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Messages - Atlantis

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Steady Betting Locations by VLS
January 31, 2014, 09:54:36 PM
Thanks Sam,
It's a neat little proggy.
Is there any text about the max number of locations to bet? Or do you always stick to 3 or less?
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 09, 2013, 08:55:41 AM
Well it seems like Jonvermeer has decided against the reveal of the CWB after all of that!!

We've seen it all before, of course, and as a healthy sceptic I am naturally not surprised or disappointed for such to be the case this time either.

Hope you had some fun, Jonvermeer.


General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 06, 2013, 11:03:35 PM
Quote from: Jonvermeer on November 06, 2013, 08:13:05 PM

If you all interested to see and learn,I will post the CWB bet for free to all who want to study about it.

Sure Jonvermeer, waiting to hear more. What was it you did not understand that you wrote asking for more info - but didn't receive clarification? Perhaps there are some on this forum that can work on and supply the missing pieces of the puzzle you require?

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 05, 2013, 06:31:26 PM
Hi Razor,
Do you actually play sessions of 100 spins? If not how many spins on average? Also, do you have a set target goal?
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 02, 2013, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 02, 2013, 03:00:05 PM

What does it mean to "trap a loser"?  Does that mean that--for some reason--RHO cannot win?  Would you put your neck in the Guillotine and bet that statement is true.  I feel you would eventually bleed a little.

Someone educate me:  What does it mean to trap a loser?  And how would one trap SEVEN??


Yes. I would also like to know exactly what "to trap a loser" means too...

Possibly it means that the way you place the bet ensures that it will not be a total loss of chips. In other words there cannot be a complete losing spin where all bets are lost; there is a guaranteed return - sometimes a losing return, sometimes level return, sometimes a profitable return....

For instance 5 bets @ 0.7:

If doz 1 and 3 were last dozens to hit then NO BET.

If doz 1 and 2 OR 2 and 3 were last dozens to hit then bet those 2 doz + the last 2 columns to have hit.

If betting doz 1 and 2 then also bet EC HIGH @0.7

If betting doz 2 and 3 bet then also bet EC LOW @ 0.7

Also place each time a bet of 0.1u on ZERO

Total bet= 3.6

0=level (3.6)
EC only = 1.4
col only = 2.1
doz only = 2.1
col or doz + EC hit = 3.5
col and doz hit = 4.2
col+doz+high/low EC = 5.6

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 01, 2013, 11:07:40 AM
That's good news. Carry on the winning, Razor. :)
I hope you will keep us all apprised of your results (good or bad) and update with your progress of your secret CWB.
How many spins you play on average a session? R U flatbetting or using a progression? I think might be hard without some kind of mild progression..

Dozen/Column / Re: Dual Couplets
October 30, 2013, 11:50:11 AM
I added in an extra 5th bet (EC)
This is the RED or BLACK value derived from the street of the last hitting number...
(Compa's formula)

Compa's Table
street      sum          play
1.2.3    = 1+3      = 4  = BLACK
4.5.6    = 4+6      = 10 = BLACK
7.8.9    = 7+9      = 16 = RED
10.11.12 = 10+11= 21 = RED
13.14.15 = 13+15= 28 = BLACK
16.17.18 = 16+18= 34 = RED
19.20.21 = 19+21= 40 = 4+0 = 4 = BLACK
22.23.24 = 22+24= 46 = 4+6 = 10 = BLACK
25.26.27 = 25+27= 52 = 5+2 = 7= RED
28.29.30 = 28+29= 57 = 5+7 = 12 = RED
31.32.33 = 31+33= 64  = 6+4 = 10 = BLACK
34.35.36 = 34+36= 70 = 7+0  = 7 = RED

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 29, 2013, 10:05:04 AM
Razor wrote:
As for me...I am gonna start playing the bet from tomorrow on land based Casinos.
Even If i will lose it s only 50 chips br.

I have cracked my head searching for this bet for about 4 years now.
I haven t played roulette since I started exploring the bet.
Finally the formula I have found(with the help of RX) is matching Charles criteria 100%.
Its time to let myself play.

