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Messages - Albalaha

I think he needs to see this graph:

         Go to kids and tell your variance killer stories. Here you are only making fun of yourself. You are, in no way, know how to handle variance/dispersion. You are winning where flat bet is winning and losing where flat bet is losing. What is your merit? You need to study kindergarten books on statistics/probability and mathematics of gambling.
               Do not make my topic a circus with clowns jumping around. I will delete all further posts of urs here having no substance. If you want to prove  your win, write a separate topic. In my observation and as per Bayes opinion too, u have only lost it very badly.
Can someone else please explain GGasoft that what he is doing is a kind of reverse engineering and he has done nothing to beat the challenge? I think either he can't read what I am writing about his method or turned shameless.
You are a magician who knows since beginning that the first 700 spins where the bet of ours is winning even flat bet has to be bet by $100 chips. Over-smartness sometimes make you look foolish. You are a loser. Anybody can see the graph of  your session and graph created by Victor by flat bet and bets made by you at "hot spots" and thereafter.
           Play the same regression all over 15k spins, you will start oozing blood. As I said earlier, stop fooling yourself.
           Do not forget that it is not humor section. You have only done a joke by your so-called method here which is open to everyone to see and evaluate. Your so-called methods and test reports will be intact but no more jokes here, please.
Quote  Play it like a tournament.   DUH!
It is not so simple thing to do. Someone who will beat this challenge with a well defined and logical money management will be a real maestro of this game. So far, nobody is even close to do anything like this. A few merely talk of their assumptions that this should beat it and that should beat it but they are far from the reality and if they test their raw idea upon this challenge, they will get how hollow they are.
                     A few like GGasoft are creating comical solution of this and rest are just making assumptions about various possibilities.
                So, we can only beat a session which is either hitting always below break even or where we are getting wins in cluster? I do not think anyone will ever beat this challenge. It seems all have surrendered to the difficulties that it offers.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 09, 2013, 05:28:11 PM
This theoretical Dispersion killing is useless in practical gambling. Be realistic.
      You have no right to say so. It is my challenge. You claimed to win this but shying away to show how. Further, I have never claimed to have beaten this particular challenge.
QuoteThe only way to kill it is not fighting with it......

          So you better stay out of this challenge. Your philosophy teaches you that. 
You claim to be a dispersion killer and running away to see the dispersion. If you have any real approach that can work in such bets, write that clearly, otherwise try your luck somewhere else.
Even I trust whatever u say, u r not winning the challenge in any sensible manner, not even close to that. Your method is meant for better times than average and the challenge is just meant for opposite of that. If I remove first 700 spins, your method and your master both will start crying. You can not guess whether there will be good times or bad, in future, so u will always play with an identical method. Here, you are becoming a clairvoyant (some call it smarta## too) who knows from beginning that first 700 spins going to be good and he bets heavily there and his sixth sense stops him to bet big later.
        What a master and what a student!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your master told you exactly opposite of the reality. If a successful method is written inside Osama's bunker, people will enter to read that. All these forums are clear examples of that. Actually there is no method in public eyes that can always win. Once they see an HG, they all run to local casinos or online ones.
           Keep betting $100, $50 chips throughout 15k spins, as you did in beginning and then see the results of your superb strategy. Check your graph yourself and see what are you doing after first 700 spins where even the most unwise member can win. This is not a method but a joke.
         let me look at the results. Oh again, you are using $100 chips in good times and $1 chips later. For how many times do I need to tell you that what you are doing is reverse engineering and instead of being called a "maestro", you may be termed as a "joker".
           In a small sample of wiesbaden, a single number may not come even once and there is no point of trying that number because whoever plays on that number will lose. Number 3 challenge is not a test of your method but it is an endurance test of a very good system. I play much more roulette than you do and I have read and written far more about it than you can do till your life. Although, I don't have easy access to land based casinos but I do 3-4 trips of about a fortnight each time (a few short trips too) every year and have accounts with not less than 200 online casinos. I play, study and do my indigenous researches with the help of more than 2 dozen bots/tracker developed exclusively for me by the best known programmers of this forum world. I give not less than 3-4 hours on testing and developing new ideas.

        You said you did it but yet to put proof of your victory before anyone. Let us all have your methodology and test report which you claim to have won +79. You will get the second worst number too, to work upon the same principals, if there are any. I have beaten the game and I can beat it in both short and long runs. Even you can do that if you have a strategy that can survive the worst.
This challenge is meant for a real maestro. Kindergarten methods will fall flat here. Most of the people are looking for winning in those sessions, which can be won even with flat bet. A few talk of methods without knowing the real implications of that. So far, 100% failure over this challenge and whoever claimed to beat, could not prove anything serious.
           Ggasoft, Adulay and Flat_ino, if you feel you can play and beat this, prove your methods upon the entire data. If the method is really workable, that will win another number having similar traits too. If someone reverse engineers this data to get a fake win, he will be exposed very easily.
          A method that wins good performing number and that can handle the worst too, is truly difficult. I have yet to see any in any of the forums.
See the beginning of this debate.