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Messages - Albalaha

Unless some thread promotes hatred or defematory, I don't think that should be removed. This way, forum may turn autocratic too. My opinion.
QuoteBut I am saying enough criticism is enough. Time to stop it and move on.

Ok. Cease fire. I won't comment upon him till someone starts singing praises of him. OK?
And may I show your own feelings regarding Free Speech:

Voltaire must be spinning in his grave over comments written by the owner of a gaming forum about a member simply because the owner of the forum does not agree with what the member writes, and the methods that member espouses.May that NEVER happen here.
This forum should be the place where ideas can be freely expressed, tested and tweaked without ridicule, fear or favour.
If we read something we disagree with we have two choices:1  Express our thoughts politely and tactfully with consideration of the other person's feelings 2  Change the channel -- switch to another thread entirely and ignore the one that we disagree with.How often is somebody hurt because of the WAY an opposite opinion is expressed? More often than not I would think. For this to continue to be a happy, gentle and productive place two things need to happen:
  • We all need to be sensitive and careful in how we write our opinions of others' ideas and thoughts. (Choose our words carefully as though we are the recipient)
  • And us Moderators need to be vigilant and make it possible for YOU to continue to write...
QuotePUBLIC slamming and criticising of other forums and their owner should now STOP.

Sadly, this noble thought is not there with the guy you are supporting so much with his forums had "Mark **** fraud" explained in the home page itself and has a false review site made to bash all system sellers except him.
        Someone who has been jailed for cheating masses is trying to defend the world from scammers and if such people wants to be worshipped even after bashing many dedicated members on false pretext and later removing them even after positive votes in their favor, it is ridiculous.
                If you want to see the reality and acceptability of Steve in our place, why not open a voting for this?
QuoteAl. You know I've had the other site closed before selling to Steve again...

Then I think, we can better live with Steve's ads than leaving you as admin.
Quoteon spin 676 there is a hit and the balance is +463 unit[/size]after that it just goes down

That is what I am telling. If you can see the graph in previous page (page number 3 of this discussion carefully, you will see that upto spin number 676, it is winning even with flat betting.
                                       This challenge is an eye opener, if you take it positively. What you are reading here and there as systems are only teaching you for good times, where you will win even with flat bet or any negative progression but the challenge that I have given needs lots of better understanding of probability, statistics and mathematics, apart from common sense and experience of this game.

Anybody else?
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 05:01:46 PM
I feel that this is somewhat closer to fallacy.
QuoteAlbahalaYour attitude sucks!!  If I were a deleter, you'd have darn few posts on this forum.   But I believe you should have your say.  If you want to be a jerk, have at it.  Others may not be so forgiving and you may not be heard of much in the future.  And that's the pretty side of the pancake.Sam
True randomness means wild scattering of numbers. It may go in your favour or entirely against you.
I don't have any problem. I rather want you to be the permanent administrator. Please do not sell the forum to Steve for any reason or excuse otherwise I will be the last person to talk to you.
Quoteand yes, the beggining was great, but when it started going down...tough tough

Was it great after spin number 676?
Online Casinos / Re: Real table full screen games
November 21, 2012, 06:37:10 AM
QuoteCan you place a bet AFTER the dealer has spun the wheel...bet you can't !! ?
Some live dealer casinos allow bet after release of ball too. In most of the live dealer games, you can chat with dealers to ensure, it is not a recording.
Can someone who is member of other forums like rf.cc, rf.net, rf.com, GG carry my challenge there as copy+paste (alongwith the text file or link?)

One can even put this challenge on forums with different language than English.
        If you feel this can work, u can have a test of this by following way. Open the txt file in excel. Start doing your money management from Spin No. 677 (since it is winning before this even flat bet). If you get a positive balance anywhere after that, you may continue to check whether your ideas keep on working or not.

                 So far, I am only seeing suggestions regarding how to play it. Nobody has come up yet with testing the idea that he is talking about himself. Come up with testing (at least you can manually do 200-300 spins) results. That will bring guidance for all.
QuoteThis thread is going waaaay off topic. 
No harm if useful discussions are coming through any source.