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Messages - Albalaha

Good Job, Ralph.
great job. keep informing.
what is  your net win/loss, so far?
Well begun is half done.
Best of Luck, buddy.
Hey Ralph,
        You are more than lucky. Once I made a spin same way and won $5000.
      I mean to say, probability and randomness may go against each other at any moment and that is what we call as "variance". If you bet on corrections, u need not benefit from it. In long run, every bet is almost same but u can't say so about a session that we are going to play.
There is a famous quotation about statistical observation and probability:

        Then there is the man who drowned crossing a stream with an average depth of six inches.  ~W.I.E. Gates
Quotealbalaha, I wouldn't say it's "very much" possible. That scenario represents 6.3 STD below the mean, which would be incredibly rare, if not impossible. I would certainly have doubts about the fairness of a coin which generated those results. If randomness knows no rules then why not 200 head in 1000 tosses?, or 50?

           What is the probability of getting 5 or 7 reds in a row? Don't u feel that they can appear more often in a session than the mathematical probabiility says?

See 75 Blacks, 105 Reds and 5 Zeroes.
It is very much possible to get 600 heads vs 400 tails in 1000 trials/tosses. A coin has no memory to balance things out. 500 heads and 500 tails are merely rule of probability. Randomness knows no rules.
It seems that everyone is having one's own set of fallacies.
Rare things do happen.
I appreciate your spirit JL but you are mature enough to stop these debates. Better concentrate  your energy and experience to come up with better methods.
OK. I can see that. My mistake.
Hey JL,
             Please do not take my words otherwise but you should stop making claims relating to July. It is getting irritating and funny at times.
You may win a million with PB till July while other may still lose big with it. There is nothing eternal in PB that can shake the gambling world. It is just a trial and error and only as good as any other method. I believe in tests and not in words and I am afraid that tests say absolutely opposite of your claims.
               You are doing well with your methods and contributing very well in your own capacity. I deeply appreciate that. For haven's sake stop all these.