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Messages - Albalaha

General Discussion / Re: HG Labby, 30hit/100.
March 28, 2020, 04:25:19 AM
          You have lots of repeated questions and I got tired of repeating my answers. Playing for long run with world of uncertainties and a boxing match are quite different. A knockout punch may help one win a boxing match decisively but in gambling it could guarantee that a player get knocked out and finally leave bruised and wounded.
          Gambling is not about beating a 30/100 or 1/20 case, it could be far worse. Don't create new set of fallacies but learn the truth. I m tired of forums with no positivism and only rhetoric and fallacies. I think, I do not belong to these places. I have written enough. People are unwilling to change and enjoying losses or fictional plays. Let casinos prosper. It was rightly said : gambling and smoking are taxes on ignorance. 
General Discussion / Re: HG Labby, 30hit/100.
March 26, 2020, 06:29:08 AM
             Increasing bets rapidly will win most cases till it kills itself losing all back plus more. You know that a basic labouchere wins in 35%(approx) win rate than 51%(required for a normal person to win). You want to win at 30% hit rate only or even lesser and have no restraints for how much you can bet? Just do a tweak. When you do normal labby and it stretches over six numbers, instead of adding left+right to bet, you do a simple tweak: Add the leftmost +the next number in right of the leftmost+rightmost number. You won't need even 30% hit rate then. Remember one vital thing, a ten step labby wins in only 10% hit rates but at times it will get exhausted and still lose. Hence, instead of winning all possible cases with pushing bets, make a strategy that goes mellow in the worst cases to lose minimal that can easily be recovered back further.
             My latest work with labby that is some sort of HG in itself taught me big lessons.
Never believe upon big bets alone.
Do not push to win.
Do not try to win the worst case while it is still the worst.
Learn to face variance of all sorts and learn to survive even the unthinkable variance with grace.
Make a strategy for all over play. Escaping variance doesn't help.
and aboveall, one strategy that beats average or slight below average cases and survives the worst possible along.

HG lies within yourself. Anyone getting what I got can create one. Play for the long run.
Not pushing bets too much in any case, is the key. If you try to win the worst with only increasing bets, it will never work.
0,1 labby is my starting point, you are right upto this point but there are lots of other safeguards including mini stop losses and increase in base labby on specific conditions, so that even 0/100 case comes, it won't take away huge money.
          Wow ! Your first post straight to my topic. You must be some old member with different username. Anyways,
The money managements you named are all seriously flawed mathematically and are meant to plunder players only and help casinos win bigger and faster. I analysed each of them very minutely and found what is lacking. Martingale is meant for super losers who is looking for the easiest way to run out of casino. Labouchere caught my attention but basic labby could drag you to dangerous levels in bad times. I worked upon bettering that. I assessed thousands of ways variance could strike. I sorted worst of the worst sessions. Tried my tweaks on them. Improved them further and so on. Now, I am capable of handling the worst sessions upto their virtual limits even if the remain below average after being too harsh. The same money management does great in good sessions and below average sessions too.
            I don't need any advantage play or identifying trends/patters or precognition or bias analysis or roulette computers. My mathematical and logical approach is a kind of mathematical advantage play.
Quote from: PatternAnalys on March 19, 2020, 12:40:37 PM
no, I didn't mean hp.Jhonny
but normal labby

but another assumption,
I guessed, you bet with labby ,
sort of starting with ( 0-1), or (0-0-1),(0,xx,1)
and bet only, say, 10spins only, then
cutloss, restart, stop at first 1u profit, restart.

thus when only 60/200, you sustain -+120u losses,
and ,if within expectation, you win -+30u./100

This is really close to what I do.
General Discussion / Re: HG , the ESSENCE of.
March 19, 2020, 04:26:58 AM
Extreme Variance Management as I illustrated in a topic of mine is only way to get rid of the worst but yet one may face bad and unbeatable moments so I shifted my focus from any trigger based strategy with pauses to an all over strategy without any pause. I can handle even the worst that one might not have seen ever, so I am not worried of any extremities.
Nope. HP Johnson is the worst form of labby. Tweaking the original labby with additional safeguards is my way. You need to consider all probabilities the game can offer you ranging from great to average to the worst.
General Discussion / Re: Albalaha?
March 19, 2020, 04:20:58 AM
          I told this numerous times and once again I am reminding you. Do not try to beat the worst with any progression. It is not doable with anything in the world. Just make a strategy with that you can survive the worst and win thereafter in a slight below average hit rate. Trying to beat the worst is like trying to fight a tiger bare handed. You have no chance. However, your strategy should be meant for an all over play and not only for playing the worst. I know it is tricky but doable. I have done that in many ways.
Trigger based games are not feasible to be used in real life and they can still have extreme variance. Better think of playing all over.
General Discussion / Re: Albalaha?
March 18, 2020, 06:32:27 AM
11/100 of a dozen could be taken as Virtual limit although anything lesser than 15/100 is very very rare to be seen.
         In another methodology of mine, this 800 gets beaten a bit differently with 52 units net profit. Max bet=18 units.
What you are speaking of is my RTM rules that I wrote at length about. Extreme variance could be managed to a large extent by playing trigger based game like if we play after a WLLL for only 1 or 2 bets(to get a win and move to next trigger), we do not need to worry for super horrible variance ever but it can still not be warded off fully. I mean playing with any trigger can not safeguard us completely hence I worked on an all over strategy. I formed a 60/200 case which is unseen, yet possible. You need to understand that I do not win 60/200 case but survive that and win later. No progression in the world can beat 60/200 in all the ways it could come.

QuoteAbout the modified labby, i can't believe, you yet understand how , only30hit/100, won with labby...

If you know how to make such modified labby, I can provide you a 30/100 case to showcase your expertise.
          I had another approach to beat this horror session with a large bet of only 327 and a drawdown of -528 and ending Profit of 145.  I am tweaking it further so that bet never goes over 50 units max. I think I have achieved my HG finally but yet think that it can be bettered. It is winning even the worst possible, mathematically.

Quote from: PatternAnalys on February 23, 2020, 01:07:23 AM
if you 100%sure,
bac's player ,
never less then 29/100,

then , the simple modified labby ,
could close everytime.
what you waiting ,
and searching for then?

What is modified labby? How will it always close at 29/100 or even better? My method sustains the worst, doesn't beat that. I win a net after the horror passes and thereafter I get average/below average sessions. Since you do not know how did I modified it, wild guesses won't work. It has many mini and absolute stop losses too that stops bets going sky high, in any eventuality that I could witness.
           I never claimed that I can beat a 29/100 or even 35/100 case. It all depends on how things work after the worst. However, my approach is all over and I can beat below average normal sessions very easily.
         I am waiting for other similar sessions where my methodology shows some trouble that I m not aware of right now.
Quote from: Lungyeh on February 21, 2020, 06:59:40 PM
Cool. I went to one of the casinos in Sri Lanka and they had all kinds of dancing right in the centre of the gambling floor including pole dancing by Eastern European ladies amidst shouts of banker! Player!

Do you normally play baccarat? Or also roulette and black jack?
Roulette is my first love and I still love to earn on inside bets but house edge and super variance in inside numbers and higher chip requirement are pushing me towards baccarat and my favorite bet is Player and not Banker and I have my reasoning for picking Player instead of Banker.

QuoteWe're ready to literally destroy some bac premises.

Yeah. More or less preparations are done and its time to start hammering. Being able to beat the worst gave me confidence of Thor level. Lol. I still have to see some other aspects of my money management before being cent percent confident.