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Messages - Albalaha

Quoterandom numbers are nonsense.

QuoteAnd the obvious corollary to that is that playing games based on random numbers is also nonsense.

First statement is perception, second could be truth for losers.
Randomness and uncertainty is absolute truth in gambling. Can someone deny?
Even chance / Re: £100 in to £135,000 in 365 sittings
December 13, 2013, 06:46:18 AM
Quoteusing the martingale betting system

This is the worst piece of comedy that I have seen in years.  :-*
Risking money on slots is one of the most unwise idea. That too to clear such huge wagering requirements makes it further worse.
I have done this more than two dozens times but all were no deposit bonuses. The time constraints that u have is the biggest hurdle and the wagering that they are asking is ridiculous and pretty difficult.
Quote from: Number Six on December 09, 2013, 01:28:20 PM
It would be easy to add some credence to your reputation by undergoing a public test. The test can be set up in such a way to preserve anonymity of any bet selection.
It has been done earlier too in public test. Have a look :

Any doubts of fabrications? Go and ask the admin of that site.
QuoteIf you do, also read the posts where it all fails eventually, Sam has posted it a few times after good long runs.I agree the comment (Follow him, then) is unjustified.

            Every method have same fate. What good it made to all that this action is being cited? When a method loses principally, it is useless to make a video of that. Better simulate that in excel and save your time and that of others. Unless a method can better be understood visually,I do not feel it is any good to make video of that.
Whenever someone speaks that the game is not beatable I feel like crying, "then why the hell are you over here"?

If you believe in this theory then quit gambling forever and don't lurk around places to get a ready to use HG to become a millionaire.

           Only statement that is true about roulette or any game of chance is, "you can not win in all probabilities that can appear in gambling due to randomness and unpredictability caused thereby".

Whatever you concept is, if you bet and keeps on getting losses, even the wisest approach will look foolish there. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

We do not need to beat the game. We need to extract profit from it as we churn milk to extract cream without destroying the milk.I believe it is easily doable. At least,I can do that.
               The game itself is not beatable,in all probabilities but it is winnable.
If a method is not winner in itself, why do u expect a bot to win anything for you? Such bots with limited applications are useless. Ralph's bot was better. At least he coded many popular methods and gave the bot for free too.
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 05:57:31 PM
I said.
QuoteI have a compilation of hundreds of books on roulette and gambling costing anywhere from $1.99 to a few thousands of dollars.

           I did not say I have bought them and no hard bound book but only e-books, systems and scanned books(a few).
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 05:17:18 AM
Fair enough. Closing this topic.
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 04:22:24 AM
Dear Kimo,
   You teach what to play so you should tell how to play too and when and how much and how does that make any difference from playing anything randomly.
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 02:34:33 AM
good job, Wedding.  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 01:40:27 AM
How about posting genuinewinner woth $2500?