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Messages - Albalaha

Math & Statistics / Re: z score
May 08, 2014, 01:04:35 AM
Quote from: Archie on May 07, 2014, 11:22:23 PM
You won't live long enough to see a streak of 40 reds.  So, even if there's a slight physical bias to 30 reds, double up on black until you win.  Even after 15 reds, it's a good idea.

The difference between practice or the finite, and the theoretical or infinite.

      Another funny suggestions. Waiting for 30 reds/blacks to come before starting to bet may cause one's entire life to try to win one unit.
Waiting for even 15 successive hits is not as easy. Statistically, you get to see such thing once in a few thousands spins.
Math & Statistics / Re: z score
May 07, 2014, 04:26:07 AM
QuoteSimply bet the last number(s) to have hit.  The last number to have hit, and up to but no more than the last five numbers to have hit,

[smiley]aes/lol.png[/smiley] Never heard funnier statement. What a way to reduce the house edge!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody having even a slight knowledge of excel programming can test it, on excel. Such betting is as good or as bad as betting just any number randomly. It may lose, it may win, like anything, in any given random session. In long run, a loser, for sure.

Preaching something like this is like a blind man telling other blind man, how a flower could look like.
Here is a simulation of playing the last number in 10k live spins with excel sheet and bankroll graph.[attachimg=1]

I am an attorney, by profession but use all my spare time and weekends in gaming and researches.
31st No Deposit Bonus Win:
Guys, I did it again. jollyseven.com is a new casino which offers a no deposit bonus giving E17 and ask to wager it 30 times, i,e, E510.
You can play slots only and you can win E50 or E100, depending upon your country. I did it in a few hours.
See screenshot:(I took this screenshot when only E4.45 left to wager more out of E510)

Time to move away from over reactions. I did over react too but now I know that a community is like a family. There are some naughty members who fight and abuse each other. Still, we are together, in one way or other. Avoid talking personal matters in public forums.
QuoteReminds me of my neighbour lawyer that sued all dog owners in our street....

        Here, the condition is much more worse. It is like living in London and suing dog owners of a street of Tokyo. Wannawin is acting like a savior for Victor, while he is actually causing troubles for him. Why doesn't he does the same complain about Steve too? It is pertinent to mention that the topics which had all the mess have been deleted from all over (both by Steve and Stef). So, we better forget about pelting stone in the mud that will make things dirtier for all.
                        There is still peace and harmony among the common members of both forums. Let's try to preserve that.
Quote from: wannawin on April 25, 2014, 08:06:29 AM
You have more important things to worry about in the next days than the chip sizes in your game:

Betforum.cc is to be forcefully expelled from servers of Rica Web Services in the next few days.

Read this topic from start to finish. To the last post:

                    Wannawin.You simply lack Locus Standi to do any complain to anyone on the behalf of anybody unless you get a power of attorney/authorization by Victor.  :no:
Too much fuss about nothing. Who will bear the price of this litigation and what will someone sue other for? There is no civil or criminal liability on any one.
Buddy Wannawin,
                    We all are human being having emotions against and in favor of a few things and people. Why are you writing so many topic blaming Stef? Because you hate what he did. When you start hating someone, even good deeds of that person look like gimmics and we ignore the wrongdoings of the person that we like.
                     Victor promised a migration without any cost and later, in the process of the migration from bs.cc to bf.cc, he suddenly demanded money from Stef. That stirred Stef and whatever he did was outburst of his anger towards Victor. He might have crossed the level of decency in doing so but that is anger all about. We never do logical things when angry.
                   Truth is the biggest defense against any allegation of defamation.
You can see yourself that even Steve has alleged Victor of same greed and family concerns stories repeatedly. You are a member of rouletteforum.cc too. Go and try to talk same thing to Steve. You will most likely get much more bitter answers.

                   Better focus on constructive stuffs. All forums are violating law of copyright in numerous ways, so there is no room for legal defense. If you seek justice, come with clean hands.
QuoteI then requested verification of the rules of the "challenge".  I accepted them and beat your challenge.  How did I do it??  Drum roll here as evidently Big Al can't understand how this all works. . . . . . .    Play those numbers like you were in a ROULETTE TOURNAMENT.

Now, what the hell is, Playing like a roulette tournament? Are you trying to blind us or to yourself?
Quote I showed a profit in your challenge, explained how I did it.

Where is that link where you told how to do that? Put link for everyone to see.
        Ladies and Gentlemen, pay attention to the next post having a so called method or its link, where Captain Adulay will show you his real skills.

              No theory of Raymond Lai or any other author will even remotely do what I did and shown. They just reverse engineer a data to find weak points and exhibit their so called method to get a win. A little bit adverse data and the method will bust like a tire. I reverse engineered Zumma book to do the opposite. I found toughest bets to beat. Opened it for all, for about 1 and half year.
      Nobody could satisfy with any method. Even if someone curve fits a method to get a win on #3 somehow, it will fail on any similar harsh bet. Adulay, GrGrampa and later Pockets tried to fool people with hypothetical theories but could not exhibit a winning way, that is created as a general "panacea" for bad bets. This is because they never knew anything like that.
             I do not see any improvement in the knowledge of most of the members since I have been reading them. They are as much in dark as they were 5 years earlier.

Don't believe me? Ask Adulay, Pockets or Priyanka to show how do they beat it. They will surely go unintelligent and deaf.
Pockets opened a thread trying to do anything similar but later admitted his failure. It is not so easy to beat the worst. Usually you will fail in even an average doing number for such long span. Don't believe me? Try any.
Keep guessing. Graphs will help u speculate more.
See, if we play the same number flat bet: