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Messages - Albalaha

Hmm. A person with 6% edge against house should bet flat with such an amount that can let him survive in the worst possible scenarios. After an obvious enhancement in the bankroll(due to piling profits), he should increase his base bet and continue to bet flat on that amount. Gradually, the 6% edge and this way of increasing the base bet will optimize his profits and keep him safe as well.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
April 28, 2018, 06:59:24 AM
"Mine is better"..
"Oh really? What made you think so?

"Well. I think it has to be better."

"OK. does your way work mathematically?"

"No way, House edge won't let it be."

"OK. Wanna get it simulated?"

"Hell no. I know it worked for me and it might not work for anybody else."

"Did you yourself earn good money from it?"

"Not really but I lost a bit lesser than the worst chaps in casino, so it looks better to me".

"Alright. Enjoy it."
AsymBacGuy / Re: Baccarat unbeatable plan #1
April 27, 2018, 02:59:03 AM
Things are not that simple. Simulate a randomly picked big data of baccarat outcomes to know the real picture. If you can not do so manually, get it coded. Making statements of "unbeatable" is no child's play.
QuoteI meant 2% or 4 % 5 % etc of your total bankroll..........not the bankroll ( or buy in ) you take to the casino for one session.

       Even that is hypothetical. Have you determined your lifetime bankroll in advance? I play with day's bankroll and do not count if it is 3% or 10% of what I can lose max. This bookish term of life bankroll is unrealistic, in my humble opinion.
Quote from: 8OR9 on September 13, 2017, 01:27:29 PM
When asked how someone did today in speculating in the stock market, Forex or commodities, or a casino game such as baccarat dice or roulette, the amateur ( which includes 99.9% of the people in a casino), will respond saying that he made $ 200 or lost $ 400.

The intelligent, professional, speculator or gambler will say he won 2% of bankroll or 4 % of bankroll or lost 2% of bankroll or lost 4 % of bankroll

  I do not agree on this in terms of casino gambling. Coming out of casino at -4% or +2% of what you carried to bet as bankroll is hilarious. So you go to casino with $500 in pockets and after losing $20 in 3-4 hands you say, oh, it is -4% and I being an  intelligent, professional, speculator or gambler should stay prudent and run out now. What i the point of  carrying $500 then? Go casino with $20 only and then again you need to try all you have. If I go to play a session of roulette with $500, I try to rather come out at +300 or -500. At times, I can try to even make $1000 profit and I have done it numerous times.
Gambling is not an investment. It is only about assessing risk and reward of your style of betting and then determining when you come out of casino.
March 07, 2018, 03:37:57 AM
Pattern Breaker has been one of the most talked about system on this forum. It is a martingale with thinking that waiting for a particular stretch of  pattern will make it tougher to be beaten ahead, while it is not the reality. Even if you get 10 reds in a row, 11th is as much likely as it is unlikely. Chances of hitting one or more zeros can not be ruled out too at bad spots that makes it even worse.
          I have simulated of it enough despite a mere simple rational thinking doesn't warrant even any simulation and confirm that not just Pattern Breaker but "any bet selection" in a purely random game does not help by itself. Playing martingale is like fooling yourself and fastest way to lose huge. I do not want to spoil any discussion preaching these things but since my name crept in(through blue angel), I had to answer.
Any prediction of short or long run?
Nevertheless, it is a rage in the world financials. Many countries even banned it or declared it unlawful if not illegal. Cryptos created thousands of new millionaires. Basically, crypto currencies are great for foreign remittances. Faster and economic than other conventional mediums. No foreign exchange fees. After plunging a lot, they are surging back. No wonder, online casinos are allowing them too. We need to see how long they sustain and how much their prices change. Blockchain emerged as more of an investment tool than mode of remittance. Will it change?
Dear Friends,
                 We are in this forum for years. I wonder that none ever cared to talk about crypto currencies. I remember that about two years back, I asked Victor to do a programming for me and he asked me to pay by bitcoins. I could not get local resource to find bitcoin so easily, in my country then. However, I used Liberty Reserve too much which was also a virtual currency bought by exchanging for cash. Till that time I heard of bitcoin several times but never knew it has multiplied thousands of times by then. In 2017 January I saw bitcoin value going over $1000 and then got shocked to know how far it has gone but got afraid to buy Bitcoin still as I thought it could saturate but it didn't and bitcoin reached almost $20k. Suddenly, it became a rage when prices were rising over 10% a day. Then it felt more than half its best value and even gone below $8k. Now, it again is going up albeit at a controlled pace and at USD10,580 by the time I am writing this topic.
             I invested a bit in it when it tanked to its lowest price in 2018 along with Ripple, another promising crypto asset. I believe this year will be very crucial for cryptos. They will either go vanished this year or multiply again. Many experts predict bitcoin prices to go over 30-40k by the end of 2018 and ripple to touch upto $20 but in my opinion, it is merely speculation based upon history. It is very volatile thing and putting too much money into cryptos is not wise. I expect 50-100% growth in prices within a year, specially in ripple.
Who else is into investing or trading crypto assests? Speak up buddies.
Thank to you all. I really missed you all. I believe that this place is great as it is too but Victor has the right to decide how things go in future. I hope you guys are playing still.
Hi Vic,
             First of all, good to see things back in shape. Ironically, there is no visible difference from where we left a few months back. I saw a lots of dates to come back and thought it is finally over but glad that you could revive at last. What took you so many months to reopen the site? Mind explaining in simple language?
Blackjack never appealed much to me even after associated with casino games for so long. I even enjoyed playing some slots but never Blackjack despite knowing the least house edge factor. The way I want to use a money management may not fit this game well. Actually I am not even sure of that. Roulette and baccarat are easiest to play with simplest MMs. No hit, stand, double, card counting and losing still.
Beating a game of house edge in absolute sense is not possible. We can still earn from it, suffering temporary setbacks and losses. Gizmotron @ Mark has been a nice contributor to gambling community and although I do not personally agree with everything he says but he is one of the best, nevertheless. Gizmo, if you are good at what you do, time will tell you and all. Similarly, if you got illusioned by any misconception, you will face the adverse effect of that too. Do not get too much distracted by naysayers. Just keep your messages to the people who believe you. Good luck for your real money sessions.
Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on October 17, 2017, 01:36:53 PM
Bet risking 1u every bet, parlay the win plus 1u.
1st win=2
1+2=3, w=6
That 7win streak, anyone dare say 7win streak win won't  happen?

It will happen for sure at some point of time but till then u could be losing much more than you gain from this parlay. Parlay looks attractive but it may not work as per your convenience. Be it a single Win or a set of seven wins, all could go far far from where you expect it.
Bayes suggestion could be an interesting way to play but it can not be the best as nothing is better or worse permanently. It is as random as it could be. The warmest could go choppy or cold when you start to bet that and vice versa.