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Messages - Albalaha

It has been explained that it bets straight ups, based on certain triggers with progression. Bankroll explained already. What else u want?
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 03:40:06 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on January 15, 2013, 03:33:44 PM
Why sell this if its half as good as you claim. You should be using it yourself to make a mint as I will with my methods.

Not showing graphs of something with no clear cut rules. And asking people to part with money for it.

If its good it should stand up on the original format of roulette. THE LIVE WHEEL.
We have tested it on all data that u can imagine. Ophis or me need not sell or hire it but we can give the same opportunity to earn to others. 10% of the sale proceeds or rent of bot will go to this Forum's upkeep.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 03:36:29 PM
Come out of theoretical world. You can never think of what the bot is doing. Play with any trigger, progression or flat bet, u will come out as a loser in long run. We have got guts to prove this thing is a winner in long term. No method ever written in any forum has the capability to replicate this success.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 02:54:25 PM
Quote from: Lupo on January 15, 2013, 02:52:09 PM
Based on the graphs, the system must be using a negative progression. I wonder what would be the high-level logic behind this approach..
You may try to beat 10 millions spins with any negative progression u may think of or heard of or read of and you be many millions down in loss.
Quote from: Ralph on January 15, 2013, 01:25:01 PM

I did not do it, but it is easy for you to try just navigate to the webpage! :)
I prefer www.testmystrategy.com
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 02:34:57 PM
QuoteI do not agree! All possible ways can not be covered.
If you cover all, you still lose 1 unit in every spin.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 02:31:31 PM
Quote from: Ralph on January 15, 2013, 02:27:45 PM
I do not agree! All possible ways can not be covered. I do not say you can not win(even a lot and many times) but it is not 100% sure. Luck can take you far. Unluck can kill anytime.
Leave your prejudices aside. Let us have more data to test. 10 millions strong, can not be wrong and we never said, it can't have any drawdowns.
Quote from: soggett on January 15, 2013, 02:16:17 PM
very nice job guys :thumbsup:

with the safer mode what is the max DD over the same spins (the first few graphs) ?
and how less did the BR end then? Is it worth the safer way?
Can it be played live?
Will you release the tracker/bot? Through MST?
You can see drawdowns yourself very clearly in the bot graph. This bot is not for public release. Playtech casinos are being added too in it. You can PM Ophis to buy or hire it.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 02:18:37 PM
Quote from: Drazen on January 15, 2013, 02:13:04 PM
Good luck gents

It is not luck but logic. Luck won't let u cross 10 million spins.
There is a safer mode with lesser earning.
Will someone provide any other long sessions data? I have tested whatever I had and Ophis did the same.
Didn't u test your favorite "Oscar grind"? One up at win.
Einstein once commented upon the sole way to win roulette: "Steal  chips when croupier isn't looking".
Obviously, he was joking and was justified too since there is no simple mathematics that can beat the odds of the game, house edge, variances and table limits.
                  In a very complex mathematical setup and multiple bets running together through a bot, it has been recently made possible to beat millions of data, without ever going deeper than 14k. Mostly, a drop of 3 to 5 k can be witnessed but when u try millions of spins with infinite permutations and combinations possible of multiple bets that we run together, it is not very horrible.
                        The credit to develop such a complex working bot goes to none other but my friend Ophis. We have tested more than 10 millions spins data, including the one million provided by Bayes to confirm this. Winnings are not nominal but quite visible. We are still working to better it, even more and make it a money minting machine.
           It is a dream come true. See the graphs to feel its strength.


Rather a "Hybrid Progression".
Haha. Funny but real.