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Messages - Albalaha

Roulette Forum / Re: Priyanka. random thoughts
May 29, 2016, 11:29:24 AM
QuotePerhaps I will try this with other progressions like Sumit's hibrid type progressions (like standard hybrid, unbeatable hyb. or unbeatable ultramild hyb.) with or without base bet increments, substituted with load balancing, load shedding.

Who are you and how do you know all these ? I shared this with Nick and two more guys only.
        First of all you should not be interested in gambling alone as you stated to earn only E300 a month that is barely sufficient to feed you. Gambling is meant for affluent class people who has "extra" money and time for this.

Edit: This is for Betjack and not for Jake if both are different.

           Anyways, your questions are wise enough and deserves answers:
Max bet: It is rare to get over 25 units but upto 50 units of max bet could be possible in different scenarios.
Max DD: I would ask to quit for the day if losses reach -300 units a day.

QuoteIs the system completely mechanical? Some systems have a discretionary element which gives a seller a get-out clause, so if the system fails then the seller can blame the player for not playing it right. If it depends on guessing or "experience"

Yes, it is purely mechanical with all rules very clear and no ambiguity. The system has no guarantee of "no loss ever possible". Although the entire methodology takes care of various types of variance yet there can be sessions where one loses 300 units. If you happen to get that much rarity in successive days somehow, you can lose the entire lifetime bankroll of 3000 units as well. Too remote and weird but not impossible mathematically. Understanding what randomness can offer is the core of positive gambling.
In my simulations, we earn in the ratio of our bets placed. Say we bet only 150 spins in 1000, we need to see the real ratio there. We can earn 1 to 3 units per 10 bets placed. Any estimation is estimation only as every session could be a very different story from the other. Remember, we are not playing all over, for the sake of ultimate safety.
No betselection gives you any edge by itself. I do not want to repeat that again and again.

We do not know beforehand the number of wins vs losses we will get, it is also a blunt truth. My methodology tries to avoid the worst and then survive if we still get the worse and tries to win back after that phase passes and we get close to average. The session may end in 50 spins or it may drag for upto 500 spins.
Price will subject to the existing knowledge and skill that the buyer has already. Asking price will be my prerogative and buying or not will be buyer's. I need not answer this to trolls and buffoons of the forum who write no positive topic that adds any value to the forum. This is not for rookies or daydreamers or frustrated players lurking here and there to find a panacea. It is an approach to play that makes a player a perfect gambler who has much more chances to win than lose a session and in overall. To play this way, will be possible for the toughest of players. A hasty player will not be able to use this module.

              This method keeps in mind the following principals:
1. Law of small numbers: anything is possible in very short span. Many smarta** players claim otherwise but in reality none can control the outcome of the game. It could be very harsh momentarily beyond the capacity of any MM to get a win there.

2. Law of large numbers: In large run, things get to normalcy in overall.

3. Regression towards mean: After a very highly skewed stretch the next stretch is more likely to be closer to the mean value(average). There is a big problem in the application of this theory though. We can not determine the stretch after which regression should work but my Positive gambling module has a way to optimize this too.

4. Extreme Variance management: I have some parameters that try to remove the worst of worst sessions from our plays. If the worst still creeps in, we can still survive and win back without betting too huge.
I thought you started to hate me for selling this module but anyways, I answer you. 3000 units are lifetime bankroll and only a maximum of 300 units buy-in could be required in any session. If someone dreams of bending the casino with 10-20 chips, he is only fooling himself. 300 units is meant for extreme of the extreme cases. It is a kind of ultimate stop loss that is very rare(even the 6 horror sessions did not get that) but not impossible. Similarly, it is not impossible to even lose lifetime bankroll if someone gets unlucky in every day of his play. It is although as much remote as getting 30 reds in a row.

I hope it should be enough for you.
I opened this topic if anybody has any query regarding that. Trolls and buffoons please avoid writing here and they are free to make their own topics anywhere else.
You are doing a single session in three ways so far. It is what we call reverse engineering.
Blue Angel did claim like you and later we got to know how hollow his method was. Unless you tell how you arrived those results, it is of 0 value. If you do not want to do that here, I will delete your posts having no substance. Show those graphs somewhere else.
Online Casinos / Re: online casinos better?
May 26, 2016, 01:52:41 AM
I play online and I feel I am in casino 24x7. Thanks.
          I think a part of your stress is related to me too. I hope you must have read some of my posts here or in my blog at lefora before starting to make your mind about me. I openly offered to Sale my module that I call positive gambling on which I was working for last 5 years. I won't call it an HG or anything alike but it is far more superior than any method ever been written about roulette. I am indeed, willing to teach real and regular players only. It is not being forced down anybody's throat, so don't panic and don't be sad. Just tell me one method here or in any forum that you have read ever that can win random sessions.
You did not tell what did you do with the L/Ws. Show calculations that bring these graphs. It may be good to go ahead with or may be like Blue Angel's method.
Please illustrate your way.
I created some conditions before trying to play a system, posted here: http://albalaha.lefora.com/topic/19400624/Before-you-try-to-play-with-any-system#.V0SDtPl97IU
QuoteIn my long haul journey with casino gambling, I saw a very ridiculous practice. Every person is creating systems without thinking of "why and how it is better than simply betting flat on any EC bet". Lots of printed as well as e-books and Amazon's kindle version of books as well as many gambling related sites and forums are spreading "systems" with nothing "better" than just trying your luck. 90% of books on gambling start with how roulette invented and all classical failure "systems" like Martingale, Labouchere, Fibonnaci, D'Alembert, Pluscoup or Oscar's Grind, Parlay, Paroli and hundreds of variants and "tweaked versions" of these ideas. When we know very well that they are already proved as failures, what is the use of talking of them?
                  Whenever you see or read a system that impresses u in first glance or thought, give it a second thought and ask to yourself, "what is the difference between this approach and others". Apart from author's sample sessions, get a few random ones from www.random.org or any of these forums or code an RNG that will give u random sessions with a single click of F9. Use your very own random sessions to analyse the "system" once again since most "system writers" provide sessions that suit their "system". Many system authors are clever enough (or read fool enough) to use a static data to create a "system".
         In my humble opinion, a system is just a systematic and well defined approach of playing. If you get answer of "why" and "how" it is different, then you can try that, if convinced totally.

            I can answer "how" and "why" my module is different from any other existing approach of playing and can be played upon any random data, not my chosen one whom I can reverse engineer to prove my point.
Great observation and good question. Let me answer.
QuotePeople look for winning systems and methods while it is a full module of how exactly one should play having positive expectations of win, in the long run. It includes clear safeguards regarding how to avoid the worst streaks that can plunder whatever you can bet and how to sustain the worst even if it creeps in our session despite all the safeguards without losing a fortune. I do have an MM which is never heard before that behaves as per the session is going and kind of auto adjust to cause you better chances to earn in good times while lesser chances to lose at the worst. It can beat the house edge and a bit of variance against us, very swiftly.

  I use a reverse filter that avoids getting extremes but as I said, even the most wise player will ultimately get harsh times and that is the acid test of a system. Unless a method can survive superbad stretches whenever it gets, it is just another foolish way to play. My MM works best in those cases to not let me lose huge. That is where my module excels.