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Messages - Atlantis

So does Stephen Tabone's baccarat system work then?
Has anybody purchased it yet and tried it with any measure of success?

Just wondering... I have not been convinced enough to buy it or try... I was waiting to see some genuine positive feedback from a few members on the forum to weigh up before contemplating a decision to make a purchase. I don't see anything so far that makes me want to rush and buy it. You know what they say: "When in doubt - leave it out!" Am prepared to give alrelax the benefit of that doubt for now. Who knows? Stephen might just turn out to be another Silverthorne type of character.

I realize I have transcribed those above results wrongly. I can't edit it due to forum restriction now... so will post an amendment later.

This is the tweak I am currently testing...

I ONLY increase bets when I get 3 losing games more than the winning games AND IF I am behind eg:

Start of Session

@1 = L2 L2 L2 =  (L-6)

3L;0w  -  total of 3 losing games and behind so increase bets by @1 and retrack W/L registry:

@2 = (L6)  - L4 L4 W8 W8 = (W+2) - if getting ahead at ANY TIME during recovery reduce to @1 and retrack W/L registry:

@1 = (W2) - L2 W2 L2 W4 L2 W4 W2 L2 W2 L2 L2 W4 L2 L2 L2  (W+2)

9L;6W - total of 3 games behind - but because still ahead +2 stay @1

and retrack W/L registry:

@1 = (W2) - W4 W2 W4 W2 - decided to stop at +14pts profit

Hi Stephen,

I like craps. Can your method be used on the P and DP? Just curious if it can applied to this game as well...

Hi mathemagician,

I see that Coral's have it as well now... :)

Quote from: 8OR9 on March 14, 2017, 01:39:59 PM
The video shows you betting the High and Low......are you betting lines, streets, double streets or High or Low ?

The Lines. (However if both lines were in the LOW or HIGH sections; then you *could* play safer betting the EC!?)

+172 yesterday
+56 (so far) today

I now also do a +1 on stakes after 2 L's in a row (a losing game attempt)
Using online low-limit RNG with fastspin and tracker according to rules.

;)  :thumbsup:

Hi Mathemagician,

Do not forget you can also play for practice or real the 1p roulette at PaddyPower once you're a member.

Here is the demo of my last session of 10 games played thru the tracker:


Another 10 games and... another +24pts!

That's 40 games and +90pts profit so far   :P

This time I recorded the 10 games played in the tracker and I will upload the video to show/demo how I played in my next post.

Another 10 games:

+24pts profit.

Wow! Exactly the same outcome as last 10!

That's 18+24+24 = 66pts profit in 30 games!   :love:

And FlatBetting only  :nod:
Next 10 games:

+24pts profit.

R U getting it too?
Hello All,

Here I present to you my now UPDATED idea regarding the double hit LINES (or DS) which I will now explain as simply as possible in full below.
(**Note: Slightly different to original)



The bet is ALWAYS AND ONLY on the TWO Qualifying Lines (or Doublestreets)

2 x 1u

Bet only when TWO lines that have hit TWICE ONLY in the last 7 results and NONE of the lines in the last 7 results have hit 3 or more times.

Bet the 2 lines that hit TWICE only.

The bet is ALWAYS on the 2 lines and never more or less than the 2 lines (providing they qualify as above)


A win on the 1st spin = +4
A win on the 2nd spin = +2
A loss after 2 spins = -4

As soon as game is WON or LOST - start a new retrack.


AFTER EACH SPIN always re-assess the last 7 results according to the RULE.
(Sometimes you will continue to bet the same lines, sometimes different lines and very often there will be no bet indicated)
Continue spinning until a qualifying bet situation as delineated above.
To make things nice and easy the below tracker will do all the recording work and indicate when to place a bet with a "green band" qualifying signal.

Remember after 2 bets in game - stop betting and start a new retrack.

I therefore try and catch the trebles when the results seem set fair and look right to me.

I like to play it hit and run; grab some units to boost my betting bank and then skedaddle. :)

If playing in B&M casino and because of the tracking and sitting out of several spins it could be easier to use one of those remote touchbet terminals that are linked to a live table.

My last 10 games results just now (RNG):

+18pts profit

I have attached the SLAPv2 excel sheet coded by Normy some time ago.
The correct way to operate the method is as stated above.

Enter numbers via the "STEP" button for r.n.g. numbers testing of the SLAP method.
Enter roulette results (real or RNG) by clicking the roulette table number buttons.

The sheet will tell you when you should bet with a GREEN BAND bet signal and plainly indicate the 2 lines to be bet.

Remember after a max of 2 bets, win or lose, make a note of the +/- score for that game then click the "RESET ALL" button to clear the results grid ready for the next new game.

Stop playing at your own discretion.

Good Luck and Happy Winnings,
Quote from: 6th-sense on March 10, 2017, 08:49:50 AM
it doesn't work ..i had this system years ago  and botted,,and multiple variations of it... :thumbsup:

Ditto - it doesn't work!
Multiple locations / The "A-Way" Roulette Strategy
March 09, 2017, 05:04:28 PM
I'll be testing an idea here.

When it's refined and tested more  - I'll be updating and posting more details about it in due course.

I am calling it  'The A-Way'  (Atlantis Way)

Short preview video of it in action:


