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Messages - Albalaha

Both have very limited contents. Loothog only deals with "martingale" or ""increase as much as can win minimum 1 unit" progression.
All the forums are filled with such people or only with such people. As Esoito very well named, "butterflies". 90% of the members of any public forum and 100% of guest onlookers are butterflies looking for nectar somewhere but this nectar is either fictional and non-existent or very very rare.
           There are two ways to get so-called "methods" or "systems", first a forum like this where people copy+paste "systems" as old as 300 years of other authors or buying a latest blockbuster on youtube or ebay promising a panacea.
         Forum bugs very religiously move here and there asking every one "hey have u seen nectar"? Other answers, "hey I think we can get it here in this flower, it is colorful". "Let's try". Later obviously, disappointment comes but dream never ends. They keep on trying.

Now, my question to all the "butterflies":
1. Do you feel that by paying $100 to someone, you will get a key to the treasure of unlimited wealth?
2. Have you ever tried to make a key yourself, if yes, what was the result?
3.Don't you feel that you are not doing any social service by writing your proven failure methods but rather helping those who are newbies and ignorant to lose even more in many innovative styles?
4. Don't you feel that if buying a method from any system seller is idiotic because you can not win by any method, trying to make one by yourself is as much idiotic or even worse because most of the seasoned system sellers have far bigger experience and resources to test the efficacy of any "method" than any Tom, Dick and Harry?
5. Don't you feel that consuming poison is a as much a sin, even if you can get it cheap or free or you buy it for a considerable price?
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on April 14, 2013, 09:54:17 PM
If you knew with about 75% certainty that black will show next spin then yes you would have an advantage with the 2 column bet. IMO.

What is knowing with 75% certainty?
Quote from: Razor on April 14, 2013, 10:32:26 PM
"""There can be wiser approaches to gamble """

Wiser NO.
More conservative in order not to lose a lot YES. ( no progressions,stop loss.)
Let s hope one day we will find the wiser which means more profitable.
That could be a kind of wiser approach.
There is nothing in the world where you can gamble, risk-free. Either it is not gambling or not risk-free. There can be wiser approaches to gamble and take risk, not a money maker machine.
It is obvious that nothing can be made out of this. The best bet seems to be 4 unique line bets but even this doesn't seem to have any advantage at its side at 50%. It is still 50-50, in long run. In short run, it can kill u as well.
To me, long run is, testing a method either on a million spins taken as one session or testing a thousand sessions of thousand spins each. With Ophis bots, it is very easily doable.
                      Testing on long run means seeing as to what will happen, if we keep playing a system, session by session, day by day.
QuoteI do as the wheel has no memory, but in reality, at least one line is always at sleep.
This appeared to me as true too but in long run you won't get any advantage out of this. I have a bot made by Ophis to bet line bets, where you can bet 1,2,3,4,5,6 line bets in any order. Nothing works without taking risk.
         It is always 18 versus 19.
Bayes' ware / Re: WIN/LOSS generator
April 13, 2013, 03:03:46 AM
I could not use it. Can somebody illustrate an easy way to operate it?
General Discussion / OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 10, 2013, 03:38:26 PM
I wish Bally fastest recovery. May God bless you.
A person who chooses gambling either for recreation or professional playing should be matured enough to handle all these. Our forum is not endorsing any gambling product except Ads from Great Steve, ;)  which is a well defined compulsion.
                We can put a sticky note in this regard prohibiting such activities via PMs and members can of course complain/report to moderators, if someone is trying to endorse anything for money.
General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 06:13:08 PM
The thread better be locked or rather deleted. The guy who was said to be cheated himself saying Bally is no cheat. Whatis the point of this debate after this clarification?
General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 05:24:11 PM
QuoteYour losing side is starting to show there , Al. Most, if not all "systems" just rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, that I'll agree with. However, there are METHODS of play that will help the skilled player in particular games. The obvious direction is to find a game where the method is viable and connect the dots. Unfortunately, roulette is not one of those games. AD (this is my own personal opinion, not that of the board)
                              I am the one who has balls of steel. I have already accomplished which you would not even dream of. You better educate newbies. The Ophis bot is an answer to all your doubts. Do anything even remotely close to that, then make statements.
General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 11:14:17 AM
Please ask Ophis to get the bot to u or Bayes, for trial.
General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 10:55:14 AM
      I respect your knowledge and unbiased explanation of mathematics behind all these. System selling is not a sin. We refer to so many stuffs here mostly written by someone else be it Labouchere or Kimo Li's GPM.
        Every sensible person knows there are no way to beat the odds, in all probabilities. Whatever we stake at table, we should be ready to lose. People still write different styles of betting and gamblers still buy books. We used to talk of ways to beat the wheel 4 years back and still do that.
          If nothing can beat the game, why are we gathered here? We still talk of options and styles. If everything is waste, just close this gambling forum. You eat poison for free or buy it for a heavy price, results will be same. If forum members tell methods that are proven failures and a skilled sytem seller/author guides about the realities of game, for a price, who is better?
               If there is something which is a sin in system selling, in my opinion is to not to deliver what you promise.
So far as, Ophis bot is concerned, all the testings and graphs are absolutely real and I have openly asked that Victor may ask Ophis for trial of bot and can check whether what was claimed, was true or not. Can anybody here dare to do this? Can anybody replicate our success on such a huge data with any other approach?