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Messages - Albalaha

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 27, 2013, 06:56:19 AM
I have disabled views of all peeptoms members from my exclusive club's exclusive contents after warning. All gathered there to attend my free tutorials. I did it yesterday and notified all by emails. It was meant for co-operation from all and sharing among each other. When I ask to assist in something here you ask "what will he get for all this". So, what will I get to share my exclusive ideas and researches?
            I will reorganize the exclusive club of mine with handpicked people who can contribute with fresh ideas or who can help me in further researches.

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 26, 2013, 09:51:31 AM
I am against copy+paste thing but if Victor says, I can put it in a new topic in money management. People just do not want to learn anything which can really be useful in real play. Only copy-paste of others thoughts.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is this win target an illusion?
February 26, 2013, 08:33:06 AM
keep playing even in  your best day and you are bound to come home empty handed.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Is this win target an illusion?
February 26, 2013, 07:30:35 AM
It all depends upon what is your day bankroll, what is your lifetime bankroll(if you don't want to keep losing and playing too) and your bet selection. If you can play for long stretches, you may keep a wintarget/stoploss at 50% increase/decrease of the bankroll that u carried for that day of gambling. It is not necessary to come back only after being empty handed and never think of bankrupting the casino by keep playing if u get lucky to have early wins. There is always another day and you as well as casino have to live.
This is wastage of time. Think of earning positively from casino. I have exploited bonus (mainly no deposit ones) and have completed impossible looking wagering but will never go for cheap tricks.
What kind of bonus dublin is offering?
This is idiotic and inhuman.
Straight-up / Re: Manual Wheel Pocket Count
February 24, 2013, 05:44:33 AM
How do u count distance? clockwise or anticlockwise?
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 23, 2013, 07:45:18 AM
Quote from: ADulay on February 22, 2013, 03:55:44 PM

  It seems I'm also not aware of your "extreme variance control technique" either.

  Where might one find this link or thread so I can bring myself up to speed on it?

       refer to my "exclusive section" at our private forum. There is a topic called" how to fight the worst enemy of gambling-variance".
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 22, 2013, 11:04:04 AM
You don't need loopholes to be in plus. It seems you are not aware of my "extreme variance control technique" which can take care of monster side of variances. I am only talking of limited variance which can be handled with certain progressions. Since u do not play system but a random bet with oscar grind so you are not expected to contribute anything here. Please let others speak up, if u can't.
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 22, 2013, 10:11:40 AM
   I know you have contributed a lot here, specially by creating  your bv bot and giving that to free. This is my last piece of research. I am working on handling the worst bet. It is but natural that if u can beat the worst performing betselections, u have won the game itself. I am telling one thing very frankly, whatever is being taken as "systems" on various forums are merely a different style of playing. None have any in-built advantage or any logic. If you can beat the worst, u can beat anything.
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 22, 2013, 09:01:31 AM
21 is not a parameter, it is an example of worse session for a particular number. Oscar Grind doesn't work in such cases and you can check yourself in my open challenge. You have L/W to see that. Let other people try with newer ideas.
General Discussion / Re: Self-moderation dialogues
February 22, 2013, 07:50:39 AM
Excellent thinking. Please execute these things as early as possible.
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 22, 2013, 07:19:18 AM
I am not here to talk of philosophy. Which progression can handle 21 Ws in 1000 spins in the best possible manner, upon one straight up number? Oscar Grind is in no way playable for such cases. Unless you are lucky enough to get hits at smaller intervals, it is suicidal.
Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 22, 2013, 03:45:26 AM
Oscar Grind is not very good progression as you seem to be awestruck with that. Oscar Grind works on a presumption that if initial delays come in a betselection, later it will come in clusters. When gaps are big between one hit to another, it only fools up increasing bets.

    check another thousand spins.