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Messages - Albalaha

General Discussion / Re: Wheel movements
January 20, 2013, 04:30:49 AM
The topic is looking interesting to me but I have yet to get what u r playing actually. Wouldn't it be nice if u illustrate my given sample session. I gave you in pictorial as well as text form but nothing has been done yet. Please try to do that. I may help you with tweaking it.
Math & Statistics / Re: A question for the maths guys!
January 19, 2013, 08:33:46 AM
Those who are too much obsessed with probability or mathematics starts playing a sleeper EC after certain losses and end up one's bankroll with martingale.
Dozen/Column / Re: *******7 on 1*******
January 19, 2013, 08:25:55 AM
QuoteFinal Bank = -5105 unitsTotal wins = 7237 unitsLosses due to zero = 322Losses other than zero = 3686Progression loss due to zero = 3Progression loss due to D2 or D3 = 48

               So this is going to move earth upside down by July 2013?  Bravo JL, you are truly a legend. That is why I had to write that "isn't every forum is merely bunch of frustrated gamblers?"
If u can end up at 8000+ you should not be scared of -4000.
Math & Statistics / Re: A question for the maths guys!
January 19, 2013, 07:34:57 AM
Quote from: Bally6354 on January 18, 2013, 09:44:59 PM

I am just trying to get my head around a few things and would appreciate any input!

Here is the thing.....

Singles are twice as likely as doubles and doubles are twice as likely as triples etc...

That to me also means that we can go in reverse. A second loss is half as likely as an isolated loss and so on....

This is where my negative expectation question comes into things.

The NE supposedly stays the same on every round. HOWEVER my chances of winning are increasing if a second loss is half as likely as the first loss and so on.

Maybe I am completely confusing myself  ???
Chance to get same EC in next bet and to change with opposite is equal. So, RB is as likely to appear as RR is or BB is. Gambling on roulette or any similar gambling runs on the principal of chaos or randomness and not strictly on probability. Probability theories hold good in long run only. For instance, chance to get 7 reds in a row is very remote in a 185 spins session but you may get that not just once but many times in 185 spins. However, if you see the same thing with its mathematical probability in say 1 million spins, it would be very close to  that.
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Football betting Daily Picks
January 17, 2013, 06:08:12 AM
It is really amazing. I appreciate this. :applause:
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 17, 2013, 05:54:41 AM
I do not have anything personal against you or anybody else TCS. I just do not want a topic got spoiled by chit chats that are not relevant. It doesn't matter whether u r putting irrelevant stuff or Stef or even Vic.
              Once you read it, I will delete all these.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 17, 2013, 04:47:06 AM
I have deleted  your two last posts TCS and few others earlier too. Don't make a topic, a chatroom. Vic, I am trying mozilla, now trying chrome, my mobile not working, blah blah. what is all that? Ask anything relating to topics and if u wish to talk others, PM him.
                                         Ask the harshest question relating to the bot, you will be answered. No off topic talks, in my topics.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 16, 2013, 11:12:29 AM
    The time that u need to make a bet in real casino we can make 50 bets in playtech. Come up with anything even remotely capable of doing like this and then compare.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 16, 2013, 08:42:48 AM
If nothing can win in long run, are we here to just tell stories? This is a technique of proportional risk and we are not risking 1000s to win 1 unit. If somebody has anything even remotely equal to this, please come forward and enlighten all. Many are saying it is not earning enough to be played. I ask one serious question, if we play 7 on 1 with 1 cent bets on bv, it will take more than a month to earn Euro 1. If someone is dreaming to win millions of spins with 100 units in pocket, go and daydream about that.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 16, 2013, 08:17:37 AM
Quote from: Juiced91 on January 16, 2013, 07:58:08 AM
Im stating the simple fact that you want to play with pennies and that would not make it a worthwhile option.

There may be people with 500-1000Euro to invest but unfortunately that would be a stretch for many of us( i would assume) and that's not including the purchase of the bot.

I have always wondered why your still around if youve beaten roulette. Go out and make your money. Its like you enjoy sitting here just to tell us "AHH I've beaten roulette, look at all my claims" blah blah.
If you want to earn millions of Euros by playing with cents, u can't.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 16, 2013, 07:49:27 AM
       You are risking 242 units to earn 1. Your method will get huge drawdowns in any large session. This HG has been tested vigorosly for millions of spins. Risk is worth taking if it can return proportionately. Your 7 on 1 or PB can't stand there. We are not talking of hypothetical assumptions of Hit and Run. Everything has been shown clearly and I would not like to repeat that again. If you have any reasoned query, you are most welcome. Don't try to spoil the topic with repeatedly asking or stating answered things.
                                            If anybody has doubts over claim made in this topic or the graphs and results published here, we can ask none other than Victor himself to see the bot and test the data and results. Ophis can be approached by Victor, in that case.
Sure, Magoo. Here you go.

Well said, Ophis. Go with Voodoo and unproved method that always lose in long run or try something that can work seriously for you. This is not a very basic method with basic progressions or triggers. Not recommended for short session players. Basically, this bot is meant for those who can let it run for long and watch it or do  your chores setting  your stop loss and wintarget. At present the bot is configured only for betvoyager but it will get playtech casinos, very soon.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 03:54:08 PM
It is our duty to think about the forum that is keeping us all together. If someone can not afford to buy or hire this bot, he need not worry about what and how it works. Its methods are not playable manually and it may not yield anything in small sessions. It is a purely bot stuff. That's it.