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Messages - Albalaha

Started with name XRB, it started from the price of $0.01 in the year 2015 and remained almost same till mid 2017. Thereafter it suddenly surged to $0.18. Then it reached $1 and $10 marks, By the end of 2017, it was at $21. Very few cryptos with such price tags could rise so much. It reached its all time high of $42 in Jan 2018. Later it went down to $11 and got rebranded as Nano. It kept rolling down and reached as low as $0.26. In 2021, it again rose to as high as $19 to tumble down in below $1. Then it again rose to $2 and again it tumbled down to a very low figure. Atleast once in a month, it surges at once to 20-40% and then tumbles back near $0.60. It has a limited supply of a few hundred millions so it could easily rise to $10 again.
   Any idea or experience with this crypto?
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
August 15, 2023, 09:45:46 AM
In recent news, BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager with a whopping $10 trillion under management, has expressed its bullish stance on Bitcoin, highlighting the growing mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies.
This method could be very satisfying and ultra rewarding.
Hi folks,
Those who love to bet straight ups and get thrilled with winning piles of chips would love to hear this idea.
This takes care of the extreme variance management in the best possible manner.
We all know the law of third that tells us that in a cycle of 37 spins, we have about 12 numbers that do not hit even once. At times it takes even upto 45 spins where only 25 numbers hit and 12 numbers still remain sleeper. Just imagine if we randomly pick any set of numbers, it could drag us for 30-45 spins without getting any single hit. If we take 12 numbers together, even millions of chips won't help in getting net win in one hit. This could happen any day. Got shocked?

Now, we can take benefit of this phenomenon than being aggrived from it. We start tracking a session till when only 12 numbers remain unhit. As I said, it could happen in a window of 30-45 spins, anywhere. When this happens, we note down all those 12 unhit numbers. About 6-9 of them will surely hit in the next cycle of 37 spins. Some of them, will hit only once while others may hit twice, thrice or even more. Some of the numbers of those 12 chosen might not hit even in 100-200 spins and the worst number could go unhit for as far as 500 spins or even worse, we never know.

What we will bet upon?
When we track the last unhit 12 numbers, we do not bet them yet. Let them hit first. When the first one hits, we start to bet that, when second one hits, we bet both two of them, similarly, we will add third and fourth number too, after they hit once but when the fifth number opens, we remove the farthest of our bet and bet current four straight up numbers only.  As we all know that a perfect rotation of numbers is impossible, some of them will hit much more and frequently while other will remain laggard. With a mild progression, we are set to get good cluster of wins. There is one condition of betting those four numbers, they should have hit at least once in the last 37 spins. If only three of them did that (in extreme cases) we will bet only three. Same way, we might get to bet only two or one or even none.

I would appreciate, if anybody needs any clarifications.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
August 13, 2023, 06:41:14 AM
It is pretty debatable whether it has an intrinsic value or not as crypto doesn't have much of history to learn from. It is all about demand and supply and fear and greed. One thing I am very sure about is, it  (Bitcoin)is scarcer than diamonds and big corporates whales are into it, so it is not going to finish anytime soon. A big rise in prices is expected around bitcoin halving. It could be used as one of the varied mode of investments that we can opt for. I would advise putting 10% of your investments in it. Diversy with top 10 cryptos while keeping main focus on bitcoin.
QuoteI'm assuming the look-back is continuous, hence you must check current statistics after every new number spun. Correct? (please confirm :nod: )

Yes, Lookback is continuous. We always need to see the last 37 spins to decide our bets but we will bet only the latest two among all qualifying numbers. If, at a point of time only 1/7 number appeared in the last 37 spins, only 1 number will qualify to be bet. Similarly, if none comes among our set of numbers in the last 37 decisions, we bet none.

QuoteIf there's more than one equivalent area of 7 consecutive numbers, is it okay to simply choose the target area at random? Perhaps by the most recent hit?
We do not change our target once we start to play. Since every number carries same probability of hitting in every spin, we can keep betting a set of numbers this way, till we get a net good win or reach at a point where stop loss makes us leave it. Then we can select other set of numbers to try our luck upon afresh.
Thanks Mark for your wise words and links. Can you help in simulating my idea with a similar tracker wherein I can input my set of proposed  numbers and when I insert the winning numbers either one by one or through a txt file of numbers, it could calculate net win/loss flat bet  ?
Albalaha's Exclusive / Two straight up numbers betting
August 06, 2023, 09:11:17 AM
I have been playing this for a few months with remarkable success.
How to choose numbers to bet?
Check current statistics of last 37 spins played. Pick a set of 7 consecutive numbers on wheel like 12,35,3,26,0,32,15, that won the least taken as a whole. For instance, if in the last 37 spins, only 3, 12,0 shown once and 15 came twice, you may opt to bet that set numbers only.

Which two numbers will be bet?
Only the latest two numbers if they did hit within last 37 spins, if only 1 did hit in the last 37 spins, only 1 number will be bet upon, if none did, none will be bet.

This betselection works on the principal that not all inside numbers come equally and in a perfect rotation. A few numbers will hit 4-5 times while another from your proposed bet numbers might not hit even once.

1. No betting on numbers not hitting for hundreds of times.
2. Takes advantage of any one or two of the numbers getting too hot.

1. As any other bet, it will get all kinds of variances.
2. When all numbers remain active in your bet, you can miss some wins.

 Increase bet once after 15 spins and no win and thereafter on every win.
Sooner or later, you will most likely get clustered wins and you move out having hundreds of winning chips.
Check this session. You can see that second dozen is hitting too low in the last 22 spins. Only two wins.
I get better cases than this. What could win it most?
"Up and Pull" as the name suggests has a limit set in advance of winning. As you suggested a 7 step progression where you keep a portion of winning and bet the rest. First of all my bet is not an EC bet but two dozens or like bets. Secondly, I am up for a very long and big win. Yesterday I got a dozen sleeper for about 19 times and after a win again for 9 times before a WLW came and end the streak.
 I want some progression that could exploit such cases fully. Anything else that could help winning better?
      You are not getting my point. I have seen one dozen getting too bad for even 80-100 spins when it hits below even 1/4th. In such cases, I can close riding when I get WW or WLW of the leftover dozen/column but if before that  we have 18 wins followed by 1 loss then 8 wins followed by 1 loss, 5 wins followed by 1 loss and so on of my two dozens/columns, I could extract far bigger win and also can stop at a reasonable correction. As I said earlier, I have got access of table from 10 units to even 500k units. Which progression you know of that can do the best in the given cases?
  Thanks for your inputs and the rider progression suggestion. My point is, when we play two most active dozens/columns or anything alike and it comes like 8 wins followed by 1 loss, then 11 wins followed by 1 loss and then 5 wins followed by 1 loss or anything alike, how to frame our positive progression to optimize the wins, specially when table limit allows bets from 10 units to 100k units?
Has anyone ever tried/read somewhere about reverse labouchere for two dozens/columns? I would appreciate if anyone can provide the link of that or explain the methodology(even in its crudest form). If it is nowhere, I would devise one myself.
Randomness is the core of betting or any form of gambling. If it is not purely random and predictable to a large extent the reward on the bet will be lesser. That is true with sports betting but casino gambling is purely random and chance to win is directly proportional to the risk involved.
        Randomness ensures that all silly money management ideas will fail eventually. Randomness makes all skills of choosing your bet go foolish finally.
          Randomness is not infinite though. It mellows usually around 6X of the break even point and crosses that very rarely. Although there is no absolute limit of randomness, it can go wild enough to kill a novice guy with irreversible loss. 

   In nutshell, no randomness, no gambling.
This omnipotent phenomenon of one dozen/column going laggard could be exploited to win huge betting rest of two dozens/columns which are pretty active with a parlay type safe progression, clever enough to handle some fluctuations. One can rather break the bank with this.
            Recently, in a session of mine, a dozen hit after 24 spins and missed another 9 spins before getting another hit. A simple progression player on a dozen could commit suicide getting such bad streak but I made one of the biggest win of my life with that.
              I am very much focussed on exploiting such things in an organized manner. I have got casinos with 10-500,000 units table limits online.Working on it to make it one of the most potent weapons against casinos. This thing did not work as well with EC bets and could take forever to win big, that way. Could be tried against smaller bets than a dozen, for sure.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
April 16, 2023, 01:47:34 PM
It is already over $30k. Those who were skeptic of its growth have missed almost 90% growth when it was at $16,600 levels at 31st December 2022. It was near $20k in June 2022. Even from there, it is 50% up. This year we will see $50k levels for sure and a single fortnight can be sufficient to pull this much price. If it doesn't reach a new all time high by 2024, its bubble will bust forever.