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Messages - ADulay

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Let's play this session
March 19, 2013, 02:02:11 PM

  Do we have to play strictly the "dozens" or can we play this in our normal style?

I would think there should be a valid "definition" of what a "Professional" player is before attempting to determine who is and who isn't one!

If you define a Pro as one who make their living, literally, from the game, that's one thing.

If you define a Pro as one who plays "correctly" and with reason and logic, producing a decent rate of return for the game being played, on a consistent basis, then that's another thing.

We may have several of the latter here on this board, but I'm thinking we have NONE of the former.

I think I would be safe in stating that less than 1/2 of 1% of this board makes a living playing roulette.  The rest of us are merely recreational players who use the game to supplement our normal incomes.  We may be serious recreational players and very professional in our approach, but in the end, we are still hobbyists at these games as our normal daily expenses are generally paid by another income source.

I'm not saying that there aren't people here who bring in a lot of money from the casinos, but using the true definition of the word, they are not professional roulette players but merely roulette players who use a professional approach to the game.

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 28, 2013, 03:28:14 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on February 28, 2013, 02:23:31 AM
Captain Adulay,
          I know you are skilled and experienced both but non-sharing is something I can't afford to have in my elite group. You could not share even a single method which you play yourself in your entire membership tenure.

Well, I did share.  Even stated EXACTLY what method I was playing.

Nobody believed me. 

This is not my problem.

Thanks for the original offer though.

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 27, 2013, 08:45:35 PM
Quote from: albalaha on February 27, 2013, 06:56:19 AM
            I will reorganize the exclusive club of mine with handpicked people who can contribute with fresh ideas or who can help me in further researches.
I believe what you're looking for is a "focus group" and not a forum for discussion.

Good luck and here's hoping you'll be able to pull it off.   As you've seen, attempting to run a weak forum with uncommitted people is a struggle, at best.

Is it just me or has the Newsbot blown a gasket?

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 27, 2013, 04:20:47 AM
Quote from: albalaha on February 23, 2013, 07:45:18 AM
       refer to my "exclusive section" at our private forum. There is a topic called" how to fight the worst enemy of gambling-variance".
Just went over and checked.  Seems I'm no longer a member of the "exclusive section".

Oh well.

Hmm, if you can "see" the singles with that clarity, you can obviously just play the singles.

If not, you can stay on one side for 2 or 3 plays and still make the profit.

It's basic stuff for sure but a lot of players don't see it that way.

The basic premise is:  "Solve for the 3's" and you've got it made!

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 22, 2013, 03:55:44 PM
Quote from: albalaha on February 22, 2013, 11:04:04 AM
It seems you are not aware of my "extreme variance control technique" which can take care of monster side of variances.

  It seems I'm also not aware of your "extreme variance control technique" either.

  Where might one find this link or thread so I can bring myself up to speed on it?

Off-topic / Re: GeeGee Burgers Rule
February 20, 2013, 06:21:37 PM
Will you guys please quit horsing around.

This is serious stuff!

Quote from: Ralph on February 16, 2013, 06:31:55 AM

The result will differ every time we play, if it is fun or real does not matter.
Actually, it does matter, depending on where you might be playing.
I'll just assume that this test is not going on with a real table but an RNG game.
Manipulation of the data is certainly possible in that case.

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 06, 2013, 02:33:43 AM
Quote from: albalaha on February 06, 2013, 02:30:25 AM
Anybody with any suggestions?
What will the person with the "correct" answer get for all this work?

Dozen/Column / Re: *******7 on 1*******
January 13, 2013, 06:45:37 PM
Quote from: albalaha on January 13, 2013, 09:20:04 AM
          You claim to win 925 sessions, without a loss, with this. It is indigestible in itself and an exaggeration.
This coming from the guy who publicly states in his signature "I have beaten the game of roulette".


Quote from: topcat888 on January 08, 2013, 06:45:44 AM

Having said all that, here's Table 2 throwing out four 4's in a row...

Mercy!  If that had been an "air ball" machine, the resulting screaming about "rigged" wheels and electronic countermeasures would be filling up the forum by now.

Stuff happens.  Deal with it, eh?

General Discussion / Re: hitting at a 200 odds bet
January 06, 2013, 03:43:53 PM
Quote from: VLS on January 06, 2013, 02:45:43 PM
Hmm, we'll need to run a poll to know if others are experiencing a similar behavior with the two images.

It is interesting indeed. If it's our (server) side it sure will help to debug this.
Can we assume that the images are being uploaded as attachments rather than being "linked" to an off site graphics account?

This is a linked image posted full size.  No attachment icon using this method.


Quote from: albalaha on January 03, 2013, 04:37:37 AM
                Challenges are meant for takers. If you do not have courage to take one, just watch it. Do not spoil any topic like this.
Fair enough. 

I will remove myself from "The Challenge" as most realistic people have already done.

Carry on.