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General Discussion / Re: Function of a Roulette Forum
November 07, 2018, 02:04:09 PM
 I think what Sensei Kimo Li means, is simply,
*you want knowledge, you need to pay huge sum of money, or else*

the problem , is, how we know that his knowledge,  worth the money, or rubbish?
he a seller with ^caveat emptor^...

if you lose money after paying him, that simply mean your hard skull can't take or understand his lesson.

by the way, who want to sell his money making machine?
where the logic?
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 28, 2018, 03:26:46 AM
Thanks Alrelax,
Thanks BlueAngel, for your interesting matrix,

Coincidence does happen but to extended limit.
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 23, 2018, 07:54:30 AM
thanks BlueAngel for your view.

BRB...1st coincidence
BRB...2nd coincidence

wonder how many more coincidence will persist...
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 22, 2018, 02:06:28 PM
oversimplified example.

we can bet matrix three of EC

red vs black in matrix three

when you see

brb. ..that a pattern, what the probability that a coincidence, will happen, or repeat...?

when after numerous matrix,

rbr........will next three spins be brb..?
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 22, 2018, 01:29:53 PM
thanks BlueAngel for your thought.

oversimplified example,
when we sit at the roulette table, past three spins=231,
we may bet next three spins won't be 231, again..

of course it may hit ...who knows the future?

or wait for..
231....then bet won't hit again.

or wait for another 231 to appear, then bet 231 won't hit again...
double coincidence in a row...
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 22, 2018, 06:52:05 AM
Thanks Gizmotron and Magician, 
for your lively argument.

The coincidence could also applied to missing dz in matrix
of three.
oversimplified example

say you see...
when you look at upper and lower matrix,
you see that 132 are the missing matrix.

thus when  323 hit again, you bet ,
single dozen...

you lose when  211 and 323 hit as the following matrix.

thus we bet the coincidence won't repeat itself, or two in row.

wait for a repeat of a matrix...
323..(a coincidence)
211...(a pattern of 323 followed by 211)

thus the probability remained unchanged,
we bet the coincidence won't coincide.
we lose when 323
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 21, 2018, 02:23:06 PM
thanks magician for your kind words.

The wheel, the 37 european, if we leaves out the zero, 36no. divided by 6=6 division or section...
the probability same as double street, that 1/6 albeit zero.

From the zero, count 123456, 123456, 123456, 123456, 123456, 123456...
that six section.
or simply named them as ABCDEF.

what the probability of each section hit in next six spins?
About once in 200spins averages.

if you see all six hit in past six spins, will all six section hit, again, in next six spins?

if the wheel is heavily tilted, then, half of the wheel, will hit more than the other half.
if the wheel well balanced, then all sections,
will have almost equal hit , in. .... long run.

if the wheel wobbles,  then certain sections will hit more....

the wheel also could divided into three sector, that also has probability as the dozen bet.
zero,12, 12, 12, ...

what the probability only two section, hit in next three spins?

what the probability that all three sections hit in next three spins?
if  all three section hit  in past three spins,
what the probability, all three hit again, in next three spins, and hit again, in next three spins?
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 21, 2018, 03:47:27 AM
Thanks Gizmotron and Kattila.


hi Kattila,
below is your numbers arrangge as matrix of three.

This is what random give us ....random,

R      B      B
B      R      B
R     B       B
R     R      B
B     R       B
R     B       B
B      R


This is what random give us ....random,

R      B      B
B      R      B
R     B       B.......(RBB FOLLOW BRB)
R     R      B
B     R       B
R     B       B.....(RBB FOLLOW BRB.....again, a coincidence)
B      R

Above coincidence two in row...

when BRB hit again,  will RBB follow?
if RBB hit, then that coincidence three in row.

This is what random give us ....random,

R      B      B
B      R      B.......(BRB FOLLOW RBB)
R     B       B
R     R      B......(No repeat after RBB)
B     R       B
R     B       B
B      R

No repeat of coincidence.
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 02:53:57 PM
thanks Magician for your thoughtful thought.
Appreciate them, thanks again.
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 11:55:03 AM
or ds in past six spin

(1234, 4, 4)...(missing=5&6)

then next six spins=
(5,6, 5,6, 5,6) ???

of course it may...
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 11:52:50 AM
oversimplified example. ..

say in six ds,

past six spin=(ds 12345 & 5...)

that is ds 6=missing...

will it coincidently that in next six spins=the missing ds, namely 6.
hit six time in next six spins???

(12345, 5) hit...then
(666666)?!  hit?!

that highly unlikely coincidence...

of course the progression is high. too...
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 11:33:49 AM
research your "double street" data,
after six different ds hit, will next six spin have six different ds...again?
(apart from zero)

it may, but, in how many spins?
have you seen any?
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 11:30:11 AM
thanks Magician,

the probability remained unchanged,
the pass and present do not predict the future...
that why we try to bet the coincidence,
merely because coincidence itself  highly unlikely to coincidently coinciding ...


in next three rows..you see..
323... (1missing) then after numerous matrix ...

332 hit...again.....will 1 be missing again? of course it MAY...
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 02:35:33 AM
Another example.

matriz dozen three.
you see..
333...three row of coincidence. ..

after a numerous row..
you see..

333 hit...again???

.if 333hit again , that be great coincidence!
General Discussion / Re: COINCIDENCE, the theory.
October 20, 2018, 02:18:13 AM
Thanks stingbeanpc, and Magician

The COINCIDENCE has DIFFERENT probability from the mathboys' probability.

say, in DZ MATRIX OF 3.
if you see

123...then ..
123...that a three different dz in a matrix...
and a coincidence of repeat ..
after a few more matrix rows...

123 hit again, then what the coincidence that...
123 ...hit again?
if 123 hit again, that ...

123....hit again...meaning two coincidence happened in a row..

now the mathboys shrieking .".PROBABILITY STILL UNCHANGE!!!"
"ok..ok..we heard that a million time now, and bored to death with thatt..."
but coincidence happened in a row? that another probability....

Another example.
you see

111 hit...then after few rows of matrix..
123 hit again...will the next matrix be ...

if 111 hit again...then that a coincident in a row..
then after few rows of matrix...

123 hit...then will next be...
that be three coincidence in row...

111...Three in row.!!!what the probability?