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Messages - AMK

General Discussion / Re: Is variance really a killer?
December 16, 2012, 10:48:04 PM
JL's PB Double Loss Strikerate 594/8 (74/1) 

Spike, if I remember correctly I once saw a method tested over 1 million spins that basically did not fluctuate at all. Stayed right above even, dropped down under a little then right back to a little above even etc  A member on vls forum showed the graph, rjeaton1
I can't find the thread now, might never find it again. The conclusion for this method was that it could not be used to produce signification profit etc

Would this kind of test result be useful for you to work with and use your insights on?
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
December 13, 2012, 10:57:37 PM
Thanks for the heads up Spike.

These happenings would make for good movies : )

A player I know was really working air ball. He picked up on air pressure changes. Then after his account reached a very high amount of units won, albeit proportionality with .10 units, the air pressure applied completely changed.

Floor people are not by definition flunky. Don't judge a book by its cover, you never know their story. They might have more valuable information then the casino manager.......
Hello Gizmotron,

This really sounds amazing!

Will your computer program be available in the new year?

Will it indicate when to place a bet or will it be able to place bets automatically?

Please give a heads up when it is ready.

Mixed / Re: Pattern Breaker money management
December 12, 2012, 11:21:59 PM
TREMENDOUS work here Subby, AMAZING.

PB 4 DL, although a method which has to show any consistency, was developed to eventually play with VERY large units. However to get to this stage, would as you mention,  take a longtime.

Because PB 4 DL uses less units proportionally to PB it would take less spins/time.

I like the thought of just playing 1 game per day : )
Meta-selection / Re: Trigger-packs concept
December 12, 2012, 11:11:25 PM
Hello VLS,

Do you have any ideas for a possible combination of methods and their triggers?

I have thought about this a bit but its difficult to put something on the table.
General Discussion / Surpassing Table Limits
December 12, 2012, 10:46:30 PM

Yesterday I was thinking about surpassing the table limit by asking a friend to play with me. I would give him a certain BR. When on a progression I reach the table limit my friend would start placing my second BR so that the progression actually continues.

For example, lets say the table limit on a certain bet is $200. Once I reach $200 my friend places the next betting amount to continue my progression. Say the next bet in the progression was $270. Now I would place $200 again and my friend using my BR places the remaining $70 etc

I have no got my head around all the aspects or even if there is a feasible table limit which can be used but thought it was interesting.

Straight-up / Re: The Juggler
December 12, 2012, 12:22:09 AM
I think I got it now, had to really focus : )

Do we start betting on the first number to appear twice in 23 spins, then continue betting on it and add the next number to appear twice in the next 23 spins. Until we have 7 numbers/ sessions of 23 spins, then start removing the furthest session and adding the latest session?
Straight-up / Re: The Juggler
December 11, 2012, 11:42:55 PM
Many thanks ignatus,

Can you show some visual examples with how you bet please.


Even chance / Re: PB 4 DL
December 10, 2012, 10:34:13 PM
I think you will have to read JL's PATTERN BREAKER thread and understand the method.

Then practice a little on paper and play on BV perhaps. (although I still feel you should only play live wheel)

Just apply these rules to PB 4 DL, which is then with 4 patterns.

I don't think I can explain it better than the things you will learn from reading JL's PB thread and playing it.
Even chance / Re: Random Pattern Vs Breaker
December 10, 2012, 10:22:35 PM
Thanks MG,

I like the idea of increasing the unit size after any losing sessions.

Could you see how this MM would have worked on your results so far.
Even chance / Re: PB 4 DL
December 10, 2012, 10:07:33 PM
Quote from: marivo on December 10, 2012, 09:20:45 AM

I don't understand this. Can you pls explain more about the "pattern which qualify"?

Hello marivo,

When we observe a loss we start to follow the other two EC's.

The first EC which needs just one more pattern to appear is the "pattern which qualify"
Even chance / Re: Random Pattern Breaker
December 10, 2012, 10:02:09 PM
Your just flat bettin this MarignyGrilleau?
General Discussion / Re: Thank a programmer today
December 09, 2012, 09:56:29 PM

A big thanks to all the programmers!
Even chance / Re: PB 4 DL
December 08, 2012, 12:05:53 AM
Thank you VLS, JohnLegend and Vic.

I forgot to mention that it is ofcourse a 3 unit bet: 1,2

PB has a lot of strength JL.

Thanks for explaining that little 5 to 1 detail.
Even chance / PB 4 DL
December 07, 2012, 11:31:58 PM
Hello everyone,

First post. I like the vibe of the forum.


PB 4 DL is based around JohnLegends Double Loss results for PATTERN BREAKER.  Strikerate 594/8  (74/1)

My assumption is that this win to loss rate will be seen even when we halve the number of patterns. PATTERN BREAKER revolves around 8 patterns. Will there be a proportional strikerate when we only use 4 patterns? Remember we are waiting for a loss, playing against a double loss.

On all EC's we can find 4 patterns:

HL         OE        RB
HH        OO        RR
LH         EO        BB
LL          EE        BR

We translate this into numbers 1 through 4

1        1        1
2        2        2
3        3        3
4        4        4

We start playing just as regular PATTERN BREAKER, but only with 4 patterns on each EC.

We wait for a loss on one of the EC's


4....  pattern 4 (last unhit pattern) appears directly after pattern 2

Now we observe the other two EC's which have not seen a loss yet.

First EC to qualify we bet against the last unhit pattern to appear directly.


..   here we bet against pattern 3 (LH) appearing directly. A three unit bet: 1,2

I am inclined to think that we can expect a proportional Double Loss strikerate as with PATTERN BREAKER.

I hope to start playing this live soon.