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Messages - Albalaha

I still can't understand whether the figures that you arrived at are correct or not by  your explanations. Can't you work it out spin by spin? If 36 spins are a cycle for you and u increase by every cycle loss and decrease by every cycle win, how could u bet 3 unit max?
            Can GreatGr or anybody else explain this?
Sports betting is not as much random as casino gambling. Would you like to bet upon those bets which are more than 80-99% likely to win? If you want, I can give picks for various games like football, basketball, golf, cricket, boxing and tennis.
QuoteWith due respect to all concerned on this thread, why make life hard for yourself so as to have to cope with 'extreme variance'.
Then you do not need to read around systems on any forum. Play anything with positive expectation of getting  goodey-goodey sessions and curse  your luck on bad ones. Later when you end up your bankroll, you have sayings to support your loss, at last from Albert Einstein.
                     There is always no worries in good times but bad sessions are much more obvious.

                           Those who have no idea about how to do this challenge please stay away from commenting in this topic.
Quote from: Chrisbis on May 11, 2013, 11:40:13 AM
Manchester City :3
Wigan Athletic    :2

That's my guess  :nod:

                           You lost it.  :fight:
       If it looks as waste of time, don't waste that. Nobody is asking you, particularly to take this challenge. It is not like you do not understand the meaning and purpose of this challenge. You never did number 3, otherwise you would have come up with results jumping like a frog.
              This challenge is much like a very difficult hurdle race. It needs a balance of speed and control over lead leg and trail leg. Let me clarify you that all basic negative/positive progressions or regressions will fall flat on this challenge. To beat this challenge you should be able to pass through very tough challenges. It is like driving in a road that is bumpy and smooth at places. Not everyone can dare to do this.
              Those who know "extreme variance management" and a suitable money management that can handle persistent variance/scatter can do something positive in such challenges.
             Copy+paste members have no leg room. Only innovative ones can think of doing something here.
Quote from: Albalaha on May 11, 2013, 11:43:29 AM
Bet on the win of Chelsea

in Aston Villa vs. Chelsea
Time: 12:45
(it has started)
Note: This bet has a great probability to win.

Yes. It won. :cheer:
Bet on the win of Chelsea

in Aston Villa vs. Chelsea
Time: 12:45
(it has started)
Note: This bet has a great probability to win.
Ok. What does your excel say to you, let me know? What is the max bet, biggest drawdown, best figure in winning and how much did it finish with?

                   I am asking to you.
          Do not put your expert comments here because that is not sought. If you can illustrate how GreatGramp's method wins, do that here. He has yet to prove anything and he has just put a theory like many others which he feels, should win.
It went to "Draw"
Hey GreatG.....
                       If you make a claim and feel that has some worth, the onus to prove that lies on you.
Bet on the win of Crystal Palace

in Crystal Palace Versus Brighton

Time: 19:45

You need to study mathematics fully. Don't you know about dispersion, standard deviation etc?
If you do not understand statistics/mathematics/probability you are just like a blind man claiming to shoot a flying bird. Those who are aware of that are having eyes at least.
QuoteGive me the next worst number and I'll run it again.

           It will be useless doing so. Since you have yet to come up with what exactly u did with number 3 challenge. Put that first in open here, if u have really beaten it or admit that you claimed falsely.