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Messages - Albalaha

QuoteCalm...calm...calm down, Al.
You can see what is provoking me to answer like this.
QuoteIgnore him people, he never acknowledges or thanks any contribution.

What you have contributed, so far? New Fallacies and innovative and copy+paste ideas to how to lose more and win less. If someone has really helped me, they are programmers like Victor, Steph, Ophis etc. I have never forgot thanking them.
             You better fly in your own territory and speak sensibly. Nobody is calling you to do anything. It is an open challenge to fight with a perpetually bad bet. This challenge unmasks the standard of knowledge acquired by all of us in running around various forums and trying thousands of systems. Don't think much about this challenge. You can't help it.

               Can you understand plain and simple English? You are showing winning with your bet in that area of the data where it is winning more and losing less, even flat bet.  See page number 3 of this topic to see the graph of number 3 being played flat bet. The challenge is to beat the entire session, not a chosen favorable area/portion of it. If you apply your approach throughout 15k spins, it will lose a few hundred thousands of units. Don't try to fool us and specially to yourself.
              Even an average player will win this data till 700 spins because till then number 3 is doing very well and winning even flat bet.
Quoteother 500 spins on the fight then i decide , to bet 1 unit minimum value each spin until challenge end
This is what we call, reverse engineering. You are betting with $100 chips in good time and then suddenly u chose to go flat bet with $1. What kind of methodology is this? You are not fooling others but rather yourself.                       
          Go, play the entire session with a well defined system and then come up with your results, net profit, drawdown etc.                   
No volunteer for testing these? Strange. :nope:
I am not ignoring anybody. If you have a claim, the onus to prove lies with you, not me. If you can't do it yourself, let someone come up forward and test your idea, if it appeals, to someone. If you can't test your idea on entire data, consider yourself a loser, so far it is confirmed as a winner. Till then, keep patience.
            So far many came with raw ideas to beat it. Yet to see any clear method illustrated over the entire session and that is winning unambiguously.
I Think Nick/Steph can do it in the best way. I have no problem in calling you a "maestro" if you can achieve this which has not been solved by anyone else so far.
            Any taker of excel simulation of this technique?
           You never described as to how did u break it and just told that you won +79 units while betting flat. Is it sufficient?
Any one having two working eyes can see whether you told any method here, in my forum or not : http://albalaha.lefora.com/2012/11/11/albalahas-open-challenge-can-anyone-beat-the-worst/page2/

              Please explain your method and put it in excel, so that everyone can see what exactly you did and how exactly you reach till end.
           Claims of  wins from both are imaginary and vague and highly unclear. It is like saying I killed a tiger with bare hands in jungle but no one saw me doing that, unfortunately. Put your methodology in writing here, so that anybody from Victor to Bayes to Stef/Nick or many more testers can verify that.
Meaning? That match was running then. Manchester could not win.

[Esoito Edit:  Ah. Thanks for that.  :thumbsup: ]
        You have only told the results without telling anything about the methodology. Those results may be imaginary because you claim to beat it with flat betting, which is quite indigestible in the presence case unless someone reverse engineers the flow of win/loss and use the weakest point of this particular data to show the win.
               If you have really beaten this (even with slightest profit) with a sensible approach which someone will use on a straight up bet, why are you shying away to show that to all?
                So far, nobody has done anything to go near beating this data.
Liverpool lost. Juventus won. Manchester awaited.
Look. I know it is not feasible to try 15k spins with 100 chips in hand. Will 5000 chips be enough to you?  My curiosity is to see how wisely you can bet in such adverse cases to ensure a net win without going too down in loss.
Good. I like your spirit.  :applause:
In the match of
Manchester United vs. Chelsea
Bet on the win of "Manchester United"
and "more than 2.5 goals" in the match.
Bet on the win of "Liverpool"

Liverpool vs. Everton
Match time: 13:30

Bet on the win of "Juventus"
Juventus vs. Palmero
Match time: 14:00
I have never made any claim on this data.