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Messages - Atlantis

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 02, 2017, 05:09:32 PM
Hi James,

An event is a record of the Runs and Changes. (Streaks and Chops ; Series and Change)

For example


Runs         Changes
x                     x

His system uses 4 events. You start compiling the events after 5 results are tracked always using the LAST decision in comparison to the others...

All the clues to do this are in his posts, so he says - worth re-reading

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 02, 2017, 08:55:27 AM
This is important.

moglizu said:

One or 2 events can grow a lot and can be unpredictable... BUT 3 or more events can t grow at the same time...
Bet on HOW MANY and not on HOW MUCH.

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 01, 2017, 05:24:23 AM

You have explained it as you said but a lot of people cannot understand the explanation which you gave. :)
I'm absolutely sure that YOU know what you're talking about though - but it would be really great if you can post a little example snippet to make it crystal clear to those like RG and myself exactly what you're on about....!?
If I knew exactly what you meant I could then write my own example on paper like you said.. and bet according to the deviations to test it more thoroughly and see, so even a small example would clarify and make clear.
Thank you in advance moglizu.

Even chance / Cyclic Sevens
February 02, 2017, 09:00:48 AM
Here I present an old roulette idea - betting every spin for 100 spins using FTL (FOLLOW THE LAST) on color in this example - but you can apply it to any reasonable EC selection method.
Betting using "Cycle of 7 bets" method. Why seven? Well I've tried it with 10 but 7 has always been regarded as a "mystical" number and there are a lot of cycles that operate on the number 7. (including our own life cycles)

The number seven is important in many cultures and religions. There are seven steps to creating the Philosopher's Stone in the ancient science of Alchemy.
There are seven days in a week, seven virtues and seven vices as well as seven branches in a menorah. There are Seven Wonders of the World, seven sacred sciences and seven chakras. In Greek Mythology, seven is the symbol of the Virgin. It is not possible to construct a perfect heptagon or to divide the circle into seven equal portions using only simple geometric tools. Hence, seven is indivisible, unconquerable, and virginal.
To attempt to cite all the things included in this mystical number would require a large library...


Casino Wiesbaden 01 JUN 2010 - Table 3
Spin,Number,Type,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.,Bet Layout
1,28,No,0,0,0,0,500, *wait for 1st number

2,15,Bet,1,2,-1,1,501,1 : Black
3,2,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black
4,16,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Black
5,7,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Red
6,36,Bet,1,2,-1,1,503,1 : Red
7,14,Bet,1,2,-1,1,504,1 : Red
8,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : Red *503 stay@1u

9,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : Black
10,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Red
11,35,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black
12,26,Bet,1,2,-1,1,503,1 : Black
13,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : Black
14,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Red
15,33,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black *502 incr to 2u

16,16,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : Black
17,4,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,498,2 : Red
18,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Black
19,32,Bet,2,4,-2,2,498,2 : Red
20,26,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Red
21,15,Bet,2,4,-2,2,498,2 : Black
22,27,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Black *496 incr to 3u

23,35,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
24,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : Black
25,23,Bet,3,6,-3,3,493,3 : Red
26,25,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Red
27,28,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
28,2,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black
29,4,Bet,3,6,-3,3,499,3 : Black *499 stay@3u

30,30,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,496,3 : Black
31,8,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
32,2,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black
33,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Black
34,20,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : Red
35,29,Bet,3,6,-3,3,493,3 : Black
36,31,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black *496 incr to 4u

37,25,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,492,4 : Black
38,18,Bet,4,8,-4,4,496,4 : Red
39,23,Bet,4,8,-4,4,500,4 : Red
40,10,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,496,4 : Red
41,13,Bet,4,8,-4,4,500,4 : Black
42,33,Bet,4,8,-4,4,504,4 : Black
43,6,Bet,4,8,-4,4,508,4 : Black *508 decr to 1u

44,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
45,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Black
46,32,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Red
47,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Red
48,6,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
49,20,Bet,1,2,-1,1,510,1 : Black
50,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,511,1 : Black *511 stay@1u

51,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : Black
52,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Red
53,28,Bet,1,2,-1,1,510,1 : Black
54,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Black
55,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Red
56,6,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
57,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Black *508 incr to 2u

58,9,Bet,2,4,-2,2,510,2 : Red
59,30,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Red
60,13,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,510,2 : Red
61,33,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Black
62,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,510,2 : Black
63,7,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Red
64,36,Bet,2,4,-2,2,514,2 : Red *514 decr to 1u