Hi Razor,
Did you begin play and have you still got your 50 chips??
Dozen/Column / Re: Dual Couplets
October 28, 2013, 04:40:20 PM
I think Razor said that the CWB involved betting columns and dozens and that after 100 spins it could be be expected to be in range +5 or -5
I have tried the above over a 100 spin session that ended at -3 units.
But razor also said that we had to also include a complimentary EC bet that would boost profits...
Refer to the "What If..." thread:

Any ideas? Am I on right track razor?
Dozen/Column / Dual Couplets
October 28, 2013, 11:42:07 AM
A FLATBET column and dozen approach - for single zero.

Before every bet I always consider the last 2 outcomes only.

For example:


I now quickly translate these into "dozen and column format". I like to note this format vertically as:


I now FLATBET always 1 unit upon each of the dozens and columns contained in the last recorded dual pair. In this instance that will be:

1u on Doz3
1u on Doz1
1u on ColA

A total of 3 units is indicated in this particular case.

Whatever happens I will then consider again only the last 2 results and bet accordingly.
I will therefore be betting 2, 3 or a possible maximum of 4 positions on each spin.

My target is +10 (maybe stop-loss of -30?)

If a 0 occurs I will stop and wait for 2 further real numbers before continuing.

Example real session just now at SLC:
#   D/C  +/-     bet
34  3a
4    1a    +0     bet D1+D3+A 
13  2a    +0     bet D1+D2+A
10  1a    +3     bet D1+D2+A
19  2a    +6     bet D1+D2+A
29  3b    +3     bet D2+D3+A+B
23  2b    +5     bet D2+D3+B
33  3c    +5     etc.. etc...
35  3b    +7
18  2c    +7
10  1a    +3
8    1b    +2
8    1b    +5
20   2b   +6
35   3b    +6
11   1b    +6
23   2b    +6
10   1a    +6
33   3c    +2
12   1c    +4
20   2b    +1
8     1b    +3
0    Zero  +0    No bet. Wait 2 new numbers.
7     1a     
17    2b    Restart.
7     1a     +2
4     1a     +4
12    1c    +5
4      1a    +8
9      1c    +11 *** Target Achieved.

+11u profit in 30 spins.

This idea came out of the discussion of the CWB in another thread.

Happy winnings,
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 11:10:02 AM
It's actually pretty hilarious, if you think about, what all you 'grail hunters' are trying to do here, and it's because you don't understand simple logic and basic math.

This is NOT the case for sports betting, poker, or trading because the odds and expectation cannot be calculated mathematically, so you have a chance of putting the odds in your favor, even if it's only using arbitrage.

Certainly. I always win more on the horses than I ever do on roulette. With the horses you've got a chance; it's not so "random". You get a run for your money too. :)

I make money on the horses - always in profit at end of week. I will win or break even. If I lose it will be won back... I play most days and know what I'm doing. Though I say it myself I'm pretty hard to beat. :) :)

As regards roulette - would sure be great to have a surefire and foolproof winner. But I don't rely on it or need it. It's fun trying to fathom ways to beat it.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 10:47:01 AM
Quote from: Graildigger on October 19, 2013, 07:33:05 AM
As for dozen/column movements i was looking into last 2 dozens (LD) ----> 123 - play 2 and 3 and jump dozens (JD) ----> 123 - play 1 and 2.

Now I expected to see a dozen sleeping more often. Dozen can sleep 20+ spins but it looks like in most cases dozens hits within 3-5 spins. Could be my imagination...

Hi Graildigger,
Maybe you're right. I remember Gizmotron posted something similar a while back... Here it is:

Here is my Very Rare to Kill Progression.  It's was inspired by reverse engineering the crackpot Charles Scammer Hampshire's spoof of an idea he called the Zone.  His only problem was he actually had something a real player could make use of.  He didn't even know it.  So I thought about it for fifteen minutes and turned his lame idea upside down and inside out.  Guess what? It really works.  After thousands of spin tests it has held up as a winner.  It does this because the pattern or sequence it takes to kill it is so very rare that it tends to work.  Charles Scammer never noticed that feature even in his own spoof of a Holy Grail he has been harassing forums with.

