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Messages - ADulay


  Darn it.

  If you had waited 3 more seconds you could have had the 'lucky' posting time of 12:34:56 AM

  Maybe tomorrow.


Re: Do u want high probability sports picks?« Reply #124 on: Today at 12:34:53 AM »
Online Casinos / Checked out this Bovada place
November 03, 2013, 05:11:48 PM

  I keep hearing about this Bovada place (evidently it has something to do with the Wiz guy, who is a topic all its own) and I keep hearing good things, good games, etc.

  So I go over and the sign up is easy enough with just enough advertising to clutter up most screens, but that's pretty typical for the internet side of things.

  Then I go to play some test games on the live baccarat games.

  Hmm, things come to a crashing stop at this point.  There is not any LIVE baccarat game.

  OK, at least I didn't make any deposits, just merely signed up and got an account.

  So I rummage around the place.  Seems nice enough but without a LIVE game, it's pointless (for me) to even think about playing for money there so I at least take a look at their RNG baccarat game.

  Played 20 hands.  Won 19 of them.   Yep, that seems legitimate to me!  I'm sure once I had plunked down some money, that this instant 95% winning pace would continue.

   So, it would appear that my hour of time was not completely wasted.  At least I confirmed to myself the RNG gaming, especially for play money, is kind of out of whack.


Online Casinos / Re: Most Trusted Online Casinos
November 01, 2013, 12:54:52 AM

  With a few forums coming up with "online casino" threads and which ones to play, I had to go back out and see which casinos are using who's studio for their live games.

  As it turns out for me, I've just "rediscovered" the following. . . . .

  5Dimes' "Vegas" live baccarat table is the same as the Black Orchid studio.

  5Dimes'  HD live baccarat table is the same as Sportsbetting's studio game.

  So, depending on where your "home casino" is, depends on which studio you'll get to play.

  I prefer the 5Dimes/Sportsbetting (HD) casino play for the larger screen and normal cards but playing on the Black Orchid front end is not a problem either.

Online Casinos / Re: Most Trusted Online Casinos
October 31, 2013, 08:05:27 PM
Quote from: Tomla on October 31, 2013, 06:34:05 AM
against my better judgement--bet phoenix owed 17 k and slowly gave it back--i still play

I may have asked this before but was it "BetPhoenix" or "BetPhoenixCasino" ?

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 23, 2013, 02:09:22 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 23, 2013, 01:19:19 AM
This all reminds me of the time Frank Sinatra saved my life.

I was making my way to the car after a night of gambling when four thugs set upon me in the car park. They were beating the living daylight out of me, and just when I thought I was a goner, old Blue Eyes comes along and says, "Ok, that's enough fella's".

...saved my life, he did. [smiley]aes/cigarette.png[/smiley]


  Good one.  I am so stealing that.

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 23, 2013, 01:08:46 AM
Well, in some attempt to get this back on track, my wife has SEEN at least two robberies at one of the more seedy bingo halls.

Think about it.  They play until deep into the night.  The jackpots are pretty good ($1000+ several times a night).  Most of the players are basically old ladies.

The winners are obvious and all payoffs are in CASH.

This has the basics for an easy score if you're a bad guy.

Luckily this is not the norm, but it does happen.

Can't say I've seen any robberies in the parking lots of the casinos, but I have taken the "long way around" to eventually get to my bike when something seems out of the ordinary.

I'll head to the casino tomorrow and see if I can find any bad guys to take a picture of!!

If I don't find anybody, I'll think it will be time to smother this thread and put it to sleep.

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 22, 2013, 08:09:25 PM
Quote from: Carlitos on October 22, 2013, 02:57:40 PM
Well that's an very good point you made there A.Dulay.

Criminals do to spend time around casinos awaiting their victims which they have been watching winning money if they would be that lucky.

Carlitos  8)


  In a reasonably crowded casino, take a good look around for "odd" characters when you go to cash out a big win.  Watch for people movement from the bar area if it is located near where you play when you go to cash in.

  Some interesting people show up from time to time.  It's not so bad in a casino that is sparsley populated when you play, but the crowds hide a lot of things.

  Keep your wits about you when making a good sized cash in.

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 22, 2013, 01:25:39 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 21, 2013, 07:45:07 PM
... nice grouping :applause:

Distance & firing time, please?


  Hmm, the first reply got nuked somewhere and is gone so let me try this again.

  That distance was 12 yards but no time on it as it was the first 10 rounds out of a new gun to get a baseline to work with.  Evidently it was just fine right out of the box!

   With that said, here's a short video that does have an "interesting" final time.

   Try not to laugh at the fumbled seconds magazine exchange.

   And to attempt to keep this on a roulette topic, I am armed while in the casinos.  It is a long walk to my motorcycle when I walk out the door in a dark parking garage.



Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 21, 2013, 03:04:00 PM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 21, 2013, 05:57:16 AM
Aren't you the guy who runs around with his mates getting excited by shooting bullets at cardboard cutouts?

  Yep, that would be me!


Off-topic / I got it right in roulette!
October 21, 2013, 01:53:37 AM

  Yes, I finally got something "right" in roulette for a change.  Literally "predicting the future" as it were.

  Had a chance to drop into the local Indian casino in the middle of the state and the automated roulette machine is GONE.

  The first time I saw it, I commented to the manager on duty that they needed to change the minimums on that table or it would be gone in 6 months.  They asked why and I told them that old, retired folks who show up on the bus to play bingo will NOT play roulette with a $5 minimum on EC's and a $1 minimum inside.

  We discussed it for awhile but they were pretty sure they understood their customers.

   The machine is now gone and replaced with two banks of slot machines.

   I called it but missed by a few months on the timing.

   Oh well, I don't normally go to that one and they don't have baccarat so it's back to the southern casino from my house again.

Online Casinos / Re: Do you think online casinos cheat?
October 14, 2013, 06:50:18 PM
Quote from: therouletter on October 14, 2013, 05:03:42 PM
For example in street betting.  I noticed when I first dabbled in online roulette (at one particular casino) that more line numbers appeared than I had noticed at B&M casinos.

RNG or live table roulette?

Quote from: therouletter on October 14, 2013, 05:03:42 PM
They are just cheating individual players? or are generating the numbers to all players?

Easy way to find out.  Just log on with another computer and see if they both get the same results, assuming it's a live wheel.
Big Al is now selling his sports picks over on his forum.

I'm sure he would love to see you all show up.

This is just an informational message and I do not endorse any sports punting services.

Quote from: Sputnik on October 07, 2013, 01:25:54 PM
This is what i think.

You can not buy method for money that perform better then does you find for free.

My opinion.

  I used to think like that too.   

  I was incorrect in my thinking and my logic.

  There are many more intelligent and experienced people "out there" that can always show me a thing or two, even if I have to (gasp!) pay for it.

  Again, just my own opinion.

Quote from: Albalaha on October 06, 2013, 07:23:19 AM
I am locking this topic as I am not getting positive feedback even after extreme level of success which even the best sports handicapper in the industry can not match.

  And just what type of  "feedback" were you expecting to see with your unprecedented level of sports picks?

Quote from: Albalaha on September 29, 2013, 05:43:33 AM
..... 10 million spins of roulette, zumma books of baccarat and now Sports, I have beaten all.
Hmm, I've got a great "graphic" I would love to post up here but civility and in the interest of keeping the pseudo-arguments to a minimum, I'll hold off.

At least for now.