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Messages - Albalaha

              Why don't you demonstrate how u will do in this session with your "regression" while playing on "black"? With Flt betting, anyone see that I am winning betting on Red only. I am not a fan of flat betting but you seem to be awestruck with "regression". Now do that and prove your point and educate all of us, how it is better than flat betting here.
I am playing Red and you are playing black. I am doing flat betting and you go by regression. Hopefully, it will sprinkle some water on you.

Really? I can put a few real smartlive sessions here where I will play an EC flat bet and you with regression. Ok?
I am busy into improving the bot further with adding more stuffs as I am not satisfied with the existing average winning per spin. It is not true that it can be played only upon very big sessions. Ophis, as said, is already using it, for weeks, in continuity.
Quote[size=78%]I would change point one in this topic where regression is superior then flat betting ...[/size]

With regression you always hold a profit after each win and you capitalize more on hot strikes then flat betting.
You also capitalize on zig zag distribution where flat betting break even.
Regression put you more into the positive side of things when flat betting even out ...

Nothing is inferior or superior and none has proven advantage over all others. Every betselection and progressions/MMs are proportional and work better than other in different conditions.
QuoteMaybe for you it is, I never finish a session down, as long as I stick to my play I come out ahead, every time.

        Oh. Really? I forget that you can fly too.  :scared:
          Why don't you guide us all how to win all sessions? You should earn a million overnight playing with E100 chips minimum.

P.S.: You should always stick to your play, if it can win in all probabilities.
          You can't compound so easily in gambling, it is not a credit card interest. lol. You do not know whether if u win in first two sessions and rushed say 1000 unit to 1200, if u raise unit size to 1.2 now and lose two-three session consecutively, how will compounding work?
                Compounding can work only if you can win every session which is impossible.
QuoteIf your strategy works, you should actually start with the very very minimal unit, then start compounding in the grounds of your positively crafted bet in order to make your base unit grow over time.Risking half a million to make a million doesn't sound like a solidly based strategy to me.

Even the best methods may get big drawdowns, momentarily. One can not be lucky enough to earn a million units with 100 units in pocket. It will be like an 80 years old man making a world tour by bicycle, in a week. Keep realistic targets. We are not into Hogwarts school of magic.
Even if you have a technique that is a holy grail (WIN MORE AND LOSE LESS), you are not going to become a millionaire overnight with 100 chips bankroll. You can just be safe and ahead in bankroll slowly with a grail. It is my firm belief and experience. If everybody is looking for anythng that will win in all probability, in every session, he is trying to make a ladder to go haven.
              If u  want to earn a million with a real holy grail, you need to risk at least half of that from your own pocket.
      I may sound a little "bragging" but people are still blank about how a holy grail be made and I have came across many of them, rather created a few. When I say this, people come up with shouting over me, "he is liar". In my definition of an HG, it is nothing but a strategy that wins for sure, if u keep on playing, sessions after sessions. Nothing can beat 100% of probabilities because if u cover 50% of wheel, 50% is always standing against you and you can do nothing to stop them coming better than what u r betting at. You can not chose a "better" betselection, that can fail randomness. All bet selections and progressions/money management techniques work in a particular type of probability and other probabilities that can not be covered can always strike.
        Reading randomness or trigger betting etc can't work to WIN MORE AND LOSE LESS. They are new varieties of "fallacies". If you don't believe me, code them into a bot and run over a simulation of 1 million spins. It will fall flat.
                House edge ensures losses with flat bet, in long run. No betselection can get you to win flat bet, in long run. I am making this statement and challenge everybody to disprove me.
Quote1) Powered by a Flat betting advantage.2) Humanly playable sessions. 3) Never 4, 5 or 6-figure draw-downs in one go.4) Small banks.

Victor, in my humble opinion:
1) It is not possible to keep on winning with flat bet only. Since it is impossible to guess what is to come next, unless you are extremely lucky, no strategy in the world can get you guaranteed profit, in the presence of house edge, with flat bet alone. Only a person with "magical intuition" can do that.  ;)
2) I agree to this that it should be humanly playable.
3) I agree to this to the extent you do not play a single session whose spins go in 4,5 or 6 figures itself. If you target to beat millions of spins, a drawdown of 10k should be bearable for you too.
4)Small banks can have high number of chips, if you can play with 10 cents. Inside betting upon straight up bets need higher number of chips than an EC method does. Bankroll should be proportional to your average win target.
QuoteNo mathematics can beat roulette. It appears looking at your 20k Playtech sample that you bet on average every 400-500 spins and in 1M spins it would mean max around 3000 bets with heavy progression......

Do not try to speculate over it. Your brain will come out trying to guess what it does and how it wins over such huge data. If it does huge progressions, there has to be huge drawdowns too.  ???
                Please do not take it otherwise but what are being discussed here or for that matter in any other forum are all "new set of fallacies" leading towards bigger losses at the end and none worked to end the mystery of uncertainty, even slightly.
                            Nothing beats the game in absolute term, mind it. You can lose at a particular moment, even if you have thousand chips with you. We only strive to make a formulation that can win ultimately, beating a variety of probabilities (10 millions spins must be having most of them) if not all.
          There are many guys around who are still speaking against it, even after open offer of evaluation given to the Admin himself. Victor may contact Ophis for this. The bot has all safety features and can be disabled by Ophis, in case of misuse.

P.S.: Please PM Ophis directly if you are willing to buy the bot. He has exclusive rights over selling it.
If you consider an HG to mean a system which ends in plus, even in the longest stretch, you can refer to the HG topic in Ophis' section. More than an easy to use method which u like to play manually, it is a pure bot stuff. It has beaten more than 10 millions data, having sessions like one with 3 million, two 1 million data and various hundreds of thousands of data available to me as well to ophis from our personal  collections, various forums and gambling sites. A few hundred thousands of data were given to us by "magoo" which were beaten gracefully without ever getting irrecoverable losses.
               I don't think that there is anybody else who can match with this HG bot, at least not known to me. If anybody knows any other stuff of that level, please let us know. The HG is still being improved to make it a far better winner with lesser drawdowns.
       Most of the people gathered on different gambling boards are big time losers. They join all forums with the unrealistic hope of getting a panacea some fortunate days.
            One of the grail which I tested to beat more than 10 million spins, is in the shape of a bot that Ophis has created is shown here: