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Messages - Albalaha

Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
March 20, 2023, 03:22:12 PM
As I expected and predicted, it broke the price barrier and getting costlier by more than $1k every day. No wonder it gets all time high before we thought it to reach there.
Any bet smaller than that could go even bad for longer. We have seen the fate of #3 in zumma book of roulette with 15k spins.
I have observed this for too long and hence sharing this with you. This is not backed by any statistical observation or upon any principal of probability but playing the weakest dozen ( a dozen which is hitting at 5/20 or even worse) looks very bad to me. That usually happens when 3-4 numbers of a dozen remains sleeper and rest of the numbers remain either average or below average. Even if a single number of that dozen is hot, it can not help much by itself.
        We all know that a single dozen could remain sleeper for even 40 spins and could reach hit rate of even 6/60, trying that is not wise. Maybe it helps someone playing safer.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
February 28, 2023, 05:26:43 AM
There is a strong resistance against price growth of bitcoin at $25k. Once it crosses $30k mark, it will skyrocket. We might see an all time high price within a year and half max. If it doesn't work that way even upto 2024, it will lose its lustre and charm forever and could crash huge.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
February 20, 2023, 02:35:18 AM
Remember we keep getting new goldmines and yet gold is getting costlier and scarcer due to its massive demand and value everybody wants to have a bit of it.if Bitcoin becomes a rare and precious asset with international acceptance, I see no reason for it going doomed.I m not so sure about other altcoins though.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
January 26, 2023, 11:35:15 AM
Bitcoin increased about 35% in January 2023 alone, so far within 26 days. It could be an indicator of its next highest value ever. IF this trend continues even for 2-3 months, seeing a level of $45k is no big deal. Bitcoin and shiba inu, alongwith some other coins have grown to unimaginable levels which had never been predictable. IT is for sure that bitcoin will go scarcer day by day and that factor alone will push its price to any extent. If the entire concept of crypto fails, which is not likely anytime soon, I do not see much threat to bitcoin atleast. Bitcoin Halving is Predicted to Occur on Tuesday Apr 16, 2024.
Historically, the cryptocurrency experiences massive price increase during its halving episodes, increasing its value by 1,263% between the 2016 and 2020 occurrences of this important event.

With the trend, it is projected that by March 23, 2024, a single unit of BTC will have a value of $120,263. In 2009, the reward for each block in the chain mined was 50 bitcoins. After the first halving, it was 25, and then 12.5, and then it became 6.25 bitcoins per block as of May 11, 2020. To put this in another context, imagine if the amount of gold mined out of the Earth was cut in half every four years. If gold's value is based on its scarcity, then a "halving" of gold output every four years would theoretically drive its price higher.
   This is a very unique proposition with bitcoin that does not apply to other altcoins. Many have unlimited or near unlimited supply like XRP or SHIB. They may grow along but not to the levels of bitcoin. Even it is possible that after this halving, Bitcoin does not go down but keeps doing great due to FOMO (the fear of missing out). 21 millions is not a big number when everybody will seek it.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
January 24, 2023, 05:19:47 AM
On every halving, bitcoin reached a new all time high that is usually at least 50% up from the last run highest. 2024 is the year of bitcoin halving. Do not forget one peculiar thing about bitcoin. It was the pioneer and all other coins are altcoins. It has an all time maximum supply of 21 millions. Hence, it will go scarcer like diamonds, year by year. I firmly believe that bitcoin should touch levels over $50k by the end of 2023 itself or maximum by April 2024. Let us see this. 2023 will decide its fate, for sure.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
January 23, 2023, 04:18:41 AM
Year 2023 is doing great for all cryptos. Bitcoin is about to touch its 52 week high. Year 2024 is said to get all time high of bitcoin and some other altcoins too. What do you say?
I have tried to play both sides with +50/-100 targets and winning in most of the sessions in both ways. Apparently +50 in both sides are taking different timeframes. Below average times for one side is great time for others. I wonder if it ends the game, my way or there is something that I m still lacking. Should I finish both sides for my targets or leave at a good average winning stage taken both sides together? Any thoughts?
KungFuBac / Re: WELCOME
January 14, 2023, 05:11:01 PM
Nothing changes the advantage of casino but still winning is possible in the long run with a clear and unambiguous way to play. Regarding compounding of money is concern, that is of course doable. No casino will win you if you earn modestly and your meagre income, even regular will not make them lose big, while other players will keep losing their 100% bankroll, your winning 1-2% of your total stake will hardly impact them. There are plenty of casinos to chose from. These days, I play online live dealers where bet range is insanely from 5 to 75k. If you do not bet too huge, u will be unnoticed.
KungFuBac / Re: WELCOME
January 14, 2023, 03:31:08 PM
        Nice to see a board of yours. As you told about yourself, it is apparent that you are a real player and not some kind of paper tiger. I faced so many members on forums who have never played actually but wrote hundreds of posts here. They looked everywhere to find a winning idea. They discuss or rather fight with seasoned and experienced players too. We all learn things here. When I started my journey on forums, I was as naive as any newbie could be but I always dared to innovate with improving knowwledge. I got lucky to have good programmers around and they helped me come out of fallacious thinkings by providing me trackers. I did learn basic excel programming and can make basic trackers myself and with the help of a bit of manual inputs, I can track long haul sessions.
  More later........
My most recent trigger is waiting for a 3 wins or lesser in the last 10 decisions as an alert. My trigger would be a situation after an alert wherein the trailing bet achieves average hit rate, it should have in the last 30 decisions.
 For example,
LLLWLLLLWLLLW here the third win alerted me to look for a trigger hereafter. If I get at least 14 hits of the trailing bet in any subsequent patch of 30 bets, that would be my trigger.
This way, the worst of the worst patches should go virtual most of the times.
Albalaha's Exclusive / Re: cryptocurrency and me
January 14, 2023, 08:20:18 AM
Good streak in all cryptos for last few days.
Thanks alrelax and Victor. It finally came back after a few months of pursuation.
I wonder what kind of problem is this that could not have been solved for more than a month of informing.