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Messages - Albalaha

These were bets on "win" only of the respective matches.However, I do other type of betting too.
Tottenham and Arsenal both won.     :cheer:

100% winnings in all predictions, so far.
Bet on the win of Tottenham

In Tottenham Vs Southampton
Time: 15:00

Bet on the win of Arsenal
in QPR Vs. Arsenal
Time: 17:30
Result:   Yessssssssss
              It won. :cheer:
Everybody is only speaking of their opinions. No illustrations has come up yet. What is the use of this challenge? The purpose is to learn how you handle continuous variance in such a span. If a strategy wins this challenge, without reverse engineering the W/L in it, that should win in any other number in long term.
                                  Whoever claims to beat it, be it Adulay, Flat_ino or Greatgrampa need to illustrate their idea working on this data openly here. Otherwise, the claim to beat it with all these abovesaid methods, can be safely considered as imaginary if not false.
Sports Betting Forum / My sports betting picks
May 03, 2013, 02:04:53 PM
Bet on Sheff Utd to win the match
    in the football match on 3rd May, i.e. today
between Sheff Utd  vs. Yeovil
time: 19:45
QuoteYou could try using up to 4 methods. Select a bet with the 1st method then quickly run through the other 3 methods to see if there is an opposite selection. If there's no opposing selection then place your bet. If there is an opposing selection then select a bet with the 2ndmethod then quickly run through the other 3 methods to see if there is an opposite selection. If there's no opposing selection then place your bet. If there is an opposing selection then select a bet with the 3rd method then quickly run through the other 3 methods to see if there is an opposite selection. If there's no opposing selection then place your bet, etc. If there are opposing selections through all the methods then skip the spin.
Will it really help? This is the newest fallacy in the town.
Can anybody simulate Flat's Idea? I do not think it will work perfectly here. How about GG claim?
How much bankroll and table limits you want?
Try from 1 to 100.
    You do have fresh ideas. Try to execute your strategy and beat this. Remember, do not make a tailor-made strategy that handles only worst numbers. The strategy should be applicable upon well performing numbers of zumma as well. One excel of your way on number 3 will speak better than your meter long written strategy.

         This challenge is simply of beating a particular number, that kept itself on back foot throughout 15,000 spins. You can't mix other bets to tone down the consistent dispersion/variance that it has. Just fight with that if you really know how to.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 01, 2013, 06:06:01 AM
You carry over the challenge thread and answer there or make a fresh topic, like "Albalaha's challenge taken"
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 01, 2013, 04:09:15 AM
QuoteIm one of the few real pros on roulette around the world , if some one has a question about , our dispersion killing art.
Oh. really???
       I thought I am the only one who can do that.
           If you can kill dispersion, try my open challenge: http://betselection.cc/general-discussion/albalaha's-open-challenge-can-anyone-beat-the-worst/
Beat it and everybody will be glad to accept you as maestro.
It may look like a hypothetical question but if there is a surefire method that requires you to have a few thousand chips, for worst cases and you are most likely to win big too. Will you play that?
QuoteThe 'law of series' says that a double  is half as likely as a chop, a run of 3 is half as likely as a double, a run of 4 is half as likely as a run of 3 etc. So I search such triggers at 3.0 STD and playing against them, but not for long
Very true for long run but the problem is we do not play for long run, in a session. So all these theories may not go very well in session to session unless you are very lucky.