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Messages - AMK

Thanks for the great info wannawin.

In the first essay Pearson indicates that a person cannot randomly produce/guess the same averages for the appearance of numbers over the course of 1000's of spins as random does.

Or better said, we cannot write down the same random results as a live wheel will produce during at least 1000 spins in my opinion, due to our subconscious biases. There might already be a clear difference after 300 spins?

Perhaps we can apply this to a bet selection.

If we know that we are consistently incorrect 30 or 40% of the time a certain bet might give us an advantage : )
Start an affiliate program with a casino.

Then play on a friends account.

What ever you lose you will be returned +-25%

Could this be used to our advantage?
My first idea.

Research the new methods posted each week. Select 1 to 3 methods to play for only one week.

I think that this is better then just randomly guessing what is going to land next, regardless if it is a EC, dozen or line etc.

Someone has looked at the method and in the vast majority of cases it worked well, short term.....

Quote from: Bally6354 on February 16, 2013, 02:03:49 PM
This is where I am just going to unleash some of the ideas that come into my head from time to time regarding roulette.

Feel free to add your own.  :thumbsup:

Thanks for the thread Bally.

This way we don't have to worry about reading the entire thread before posting a comment or tweak/idea : )
Noticed something cool Esoito : )

I posted this at 11:37

Esoito Quote:

It's not called 'gambling' for no reason...

I would say, only if there is no house edge can it be called gambling.Now the casino and we are gambling who will truly win.If the casino gave me a house edge I think I would also win longterm against all casinos world wide.This being said, can we players be successful? I think it is possible, but don't call it gambling, call it "being wise" : )

After p
osting this I found you posted this at 10:56 before me:

"I guess I am saying it is difficult to judge."

And perhaps we shouldn't judge, but keep our noses right out! After all, the issue seems to be a private issue that should have been resolved privately -- not made public. Both have offered explanations of their viewpoints and the matter appears to be resolved.

Looks the same : )
Straight-up / Re: Mary Jane
February 18, 2013, 12:04:08 AM
Speaking of which : )   


1. speaking of which
Speaking of which' can be used to refer to something that has just been said. Other similar phrases are: by the way, incidentally, apropos, with regard to..

Should be legalized, would resolve a lot of problems.

You are not allowed to have open alcohol containers in "public" places, you will be fined. If you get caught in "public" with Mary you should also get an equivalent fine : ) People being "legally intoxicated" is no different then seeing Mary.

I could go on and on but back to the method : )


Esoito Quote:

It's not called 'gambling' for no reason...

I would say, only if there is no house edge can it be called gambling.

Now the casino and we are gambling who will truly win.

If the casino gave me a house edge I think I would also win longterm against all casinos world wide.

This being said, can we players be successful?

I think it is possible, but don't call it gambling, call it "being wise" : )


Could you explain this statement by Sam please:

I was then asked to send the other $50.00 because it was Christmas and Victor wanted to buy his family something.  Reasonable request, so I sent another $50.  Then came the boy's birthday and, even though I had paid in full for the software, I sent another $25.00.

To 2Cat:

All I can say is that things can get confused using email and pms. Misinterpretations, delayed responses etc. this can lead to situations where two friends get upset.

I hope this is the case. You and I would both agree that before this incident VLS was always seen in a great light.

I guess I am saying it is difficult to judge.
Straight-up / Re: One more easy method. Flat betting.
February 12, 2013, 12:06:44 AM
Hello and thanks Dane,

Was thinking along the same "lines".

I can only see the first few sentences of your post as I have not posted for sometime, been traveling. After this post I hope to see them.

My method 3 HVD uses a 3 by 3 grid, playing for a horizontal, vertical or diagonal triple formation of H in any direction.

We use a double HH trigger to form a HVD triple.

A new frame starts after every 9 spins again.

.. = place bet

L   H   L
H   H  ..    H H trigger for H H H forming horizontally, a triple.
H   ..                  H
                         H trigger vertically , etc. anytime you see a H H forming horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Hope to make a thread for it as it has a lot of variations.

EC's, dozens or lines.

Progression can be limited per frame or perhaps we should use a +1-1 prog?

This simple 3 by 3 frame has lots to offer.
General Discussion / Re: Roulette Camp
January 08, 2013, 10:20:01 PM
Quote from: ll l lll ll l lll on January 08, 2013, 04:57:55 AM
You focus on series of singles, doubles, triples, etc....in the EC's.  You bet with experience based on the way these series behave in a typical random stream.  A typical random stream contains many singles, fewer doubles, and even fewer triples, etc....With experience the changing of these series can be anticipated without huge drawdowns.  There are no huge losing streaks.  You can also look for other sequences, and anticipate or "guess" for change.

II I III II I III, i  finally understand your forum name/sequence : )

Only took about a year and a half.

I assume you have been playing in this style for a while.

Ego has done a lot of great work with series as you know.

If you have a lot of experience playing series would you mind starting a thread with insights, methods etc.
General Discussion / Re: The Golden String
January 08, 2013, 02:03:14 AM

Scroll to the top of the page, a good place to start : )

I selected this chapter to read first.

Which patterns repeat and where?
General Discussion / Re: Roulette Camp
January 08, 2013, 12:45:03 AM

Only EC's


What is your BR?

Do you have stop loss?

Does a session end when 1 unit in the plus?

General Discussion / Re: Roulette Camp
January 08, 2013, 12:37:21 AM
Could you describe your bet selection just a little Spike?

If I was standing next to you at the table what would I see you do during 40 spins?
Mixed / Re: AAO (Against All Odds) from GG's archives
January 08, 2013, 12:29:18 AM
Your right Wildcard (he's right Twister : )

I like how I interpreted the method though.

Turbo did have a fixed betting sequence, would a randomly picked betting sequence be different?

I like to think so.