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Messages - Atlantis

Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 17, 2012, 05:26:39 PM
Hi Dino - using those I get:

3C  2A  L L      TRIGGER
1A  1C  W2 L        +2
1A  3B  L L       TRIGGER
3B  2A  L1  L1       +0
2C  3A  L1  L2        -3
3B  2C  L1 L1         -5
2A  2A   W2 W       -3
OC  1B
3A  2A   L W
2A  1B   L L        TRIGGER
3A  10    L1 L1        -5
30  3C
3B  3A   W2  L        -3
3C  2A   L L         TRIGGER
3A  1C   L1 L1        -5
3C  3C   W2 W        -3
1B  3B   L W
3B  2C   L L         TRIGGER
1A  2B   L1 L1        -5
1B  1B   W2 W       -3
2A  2B   W L
2C  1C   L W
3C  1C   L W
1A  2A    L W
2C  3A   L L           TRIGGER
3C  1C   L1 W2       -2
1A  2A    L W
2B  1A    L L          TRIGGER
3C  1A    L1 L1        -4
2B  2C   W2 L          -2
1A  1A   W W
1A  1B  W L
2C  1A  L L            TRIGGER
3B  2C  L1 L1         -4 
3C  1A   L1 L2         -7   
3A  2A    L1 W2       -6
1B  2C  L L            TRIGGER
3B  2C  L1 L1         -8
0B  2B
1C  3A  L1 L2         -11   
3A  3A   W2 W        -9
1C  2B  L L            TRIGGER
2C  3C  L1 W2        -8
1A  2A   L W
1A  2A   L W
2B  1C   L L            TRIGGER
1B  2C   L1 L1        -10
3A  3A    W2 W       -8         
3C  1C   L W
1A  3C   L L            TRIGGER
3A  3C   W2 L          -6
3C  1B   L L            TRIGGER
3B  2A   L1 L1         -8
3B  2B   L1 W4        -5
3B  3B   W W

-5 so far.
Seems these were slightly unfavourable results.

Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 17, 2012, 04:56:37 PM
Quote from: dino246 on December 17, 2012, 04:21:05 PM
If Zero appears when looking for a qualifying D/C,just ignore.....yes.
Dozen/Column / CODE 4 HORIZONTAL
December 17, 2012, 03:37:59 PM
Bet that the second 2 elements of a code 4 horizontal line MATCH the first 2 elements recorded in the line...

For instance:
B3 is first 2 results recorded on a line - bet for B3 to repeat

For instance:
2C is first 2 results recorded on line - bet for 2C to repeat

Rotate the 1-1-1-2 (total 5u) progression.

If lose the whole progression (1-1-1-2) then restart the progression.

Also, restart the progression after ANY WIN gained on a line.

Important: ONLY PLAY AFTER 2 L's in a row have occurred on a line then resume betting on the line immediately below at positions 3 and 4 for a match of the first 2 results on the line.  **STOP AT A WINNER ON A LINE**

EXAMPLE (using col-doz-col-doz matrix)

B3A3 - L w       (waiting for 2 horizontal non-matches in a row)
B1A2 - L L        trigger  (2 L's in a row on a line)
A1B1 - L1 w2       +1      (won 1 unit  on dozen 1 - matched second result)
C2C2 - w w       
C1B1 - L w           
C3B2 - L L        trigger   
B3B3 - w2 w         +3     (won 2 units betting column B. Stop)
B1C2 - L1 L1     trigger 
A1A3 - w2 L          +5     (won 2 units  betting column A. Stop)
C1C3 - w L
B1B3 - w L         
A3A3 - w w 
C1B3 - L L          trigger
B2A2 - L1 w2         +6
B3C2 - L L          trigger
B1B1 - w2 w          +8
A1C2 - L L           trigger
B2A2 - L1 w2         +9
C2B3 - L1 L1       trigger
B3C1 - L1 L1          +7
A3A3 - w2 w           +9
A3A2 - w L
A1C1 - L w           
B2A3 - L L            trigger
C1C1 - w2 w          +11
A2A1 - w L
A1C1 - L w           
A2A1 - w L           
C2B3 - L L            trigger 
B1C2 - L1 L1            +9       
B2B3 - w2 L             +11
C3A2 - L L            trigger
A2B1 - L1 L1            +9
B1B1 - w2 w            +11
B3C1 - L L             trigger
C1C2 - w2 L             +13
A3B3 - L w               
C1A1 - L w           
C3B2 - L L             trigger 
B2B2 - w2 L             +15
B1C3 - L L             trigger
A1A1 - w2 w             +17
C3B3 - L w
C1B1 - L w               
A1C3 - L L              trigger
A2B3 - L1 L1             +15
A1A1 - w2 w              +17
B1A3 - L L              trigger
B1A2 - L1 L1             +15
C2A3 - L1 L2              +12     (Lost 1-1-1-2; restart progression)           
A1C1 - L1 w2            +13     (stop after win)
B1C2 - L L               trigger
C2B3 - L1 L1              +11
C2C1 - w2 L               +13

Highest bet on a doz or col = 2u    ^-^
Quit when ahead. Use random entry and hit-n-run for better results?

Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 8 DC
December 04, 2012, 07:46:36 PM
Yes, that is interesting idea, Wally Gator... ;)

Dozen/Column / Re: CODE 8 DC
November 23, 2012, 05:25:08 PM
Hi dino,

If you get a situation something like this:

3 1 C A 3 1 C A
1 2 C B 1 1 C C      w1, w1, L2, w2, w1, L2, L2; w2 = +1

Could have stopped after bet1 (+1) or bet2 (+2) or bet4 (+2) or bet 5 (+3)
Notice on bet 7 instead of increasing stake to 2u-2u I stayed at 1-1 level due to fact I was still ahead +1 on the line so far...

Dozen/Column / CODE 8 DC
November 23, 2012, 04:49:46 PM
This is a development idea or extension stemming from the popular "CODE 4" system.
Track 8 numbers and record in format: D D C C D D C C    (D=doz; C=col)

Example Numbers: 14, 7, 26, 33, 15, 6, 36, 35

These translate into format:
2 1 B C 2 1 C B

Now bet against all VERTICAL repeats happening underneath (or quit when in profit)

Progression: 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4 etc....
Reset if level or ahead.
If still behind after a win stay at current level of progression.

2 1 B C 2 1 C B
2 2 C B 3 3 B A     L2, w2, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1 = +6 

Now begin tracking new 8 results for next game.
Off-topic / Re: The Sad Passing of Common Sense
November 19, 2012, 09:34:38 AM

Ah... methinks there is some seeds of truth contained in the aforementioned passages.
Wise words worthy of contemplation indeed...
Commonsense - forget him at your peril!
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:22:17 PM
I'm in with you guys!
It's nice to be a new member here and great to see John is here too!