65,34,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
66,30,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
67,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red
68,8,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Black
69,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Black
70,27,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
71,28,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red *515 stay@1u

72,10,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Black
73,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Black
74,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Red
75,13,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Black
76,30,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Black
77,1,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
78,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Red *514 incr to 2u

79,34,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,512,2 : Black
80,14,Bet,2,4,-2,2,514,2 : Red
81,32,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red
82,35,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Red
83,15,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Black
84,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Black
85,5,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red *516 decr to 1u

86,32,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
87,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Red
88,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Black
89,14,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Black
90,18,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
91,18,Bet,1,2,-1,1,518,1 : Red
92,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,517,1 : Red *517 stay@1u

93,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Black
94,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red
95,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Black
96,9,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
97,34,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
98,16,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
99,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Red *516 incr to 2u

100,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Black
101,18,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red *516 - STOP (100 bets)

profit= +16u
max drawdown=14
highest bet=4
bets won 53; lost 47

Increase stakes by +1 if 7-bet result is less than previous 7-bet result; otherwise remain at same stake for next seven bets.
However if the result is equal or ahead of the OVERALL session high then reduce down to starting stake of 1u.

For quicker results/test maybe try with a reasonable win-goal using low stakes on online fastplay r.n.g?

Good luck,
General Discussion / Re: P.A :PREACHING about HG!
February 29, 2016, 10:45:02 AM
Hi b-t-w/PA,

when, say, A hit, bet A will repeat.
win or lose=stop,
wait for new dozen,
then bet that dozen will repeat.

Well that is what I mean - I am betting for repeat doz (once only) when a new doz hits.
But in my example I showed I only start to bet when there has been 21 or less dozen series hits over the 111 spinframe.
So I think we are talking about same thing here.
Since I am always looking at the last 111 spins every spin, I check the number of doz series each time -when it is 21 or less I begin to bet for repeat and after win I do not bet again until it is 21 or less each time....

Just now I run 111 spins (random) into RXtreme.
I check the repeat dozens stats: 11 series of doz1; 3 series of doz2; and 7 series of doz3 = 21 total doz series
That means I can start betting straight away because I set my bet trigger entry point, if you remember, as 21.
First I check that the last doz was a single series - if so I can start betting for that doz to repeat.
As it happened was a 0 - so I wait for a new doz to hit.
18 = doz 2
I bet doz 2
15 = doz 2 - Bingo! It is a win +2pts.
Now I tot up to see if the 21 is still valid and if so I continue betting from the next new doz to show. If not, I sit out and monitor spins until series total drops back to 21.. etc.. etc..

Blue_Angel might be doing same thing from the off and without the wait and variance avoidance and using his cyclic 37 progressions thing?
That could be interesting too!

General Discussion / Re: P.A :PREACHING about HG!
February 28, 2016, 07:34:16 PM
Hi Blue_Angel,
Yes. I was aware of his Roulette30 name.

Of course you cannot rely on getting 30 occurrences exactly in 111 spins. A more realistic expected average figure might be 25 to 30 hits on total series of dozens (that's all 3 dozen series comprising a length of 2 or more...)

Do you see that ONE such way to play to advantage is to always keep an updated ROLLING HISTORY of the last 111 spin results??

This is easy in such a program like Roulette Xtreme where you can set the program to show stats from the last 111 spins only.
You can bring up the stats for dozens 1,2 and 3 and can count the total appearances of all dozen series formed of 2 or more after each spin and when you see imbalance occurring you can begin to bet.

This is what I did today and I set a LOW parameter level of 21 hits of doz series. (I play only when 21 or 22; up to you) When I saw the total was 21 or less I begin to bet for a repeat dozen immediately providing a new single dozen has just showed. I use a mild progression. (S'pose you can use the regular progression for single doz which guarantees a profit on a win).
After the win I wait until the series count is 21 or less again... might be straight away after a new doz hit or maybe have to wait until the stats show 21 again before resuming or restarting the progression. Depends what's showing in your check of the rolling last 111spins history.
If the amount of doz series goes over 21/22 threshold then it's a no bet until it drops to 21/22 again when you see the variance in your favour.
You can use this to make a few units then skedaddle.

Of course this means you have to initially track 111 spins and enter them into your tracker software (RX, in my case)
From then on you bet as and when until you've garnered some profits. I have found it's pretty safe and sensible approach.

Hope someone can see it is worth a try. I'm glad to share it - and let me know if it works for you.


PS. Keep in mind - this not suit everybody; probably only practicable for online play only. Patience and tolerance required.
Single 0 only. Play fastspin r.n.g. at your own risk!
General Discussion / Re: P.A :PREACHING about HG!
February 28, 2016, 01:28:35 PM
Let's see if I can move this on a little bit into further discussion....

Suppose I imagine I have a reasonably "stable" bet selection for SINGLE DOZEN betting.

Let's say I discover that 30 (approx; give or take one or two) hits of DOZEN REPEATS will 'almost always'  inevitably occur over BEAT-THE-WHEEL/PA's suggested 111 spinframe.

Now when I find an imbalance of results taking place and I discover the repeats are "lagging behind" the singles, so to speak, I can then jump in and begin to bet for repeat to happen; and use a 'mild' progression - for surely I expect the series results to soon begin to catch up again and return to mean..
So, when IS best time to begin to bet to capture the dozen series? And also importantly WHEN TO STOP betting for the repeat dozens??
Stands to reason I'm going to have to monitor the past+incoming results first and be tolerant and patient whilst awaiting for the optimum "window" of best opportunity to arise. I can then step in and capitalize on the imbalance until a predetermined signal to stop, then I can simply hold off and wait for the next opportunity to arise before stepping in to resume betting again...

I just tried a such a session in RouletteXtreme software with real casino spinfile [using my personal stop/start parameters] and stopped at a profit of +12. This was achieved without any large drawdown or high staking. What's more I kind of "knew" and fully expected I was going to win too.

There will be other ways and other bets to do same thing. I happen to like single doz betting.


PS. Here is a demo-clip of using the repeat doz using b-t-w principles from a few months ago:
General Discussion / Re: P.A :PREACHING about HG!
February 28, 2016, 10:20:23 AM
I do believe these "stable bets" exist.

If you look at stats for appearance or formation of certain "sequence" say, in EC or dozen you can see them occur within the realm of consistency and constancy - however, that not to say there may be the odd "horrible event" that might occur against all avg % expectation- but that is why important to have a cut-loss proviso in your HG strategy...

Hi PA - and I am glad you resurrect this topic here - maybe more will join in, enjoy, understand and benefit this time around- and I agree keep it friendly folks; we are all here to learn.
PA/BEAT-THE-WHEEL has unusual way of explaining things and often can be  slightly cryptic; this so that you come to your own realisation of the truth of his pronouncements; I implore him to try and write in simple language and provide step by step instructions with clear examples to demonstrate his points and ideas. Thx.

Even chance / Re: Contrasting Couplets
February 25, 2016, 11:34:10 AM

More cautious players might prefer or think of employing the "gr8player" progression.
I am against marti - with gr8player it take a bit longer time to realize significant profits, but of course it's less dangerous.
Or again there's the "breadwinner" prog...
Interesting variant idea by RouletteGhost.
Do NOT think this will work well if adapted to baccarat, I'm afraid.


PS. Works well for me and faster in r.n.g. too - where I only use low 0.10u stakes. (betfair)
UPDATE: 3 winning sessions of +5 today using "Contrasting Couplets" on live autowheel with la partage and fastspin RNG. Easy enough and highest bet only 2u. :)
Sometimes I wonder why I knock myself out with interpreting other involved complex EC "marches" and so on when it just seems so easy to win using something as simple as my CC method... ;)
Even chance / Contrasting Couplets
February 24, 2016, 06:38:56 PM
(Revised Version)

I suggest play on nozero or single 0 with "le partage" rule.

Record results in lines of 4 made up of 2 alternating EC types.

I'm using H/L and O/E alternated.

For example the spun numbers 17, 11, 3, 32 are recorded on a line as:
LOLE (Low Odd Low Even)

For example the spun numbers 22, 9, 3, 14 are recorded on a line as:
HOLE (High Odd Low Even)

It's simple: Play an alternating pattern of "Opposite-Same-Opposite-Same" (O

-S-O-S) and "Same-Opposite-Same-Opposite" (S-O-S-O) according to

whatever the results are on the PREVIOUS VERTICAL line in the respective

column (1-4).

Switch the patterns after each line of 4 results.

Start recording the EC and LW Registry results for O-S-O-S first and then

switch to S-O-S-O and alternate throughout. (see examples)

Playing and betting rules:

Use trigger LLL (3 consecutive L's) then bet up to TWICE ONLY only for a win.
Use 1-2 progression cycle. Stop at a WIN or after two L's in a row.

I only play twice for a 'w' after the trigger. If lose I wait for the "w" to occur and

also wait for the next trigger to form. (LLL)

Another progression idea would be to increase by 0.5 after each loss...

