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Topics - Albalaha

Can there be a scroll capture tool that can make a snap of entire marquee of bv, even scrolling it fully?
    Alternatively, can there be any bot/tool/tracker that can save numbers from marquee in a txt or excel file, if we play it manually or auto spins of bv?
Mixed / My query for all money management experts
January 26, 2013, 06:33:28 AM
There are so many mathematics, statistics and probability and randomness experts over here. Can anybody tell any money management plan which can let a straight up win, if its average strike rate is 47. It means in 1000 trials, it will win only 21 times. Any takers?
Einstein once commented upon the sole way to win roulette: "Steal  chips when croupier isn't looking".
Obviously, he was joking and was justified too since there is no simple mathematics that can beat the odds of the game, house edge, variances and table limits.
                  In a very complex mathematical setup and multiple bets running together through a bot, it has been recently made possible to beat millions of data, without ever going deeper than 14k. Mostly, a drop of 3 to 5 k can be witnessed but when u try millions of spins with infinite permutations and combinations possible of multiple bets that we run together, it is not very horrible.
                        The credit to develop such a complex working bot goes to none other but my friend Ophis. We have tested more than 10 millions spins data, including the one million provided by Bayes to confirm this. Winnings are not nominal but quite visible. We are still working to better it, even more and make it a money minting machine.
           It is a dream come true. See the graphs to feel its strength.


Why can't any of the money management strategies work?

It's because they do nothing to change the mathematical properties of the gambling proposition you've entered into. There's only one useful element to money management, and that's to have enough money in your pocket to play each situation correctly. If you've got that, you've optimized your money management. As for starting, stopping, pressing up and cutting back –- you're just jerking yourself around. Let's take the "quit while you're ahead" strategy as an example.

Suppose you were flipping a coin with your buddy every day for a dollar per flip. He'd play forever, but you could quit any time you wanted to. So you decide you'll play until you get just one dollar ahead, then quit for that day and come back tomorrow. Now, playing like that, what percentage of your days do you think would be winners? The answer is a little over 80%.

Well, 80% may sound like an impressive session win rate, but it's not good enough to make you an overall winner at the game if that's your sole strategy. Why not? Because you're still going to end up winning 50% of all your flips, and you can't get away from that. In a game with house edge, it is even worse.

The fact that you've hand-picked the points where you'll step back (quit) and admire your progress has done nothing to cause you to win more flips overall. All you're going to do is have a whole bunch of $1 winning days, and a few scattered days where you lose $3, or $5 or $10. Overall, though, the pluses and minuses will still add up to zero.

You see, gambling is a long run journey landscaped with many hills and valleys. When you quit simply because you're ahead, you're merely choosing to park on a hill rather than in a valley, but the road is still taking you to the same place. And that place is determined solely by the percentages of your gambling proposition.

The same would be true if you always quit for the day after losing, say, five flips in a row. All quitting here would do is put time in between your last flip and your next. You've got the same chance to win your first flip tomorrow as your next flip right now. So you might as well say, "I quit!", take out a notebook, log down your losing session, and immediately flip your next flip. Your coin flip odds remain 50-50, and 50-50 is still going to basically be your final result.

So then, what about applying a betting progression to your coin flip game? Say your buddy agreed to letting you "bump up" your bet after every winning flip with a $1-$3-$5 progression to take advantage of your streaks. But after each loss, you'll always bet just $1. Would you have the best of him then? The answer is, absolutely not and the reason can be confusing.

For any three coin flips, there are eight ways they can come out -– no more, no less. You can go:


Furthermore, every sequence will eventually come up as often as any other. It's easy to see that going W-W-W with your progression wins $9. Yet, going L-L-L loses only $3. That may look enticing and I won't bore you with the rest of the math, but after you go through all the sequences, you'll have $12 won and $12 lost. See for yourself. This progression, and any other for that matter, will cancel itself out perfectly, whether it's over the course of three averaged bets or 3000. You can't get away from it.
Most of you guys have seen the 185 spins data of smartlive casino. If you have not see this: http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=3689.0 . It is a visual delight and a great system tester tool. It provides you a real session of 3 to 4 hours of real play. txt or excel format data is OK but can't substitute this easy to see Marvel. I started compiling them in rf.cc and many guys helped me with their inputs. Now, you must be knowing that they have changed the look of the 185 session and it is not as appealing or a visual candy than earlier.
                           I have seen that Normy (norcosoft) developed a tool which can automatically capture sessions in txt form. He has helped in compiling many too. I saw even 900+ consecutive spins data compiled by Normy.
                      Is it possible to have a small tool that can convert any text data to the shape and style of smart live casino, be it 100 spins or thousand spins? If it is possible, we can have the most convenient way for manual (I call it visual testing for Red/black) testing. It can be a breakthrough too because no one has ever done anything like this in any other forum.
Sports Betting Forum / Can anyone tip on sports betting?
December 25, 2012, 06:29:23 AM
Is there anyone among us who do it better than average people? Well skilled, well informed and well experienced.
I take this opportunity to ask Bayes and Gizmo too, as to what do they say about Fundamental Formula of Gambling written by Ion Saliu?
For reference : http://saliu.com/Saliu2.htm
                It is an interesting debate for someone who understands maths, statistics and probability all.

Math & Statistics / Please opine regarding Hit and Run
November 19, 2012, 03:05:09 AM
Dear Bayes,
          You are among a very few members, who talk of sense only and never deviate from logic. You can see that a big discussion is going on regarding test of Pattern Breaker over 1 million spins in Private Discussion Board section meant for subscribed and charter members. Whatever tests I did so far, specially on large data, the method failed badly. Not only it failed but it never won anything considerable ever.
                  Now, I want to know your opinion over playing Martingale (as PB looks to me, no offence meant) with Hit and Run. Do you feel that it is capable of yielding considerable profit, if we keep on playing it, with random sessions (they assert that it is very different from testing a million spins together)?
Anybody can play and win in sessions where his betselection either appears averagely or with minor temporary variance. Can anybody dare to win a perpetually under performer number?

If you are aware of Zumma Testers's book of American Roulette having 15k real spins, here is an open challenge for all those who say they are system creators.

In the attached sheet, I have marked the wins/losses of number 3 in entire 15k trials. It is pertinent to mention here that number 3 has won only 329 times i.e a hit rate of only 45.59 spins/Win.

I openly challenge that no one can beat it at last being under a reasonable limit (bankroll wise and maximum bet used wise). Will anybody ever beat it and prove me wrong?

Since I am not member of any other forum apart from this and mine, I request Victor and others to carry my challenge to other forums as well.
General Discussion / HAPPY BIRTHDAY Victor
November 11, 2012, 05:04:11 AM
Happy Birthday bro............
Methods' results / It may be the most useful section
November 08, 2012, 03:33:16 AM
Nice to see this section, Victor. I hope it will be a very useful place worth referring.
Dozens of forums. Thousands of members and posts. 100s of topics but are we getting somewhere near perfection or rather learning only fanciful ways to try our luck without any substance or logic?
                    Most of the old forums gather so many active (those who write every fanciful way to play which comes to their minds) and inactive (those who can only appreciate or criticize methods) members but the debate never goes in a structured manner. Nobody talks of hows and whys. Play this way, play that way. Result: win in 5 sessions with +50 units and 6 session goes in -80 something.
            Result: Those who are looking for any magical trick to earn from these places, disappear or get silent after some time.

           If we want to get something positive and constructive, joint and constructive efforts are required from various topic starters, testers and programmers. Otherwise every other forum will be same. Lots of writings, Nothing worth learning.