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Messages - Albalaha

Thanks a lot. Can you help teaching us all how did u draw this?
Thanks Victor. It will help all of us understanding its negativity level.
Can someone show the flow of the bankroll on  number 3 (as per the attached sheet) in a graph as if we are playing it flat bet?
Money Management / Re: "Boom!" positive progression
November 18, 2012, 03:41:06 AM
Victor, can you please illustrate or anybody else who has understood it fully?
QuoteWhile the numbers are random, random bunches up--either against you or for you

I do not agree with this. Random normally scatters wins and losses, rather than bunching that.
QuoteSumit, just one question: can we skip spins?

        Do anything except reverse engineering the data to get a made-out way for beating this data only. If the method has substance, it will fit on other bad performing numbers as well.
Hey George,
         you say you are too busy but u were one of the most prolific writers in rf.cc. My challenge is not about just beating this number 3 alone. it would envisage new approaches to handle the worst with any bet if someone conquers this with a systematic and well-defined approach.
Hey Baly and Geometricsman,
                          Either I can't convey what I want or you are not getting my point of challenge. I am not saying about beating zumma in any manner (as geometricsmen is talking of flat bet advantage which is not possible while betting number 3 and Baly talks of some hot number betting idea). We have a static bet here, i.e. number 3 that is having huge variance throughout 15k spins.
                       Can we beat it or other data of such bad flow by any system, strategy, money management etc?
Hey Captain,

Personally I have nothing against you or anybody else.

I want to learn something from you guys too, who are playing these games for decades but most of the veterans are still not ready to share anything worthwhile ( a few veterans like flat_ino and GLC are just opposite and they share all their fancies and fantasies) .

If we do not test new ideas and accept challenges and try to find new ways, it is useless to roam around forums and make a big gathering just to chit-chat.
Oh. Talking about me?

Well, I had a grail when I was in rf.cc too and if you can recall, I made a challenge to all in this regard. Thomas grant gave me some spins to test upon and I won that easily.

My HG graphs are all real but now I feel that those methods were not a holy grail, rather nothing can be a holy grail. "Holy Grail" is a wrong word for any of the gambling systems, howsoever smart it may be.

I have  some methods that has beaten 3 million spins as well but with huge drawdown in between. I have many methods that will always finish with positive results at the end of a large data. This way, I have many HGs.

Anyways, I am more of a researcher than player and my final piece of research is doing a money management which can sustain even the most harsh sessions, having large and perpetual variance.

When I read systems on various forums still talking of nothing else but "Martingale" or "gambler's fallacy"I feel that people have given up thinking outside the box.
Quoteok albalaha, I will try something. It will be an interesting experiment.Give me a few days and I will come back with the results and tell you how I played it. cheers

                  I love this attitude and want to see fighters like you. It is what we call "fire in the belly"  :applause:

Please try to illustrate here whatever you play or find.
           Number 3 is just a representative of a bet selection that can go perpetually bad. It can be anything else too, for that matter. If I ask all of same kind of variance in any other bet selection like any one dozen, people won't believe. That is why I had to pick a betselection from most known data in the world called as "zumma testers' book".

                              For your kind information, I have opened my forum now for all to see since I found that you guys are doing no positive thing over there apart from attending my free lectures. I do not allow filthy language or mudslinging in my forum and I am very strict with my rules.

If you guys are just looking forum to forum (as esoito named as butterflies) for anything that will change your luck and u will get a mysterious winner method somewhere, u r mistaken. The hard fact is, earning from roulette is not a cheesecake.

Unless you have a sound money management idea that can win in adverse cases too apart from good ones, you can't succeed ever in gambling.

                                   When I am asking for a worthwhile debate, instead of supporting me, frustrated guys start bashing me. If we can solve this query jointly or severally, we will all be winners in long run.

                          Any taker?
Dozen/Column / Re: Second and Third Column
November 14, 2012, 08:02:55 AM
QuoteThe pickSecond and third column.24 numbers 12 low and 12 high numbers, 12 Red and 12 Black, 12 Odd and 12 Even.A lazy  and easy way to play .   

Very innovative and unique. Indeed.
Where are all so-called mathematicians and system authors who have filled many forums with lots of "systems" and "money management" rules? There are many guys who have written dozens of them.
             All these so called systems are workable in "favorable" cases only. If your betselection gets favorable, you will win with flat bet as well. What is the merit of these systems? They all bleed dry if a little adverse situations come and if adverse starts running little harder, you would lose what you can never recover.
               If anyone can work out this, it would guide and help all to fight with randomness in real world situations.
QuoteIn a nutshell, the author says to look at the second newest spin and bet the pocket & two neighbors on each side *5 numbers* on the opposite side of the wheel (19 neighbors from the second newest spin value)

This proposition doesn't hold good in real world and you can't extract profit by this with even slightest consistency.