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Messages - Albalaha

General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 12:38:16 AM
Dear Kimo Li,
     Your two statements:
Your methods, of which I know nothing about, and care not to know, are yours.
QuoteIf you want to speak of your methods, please do so. I am more that willing to listen.If

clash with each other.

You can see a compilation of a few of my old methods, you can visit this: http://betselection.cc/index.php?topic=2673.0

        Your betselections are innovative like nuke, bowtie, star,pie, boomrang and..........................
        Are they really giving any edge to a player in overall and sufficient to earn without any kind of money management or does it really increase the accuracy of predictions? If not, they are only as good as any random betselection.

QuoteI will cease in answering any of your questions as your intent is to extract information that will synthesize  your knowledge of roulette and to claim it your own.
           Is it a joke of some kind? Both of your books are as much open to all forum members as wikipedia. I have a compilation of hundreds of books on roulette and gambling costing anywhere from $1.99 to a few thousands of dollars. I can say none makes a player any better in terms of winning. Unless you have an exclusive skill to handle the best, average and the worst session equally easily, you are no better than any "unskilled" and "uneducated" gambler.
           I know all pros and cons to all the so called "progressions" and all of them "benefits" and "harms" proportionally and none is fit to be used in all kind of sessions.
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 07, 2013, 12:07:48 AM
Quote from: Tomla on December 06, 2013, 07:26:14 AM
Albahala, post your results, show your stuff?  don't just beg!

Have a look here:

How many of you can win 30-50 sessions in a row?
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 06, 2013, 06:24:43 AM
I respect Kimo Li but I believe I have more feats than him. I am not begging for anything because I am an innovator and have been teaching pro players like you for years. I just want to evaluate as to Kimo's predicted betseletion has any difference from a random one or not.
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 06, 2013, 05:58:26 AM
Can I see any of the tracker made upon Kimo Li's idea with his suggested progression? Anybody?
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 05, 2013, 08:09:42 AM
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 05, 2013, 03:23:57 AM
Dear Mr Li,
         Which of the betselection looks you most promising and say I target to win 20% profit in a session which progression strategy you recommend? One of the guy using more method told me that he uses a kind of fibonnacci progression where bet ranges from 1 to 70. What do you recommend?
General Discussion / Re: My questions for Kimo Li
December 04, 2013, 04:07:55 PM
Purchasing the method is not our purpose. How to get an edge over the game with his methods/betselections? I want  would appreciate a simple explanation to this.
General Discussion / My questions for Kimo Li
December 04, 2013, 05:53:17 AM
Dear Mr. Li,
              I have read both your books and have certain queries. Hopefully you would try to answer them.

1. Do you believe that roulette spins are purely random, chaotic and hence unpredictable too? I am not talking of RNG only both kinds of wheels.

2. If you feel that your any method can predict it even with slightest accuracy, do u have any tracker (in excel or exe) to evaluate that?

3. Do you feel that your way of prediction should fetch net profits flat bet mostly or it need any money management? If yes, can you please brief that?

Coding MARKETPLACE / I need a skilled excel coder
November 29, 2013, 05:26:34 AM
Programmers have helped me become farsighted and test my strategies in short and long runs. I can't thank them enough. Specially Christopher(Ophis), Michael(madmax) and  Steve V Hecke(Stef). All of them created a lots of trackers,bots and did lots of simulations for me exclusively.
              It is strange that all of these guys are no more active on any of the forums and do not even respond to emails for a few months.
           Can I get help from someone who can do complex coding in excel (with or without VB) or make suitable trackers/bots?
         If someone is willing to help, he can email me.

I hope no body will object to this appeal being private.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: Let's play this session
November 28, 2013, 02:05:45 PM
Malcop created a good tracker for Kattila's way of beating worst sessions.
You can find the tracker here: http://albalaha.lefora.com/topic/13828518/Kattilas-Dozen-method-with-tracker#.UpdNHNIW1A4
Every EC betting game is same mathematically and theoretically except a little changes in house edge. A concept that wins roulette wins baccarat too, so far as EC betting is concerned. Baccarat offers "Tie" bet and roulette a variety of inside and outside bets with varying degree of probabilities/payouts that makes all the differences between the two.
          Rolling a ball or giving shuffled cards are ways to randomize the results to make it as unpredictable as possible.
General Discussion / Re: NetTeller Scam email
November 24, 2013, 03:06:14 AM
I got one from skrill/moneybookers.
General Discussion / Re: Martin Blakey System
November 22, 2013, 08:59:07 AM
Yes. Looks very complex. I don't think it is a winner.
I have millions of actual data and you can refer my blog to get some but I stopped gathering more since no two session can be identical being totally random. I prefer using www.random.org to get True Random Number Generator data. I use a bit of excel RNGs too but I heard they are not perfect, so random.org is the best place, in my humble opinion. German casinos data can be good too.
              There is nothing like real wheel data or RNG data, in real world. All are random and unpredictable.

ThomasGrant / Re: HP Johnson Guaranteed System
November 20, 2013, 08:19:16 AM
Once I also get astonished to see this but when u check it deep, it is as much a failure as anything else, in long run. good for trying your luck in a casino.