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Messages - ADulay

Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 04, 2012, 02:40:19 AM

Is this a 00 wheel? 

I have a friend who plays there and he gets paid.  I may try it, but that $10 minimum makes me sweat just thinking about it.

  Just went in and looked and yes, it is a double zero wheel.
Well, on pretty much every other forum I get called all kinds of names for even mentioning the online casino I use, and have used for over three years now.

I'll take a chance and see if I can post up this information and still remain a normal user.

I've been using BetPhoenix.ag as my only online casino for real money.  As a US player, it's about the only online casino I can play at for money.

Do not confuse this casino with BetPhoenixCasino which is a totally different operation and not very well regarded in the online gambling community.

I have gotten my requests for payouts in a timely manner and literally have not had any problems from them worth even mentioning.

Their video feed does become flaky from time to time but then I just log off and come back another day.

I made an initial $200 deposit in 2009 and am still playing on the continued winnings from that.   I made the deposit to make a serious test of a system play.  It worked and I just stayed on and continued to play.

Yes, I'll be very happy when the US finally gets its act together and allows online gambling/money transactions, but those dopes in Washington will have to get their heads out of their a$$es and I doubt that will happen anytime soon.

I believe the live roulette wheel minimums on it are $10.