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Messages - Atlantis

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 07:43:28 PM
Quote from: Rewster88 on March 04, 2017, 07:37:37 PM
Alright tnx! Il get it now, so now what?



Like this?

Run.        Change
------.     ----------

Is this the correct way, and what do we bet now?


Hi - that is how you record an event on paper/chart.
But can you not see you have only clearly shown me ONE event???

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

Can you chart and show all 4 events? Can you?

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 07:41:26 PM
Hi Badger,
Nice work. ;)
I'm useless at coding excel sheets. :)
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 07:16:47 PM
Quote from: Badger on March 04, 2017, 07:10:28 PM
OK. So instead of event 1 being Result 5 vs Result 1,
its Result 5 vs Result 4 ??

R-R-R-B-B      R-C-C-C

In My spread sheet I had it 

R-R-R-B-B    as C-C-C-R

R-R-R-B-B      R-C-C-C

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

He states: ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 07:12:49 PM
Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

Can you do that...?

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 06:56:33 PM
Quote from: Badger on March 04, 2017, 06:39:06 PM
I have changed my Spread sheet according to James explanation.
I have Event 1 as 5th result vs the 1st result.

Could anyone confirm that I am doing it correctly.

If you are doing that it will be wrong!

I will try to help again...

To begin to fill in the 4 events with Runs or Changes you first of all require the last 5 roulette EC decisions in R/B format.

He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

         EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)

Event 1 is marked with an "x" as a RUN. Can you see why? So far you are with me - yes?

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 01:59:30 PM
Quote from: plolp on March 04, 2017, 01:53:58 PM
Unless you prefer

Ru      C

X        X

Is this supposed to be a joke plolp?

To begin to fill in the 4 events with Runs or Changes you first of all require the last 5 roulette EC decisions in R/B format.

He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

         EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)

Event 1 is marked with an "x" as a RUN. Can you see why? So far you are with me - yes?

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

I think you have failed to understand the question above.     :no:
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 01:44:37 PM
Quote from: plolp on March 04, 2017, 01:41:54 PM

Run   C



He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

You have shown only ONE event.


Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 01:05:12 PM
This may help:

To begin to fill in the 4 events with Runs or Changes you first of all require the last 5 roulette EC decisions in R/B format.

He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

         EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)

Event 1 is marked with an "x" as a RUN. Can you see why? So far you are with me - yes?

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

Any takers?
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 12:51:37 PM
Hi 6th-sense,

Also bear in mind that English is not moglizu's first language. It can be a frustrating thing when you have done your level best to explain something and then others just can't seem to comprehend it for love or money - and even after a certain amount of repetition too! Like yourself, I too was sufficiently intrigued by the "puzzle" as well. This whole "LINEARITY" concept was something novel to me and it certainly took a while for the penny to drop and the realisation to sink in. He has explained it all in the posts and if you "get it" you can see that there is a LOGICAL REASON why it *should* work as declared.
Having said that I have not had the time as of yet to test this to any acceptable degree; so I cannot endorse or bear out any claims made about it - but I feel it an exciting and promising idea and maybe a route to regular and sustained profits.
If a program could be made to encompass all 3 EC's at once then that would really be something! I also understand that this linear concept can be applied to the DOZENS in a special way as well, so maybe rewards can be reaped on those later on as well.
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 11:22:18 AM
I tried a test session with it this morning and won +5u (my target) quite easily.

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 04, 2017, 11:07:28 AM
Quote from: plolp on March 04, 2017, 09:43:07 AM

" I repeat do NOT care about HOW MUCH the deviations are.... care ONLY about HOW MANY the deviations are."

Who can explain the difference between " how many " and "how much" ?

Hi plolp,

When you have your paper upon which you write and record the 4 events of the EC you will see all the Runs and Changes for each of the events - yes?

moglizu wrote:
You have to ADD in each spin the new Xs on the events.

Then you will have a GRAPH (on your paper) with 4 events and Xs on their RUNS and CHANGES

I put Xs because the eyes are understanding fast the imbalances .

***Every event that has 2 or more runs than changes or 2 or more changes than runs is being qualified***

If an event is pointing to bet on RED for balance and one other event is pointing in BLACK , then they are canceling each other so we have 0 value ( because 1-1=0).
***In order to bet you must have a value of 2 clear or more*** 

This rule is made because as I stated a lot of times what we care in order to gain the advantage is for the MOST events to be corrected (balanced) in every spin.

Now you can see it - it is not so much whether a single event shows any deviation - but HOW MANY deviations are occurring over all of the 4 events that you are tracking!

When you can see significant deviation in 'more than one event' (bearing in mind that moglizu said that it is very unlikely that many events can keep continuing to deviate for very long) then you can look to see if you are able to bet either on the run side or the change side whichever needs, as he puts it, "the MOST events to be corrected (balanced)"

You need to have at least 2 clear events that qualify (after any cancellations) because, and here I repeat what he says:

This rule is made because as I stated a lot of times what we care in order to gain the advantage is for the MOST events to be corrected (balanced) in every spin.

Hope this helps.
Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 03, 2017, 01:47:35 PM
moglizu wrote:

Let s just take for example ( this is what you are asking... examples) only EVENT no1.
EVENT no1 is comparison of the last 2 spins(R/B).

We have R R  this is a RUN (because from R it went to R again)
So we have

   R    C

ozon wrote:

Crow is not right, we do not  use different EC

I agree.

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 03, 2017, 12:54:10 PM
I am making a steady income with my method for 2 years now by playing only the RB in land based Casinos.

He prefers to play only the R/B even chance. 4 events cataloguing the Runs and Changes. Playing when there is deviation to bring into balance. According to his words earlier in the thread, these events are decided and determined by comparison to the LAST spin.

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 03, 2017, 11:03:59 AM
Chef wrote:
I understand some of our concept but still can"t figure out how you play it.

I've tried and struggled to understand harder concepts.... Anyone remember James Albert Wendel (winwithmath) and his invisible math?   >:D  :scared:  :P

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 03, 2017, 10:50:35 AM
Nicely put, AMK.

Let us keep this a polite discussion about what appears to be something quite novel.
I have a feeling that this could turn out to be a very interesting topic indeed. I'm certainly looking forward to hearing any more info that moglizu cares to share with us about this LINEARITY method - especially if it can give an edge.
