  At least my method can be played in a real casino, unlike your solution which was strictly academic.

  AD (out of this until my name shows up again)
Quote from: smiley on April 19, 2014, 07:55:34 AM
Hi, I try to figure out how Mr Albalaha, bet this '3'Zumma...
Why don't you just ask him how he did it?

He didn't like my solution so I'm sure his will just amaze you,

Actually, I kind of like this clean, blue look.

Not cluttered and EASY to read.

General Discussion / Re: What's your call on this?
March 08, 2014, 02:30:38 AM
Quote from: Xander on March 07, 2014, 06:45:36 PM
I don't like it when drunks attempt to blame others for their actions.
Agree 100%.

Quote from: Xander on March 07, 2014, 06:45:36 PM
Gaming law is clear, the casinos aren't supposed to take your action if you're that drunk and impaired!
Ever try to tell a drunk he can't do something?  Ever try to tell a drunk he can't do something in front of his girlfriend?

That could get ugly for sure.

I'll have to go both ways on this one.  The guy was drunk and a jerk, on this we agree.

The casino most probably should NOT have been allowing him to play but perhaps the easiest way out, at the time, was to let him run out of money and go away.

Who knows?

Online Casinos / Re: casinos
February 15, 2014, 11:49:22 PM
Quote from: FLAT_IN_O on February 14, 2014, 04:58:12 PM

--Are you the owner btw.
   I'm glad you asked that before I did.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Won another no deposit bonus
February 14, 2014, 04:53:15 AM

  Congratulations.  Nicely played.