It uses 4 steps.  It avoids the zeros.  It's completely rule based.  It has a few wait points that usually resolve in just a few spins.
The point is to bet on the two dozens or columns that did not hit last.  It's almost that simple.  The other point is to wait for the next single to occur in the dozens after the last repeat. 

So if d1 (dozen 1, 1 to 12) hits you bet on d2 and d3 for the next spin.

If d1 hits again then you lose.  You now wait for d1 to stop hitting.  As soon as d2 or d3 hits you have a single in series.  So then you start step two of the four step progression.  I takes a perfect set of repeats and singles to kill this progression.
Here are a few spins tracking the dozens and the columns at the same time.

| 1 2 3 | L M H |
|   X   |   X   |   -- 23 --  1
|   X   |     X |   -- 24 --  2
|     X |     X |   -- 33 --  3
|   X   |   X   |   -- 23 --  4
| X     | X     |   --  1 --  5
| X     |   X   |   -- 11 --  6
|     X | X     |   -- 25 --  7
| X     |     X |   --  9 --  8
|     X |     X |   -- 36 --  9
|     X |   X   |   -- 35 -- 10
|     X | X     |   -- 28 -- 11

Here is a stretch that kills it.  It happens in the dozens beginning at spin 122.

| 1 2 3 | L M H |
| X     |     X |   --  6 -- 120
|     X | X     |   -- 28 -- 121
|     X |   X   |   -- 29 -- 122
|     X | X     |   -- 34 -- 123
|     X |   X   |   -- 35 -- 124
| X     |     X |   -- 12 -- 125
| X     |     X |   --  9 -- 126
| X     |   X   |   -- 11 -- 127
| X     |   X   |   --  2 -- 128
|   X   | X     |   -- 19 -- 129
|   X   |   X   |   -- 17 -- 130
|   X   | X     |   -- 19 -- 131
|     X |   X   |   -- 32 -- 132
|     X |     X |   -- 33 -- 133
|---------------|   --  0 -- 134
| X     |     X |   --  6 -- 135

The progression is 1,1 - 3,3 - 9,9 - 27,27.  You place a bet on each of the dozens that did not hit last.
The cost is 80 units if you lose.  You win everything back plus 1 unit on any win inside the four steps.

---MAYBE PROG CAN BE CHANGED or just flatbet? - ATLANTIS---

The thing that makes it work is that you never place bets on any repeats after the first repeat is discovered.  So runs of repeats don't take out your progressions.  Only the exact sequence of repeats after singles, four directly in a row has the power to break this progression.

For the sake of clarity here are step by step instructions.

d1 hits on spin 1.  Bet 1 on d2 and 1 on d3 for spin 2.
d1 hits on spin 2.  Don't bet on spin 3.
d1 hits on spin 3  Don't bet on spin 4.
d3 hits on spin 4  Bet 3 on d2 and 3 on d1 for spin 5.
d1 hits on spin 5  Bet 1 on d2 and 1 on d3 for spin 6.
d2 hits on spin 6  Bet 1 on d1 and 1 on d3 for spin 7. 
d3 hits on spin 7  Bet 1 on d1 and 1 on d2 for spin 8.

I generally lose one time in 300 spins betting both dozens and columns independently for each spin.  That's typical too.  Once in a while you get two losses.  And once in a while you get no losses.  With both progressions going on at the same time you tend to win about 20 units for every 30 spins.

If this is a holy grail system then three or more losses must take place most of the time for it not to be, in 300 spins that is.  On a five dollar minimum table this should cost $400 for each loss.  So a $1200 bankroll would be considered minimal to try it.

There are some refinements not mentioned regarding the zeros.  I just did not want to cloud the explanation at this time.  I'd hate to be blamed for changing this after the fact.  That's what Charles Scammer does.  He's a liar.  Some how he gets his jollies for leading people on.  I just don't want to be in his low class.  So there it is, now go change the world forever.  Just remember I thought this up.  To all those that think it won't change things just watch this gold rush.

