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Messages - Albalaha

Nothing increases the accuracy of predictions. This statement is a fallacy.
        You are going in correct direction but nothing works without money management.
Quote from: Ralph on March 14, 2013, 05:40:39 AM
In any largerr sample of numbers  0-36  there are more even numbers than odd, but it is not to any help as we do not get paid for all even numbers which hit, betting outside.

        Where do u get such superb knowledge from? >:(
      All these theories just sound good. Can you apply these approaches to make any "system" or any defined way of playing that can win with flat bet? Answer would be "no".
Flat bet can be profitable only if: you are lucky enough to get more of wins than losses. Since the game is not predictable, you can't expect to win flat bet consistently ever, with any strategy that you make. Do not forget that ball comes to rest in a pocket, randomly and not as per your strategy. You can only expect and speculate, you can't predict.
         If it is too tough to be calculated manually, how do u know whether it is a grail, without testing extensively? If it looks like a grail to you, take help of a programmer to get it coded in a tracker/bot. Get it tested upon a variety of data. If it goes in positive, you can think of using it in a real casino.
            I can recommend you two programmers who can do it anonymously. PM me, if u r serious.
Flat must have experienced that casinos in Macau even allow using cameras and video cameras openly. Where is Steve's hidden roulette computer? He should shift to Macau.
Quotewithout mathematical proof there's always going to be the possibility that the next bunch of spins could see a reversal of fortune. The problem is that if you don't know the mechanism by which you have gained the apparent edge, there's always the danger that it could slip away.
All methods discussed here forget this blunt truth and nobody is there to talk about how to cope this.
Flat betting and consistent winning = negative house edge for casino. Impossible, so far, theoretically as well as practically.
I told you guys that I live far from land based casinos. Once I got an offer from a local businessman to play against him. He will be from casino side. All winnings or losses of casino will be his and vice-versa. We can play with live dealer or RNG, whatever we wish. I liked the idea but could never try. In many countries, they even run casinos (specially illegal ones), this way.
Becoming a pro player. It is really tough but there are many who are actually living like a pro. I can confirm two names among our forums: one is much known Mr.J(Ken) and another is Tomla01 (both are from USA). They play regularly and with nice bankroll and both are successful in fetching money out of gambling. There are many which I don't know personally but they play regularly online and some in real casinos.
              I can't say that I am a pro player although I almost play daily. I am basically a researcher. I do not have easy access to land based casinos (the nearest one is 1500 Km away) but I make casino trips about 4-5 times in a year. In my opinion, to become a pro, you need these things:
1. Nice bankroll that you are ready to lose. Those who has financial constraints should forget gambling as a pro.
2.Clear strategies regarding what to play, how to play, when to stop
3. Spare time and no job or family burdens  like small kids etc.
4. Cool attitude and calm nature. Those who get excited by losses or wins, normally lose bankroll.
5. An open mind to study, analyse and test new and old concepts and tricks.

          If you lack any of these traits, forget about becoming a pro gambler.
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 28, 2013, 04:17:55 AM
You are still a member but viewership disabled for all members of exclusive sections, for now.
Everyone (mostly) is writing a "System" without having any "concept" or "logic" in it. That is why all are leading towards one end:  loss.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is this win target an illusion?
February 28, 2013, 02:26:27 AM
Quote from: Ralph on February 27, 2013, 10:24:27 AM

Does it matter which day you lose? Or are you believing in HAR?
It doesn't matter which day we are losing or winning. I am saying there has to be a goal/target to stop at whether u r winning/losing.
I do not believe in HAR. HAR is vague.
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 28, 2013, 02:23:31 AM
           To be in my focus group, we need to have a serious chat first.

Captain Adulay,
          I never intended to create a forum/public forum but rather a "club" of skilled and experienced players and researchers. I know you are skilled and experienced both but non-sharing is something I can't afford to have in my elite group. You could not share even a single method which you play yourself in your entire membership tenure.