For example: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4.....etc...

If still behind after a win; reduce next bet by 0.5 and commence from that point

in the progression (go back one in the progression string and start next bet

from there)
If level or ahead on pts then restart from scratch.

Example Session 1:

HOLO first line results
LEHE (OSOS)  wlwl       
HOHE (SOSO)  lwwl     
LEHE (OSOS)  wllw     
HOLE (SOSO)  lwwl       
LEHE (OSOS)  wlww     
HOLE (SOSO)  lwll         
HOHE (OSOS) lwww        +1
HOHE (SOSO) wlwl       
HEHE  (OSOS) lllw           +2
HOLE  (SOSO) wwll     
HOLO  (OSOS) lwll           +3
HOLO  (SOSO) wlwl       
HELO  (OSOS) lllw           +4
LOLE   (SOSO) lwww     
LELO   (OSOS) llll         
LOLE   (SOSO) wwww     +5
LOLE   (OSOS) lwlw       
HEHE  (SOSO) lwll         
LEHE   (OSOS) wwlw     
LEHE   (SOSO) wlwl       
HOHO  (OSOS) wlll         
HEHE  (SOSO)  wwww    +6     
LOHE  (OSOS)  wllw   
+6 profit playing 1-2 then repeat....

Example Session 2:

LELE  (OSOS) WLLL       
LOLE  (SOSO) WWWL      +1
LELE  (OSOS) LLLW         +2
HOLE  (OSOS) WLLL       
HOLE (SOSO)  WLWL      +3
HOLE (OSOS) LLLW         +4
HEHO (SOSO) LLLW        +5
LOHE (SOSO) LLLL         
LOLO (SOSO) LWWW      +7
HELE (SOSO) LWWL       +8
LEHE (OSOS) LLWL         +9
LELO (SOSO) LLWL         +10
LEHO (SOSO) LWLW       +11
+11 profit playing 1-2 then repeat....

Hi Blue_Angel,

Quite interesting and thanks for sharing this.
Any good selection criteria - and including your own - then this could be an answer.  :)

Math & Statistics / Re: a solution to roulette?!
April 20, 2015, 03:56:02 PM
Line 13-18 and Line 31-36 are the only 2 lines that don't contain any RED ODD or BLACK EVEN numbers at all.

So a bet on the other 4 lines (in effect a double dozen bet) covers them all.

Bet those 4 each spin with mild up/down progression, maybe?

Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
September 11, 2014, 06:34:32 PM
Quote from: warrior on September 09, 2014, 11:07:49 PM
This method is a grind but it works ,while waiting for the system to lose 3 in a row I reversed it and when 3 wins in a row came I would bet the same instead of the opposite.and when the 3 Ls would appear I would do the opposite I think you would get more betting opportunity in .and if there would be an idea for when you get 3 chops ,this would be good but I don't have one for this. What do you think Sputnik ?

This is how it looks like playing Sputnik's same outcomes with 1-2-2 MM and playing the opposite way (after 3 discrete "chops")

2 L
2 w
1 L
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
1 w
2 L
1 L
2 L  - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

2 L
1 L
1 w             -1

1 w
2 L
2 w
1 L
1 w
1 w
2 L
1 L
2 L - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

2 w              +0
1 L
2 L
1 L - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

1 w             +1
1 w
2 L
1 L
1 w
2 L
2 w
1 L
2 L
1 L - 3 losers  - bet for same after next result

1 L
2 L
2 w             +0
2 w
1 L
1 w
2 L
2 w
1 L
2 L
2 w
2 w
2 w
2 w
1 L
1 w
2 L
2 w
1 L
2 L
1 L - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

1 L
2 L
2 w              -1
2 w
1 L
1 w
2 L
2 w
1 L
2 L
1 L - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

1 W             +0
2 L
1 L
2 L - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

2 w              +1
2 w
1 L
1 w
1 w
1 w
2 L
1 L
2 L - 3 losers - bet for same after next result

1 L
2 L
2 w             +0
1 L
1 w
2 L
2 w
2 w
2 w
2 w
1 L
1 w
2 L
1 L
1 w
1 w
1 w
2 L
2 w

Result = +0

General Discussion / Re: RX update suggestion
August 22, 2014, 12:36:17 PM
That's a nice idea. I like it too.
Corner/Quad / Re: Diagonal Anti-Trend
August 09, 2014, 09:00:17 PM
Hi wannawin,

I agree. I think ignatus is on to something here!  :)