The zero:

1.) I wait two spins after each zero, to see if a new single appears.

2.)Caution:  When zeros start hitting within ten spins of each other or when they repeat.

3.) I run 300 spin tests. But I would end with 25 to 30 units. as a good goal. A loss is 80 units. Maybe winning 80 is a good idea.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 05:24:31 PM
Bit of voo-doo might come in handy if you get freaked out by some bad ju-ju. Gimme that JD and coke!  O:-)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 04:37:08 PM
#spun                             +/-                times missed            bet
8                                     +0                       b1
6                                                                b0
34                                                              r1
25                                                              r2
21                                                              r3                    r+c2
7            w+0                   +0                      r4                    r+c2
14          w+3                   +3                      r0
12                                                              r1
28                                                              b1
8                                                                b2
1                                                                r2
18                                                              r3                    r+c2
9            w+0                                             r4                    r+c2
11          w+1                   +4                      b3                   r+c2
5            w+3                   +7                      r0                    b+c3
36          w+1                   +8                       r1             
34                                                              r2
26                                                              b4
4                                                                b5                   b+c3
7           L-2                     +6                       r3                   b+c3
10         w+0                                               b6                  r+c2
1           w+0                                               r4                   b+c3
5           L-2                     +4                       r0
8                                                                b7                   
35                                                              b8                   b+c3
10         w+0                                               b9                   b+c3
34         w+1                   +5                         r1                   b+c3
6          w+3                    +8                         b0
12                                                               r2
7                                                                 r3                   r+c2
8           w+1                   +9                        b1                  r+c2
19         w+0                                               r4


Remember, it's just an IDEA of what the CWB (if it exists) might or could be like.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 04:01:23 PM
Hi Graildigger,


An EC + column (refined and revised) strategy for single 0 real casino roulette or single 0 live online roulette and based on the arrangement of the roulette colours on the table layout.

When you look at the table layout you will notice that:
The 1st Column has an equal number of Red and Black numbers, but the 2nd Column has 4 Red and 8 Black, while the 3rd Column has 4 Black and 8 Red numbers.

This is the rationale or reasoning influence behind this betting gambit.

Patience and tolerance will be required at times.

What to bet
There are 2 bets involved.

The first bet is on the RED or BLACK even chance

The second bet is on the 2nd OR THE 3rd COLUMN. (2/1 chance)

When you bet Red then you must also bet an equal amount on the 2nd Column.
When you bet Black then you must also bet an equal amount on the 3rd Column.

Whether you bet Red and the 2nd Column or Black and the 3rd Column, you are covering 18 plus 8 for a total of 26 numbers out of 37 at the cost of only two units. That's covering 18 of a colour plus 8 of the other color and doubling up the coverage on 4.

When only the correct colour comes up, the bet returns even money so you get the spin for free. When only the column hits you make one unit profit. When the colour and the column both hit then you make three units profit.

When and How To Bet
Selections are decided by the COLOUR of the DECISION BEFORE LAST (DBL)
In other words the penultimate or preceding number to the last number hit.

The ZERO is ignored. Only use the results before the 0.

If the colour of the DBL result is RED then the bet to be made is an equal amount on RED + the 2nd COLUMN.
If the colour of the DBL result is BLACK then the bet to be made is an equal amount on BLACK + the 3rd COLUMN.

These betting "movements" are to be followed correctly at all times!

Flatbetting only.

Now for the trigger rules:

Only bet on RED + COLUMN 2 when so indicated if the last THREE or more appearances of Red DID NOT also hit the second column as well!

Only bet on BLACK + COLUMN 3 when so indicated if the last THREE or more appearances of Black DID NOT also hit the third column as well!

That means it will not be continuous betting all the time - there will be automatic stop and start betting points for each colour combo. If a colour trigger applies and only if the DBL is that colour then betting will commence on it. Bets will cease on a qualifying colour after it hits (whether it was bet upon or not!!!) until the 3 miss qualifying trigger for that colour re-qualifies again...

Well this is my idea. I'm sure GLC could come up with a good cyclic progression if needs be too.

Will show example next....

A. :)