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Hi Albalaha,
Thank U so much , Sir,
for your reply.

I understand that u mean,
that without  good bet selection,
even mildest progression will do more harm!

From what I learned,
from my Guru,
suppose that, we will have 48% hit,
then wait for 'variance' to passed,
and then bet FLATBET 1u, till win.

Since 48% win, will mean 4losses in 100 bet,
if we could wait for 5 absolute losses to pass,
then flatbet 1u will bring 1u profit.

The greatest problem, of course,
is good betselection & method!

Thanks again.
Alrelax Bro.
From your 30+ years experience,
apart from luck&control,
what your best method, bet selection, and progression.
Wanna share?

BTW, I am a newbie. :-[
but very willing to learn. :nod:
Thanks again.
Thanks Caviarkid,
Yes , I think parlay ride will be great if one sure to have 48/100.
Thanks Again. :nod:
Thanks Drazen,
that's great, appreciate them :nod:.

BTW, begin to think that progression will bring more harm!!!
IMHO...Avoid&manage variance and flatbet 1u will be the most appropriate scheme to win.  :nod:

Hi Friends,

IF in a game of single coin tossing, where u win=48 hit/100toss...

Or a roulette EC, with 48 wins /100 spins bet result, that  hit typically & randomnly.

Or baccarat, where the P=48 hit/100 bet.

What the best mild staking & progression will u use,
to win at 1-unit,
then reset and restart staking betting again. ?

Please Help.
Thanks in advance.
I try a few progression...


Labby quite ok, since it 48% win, but if only the staking won't monstrous, with long losing streaks.

It seems that Hollandish 1122..will grow to huge staking.

Group of 7, modified to

1111111,[worst loss=7, best=7].

[bet same for 7 times, win or lose...]
seems ok, but with long losing streaks, will grow quite huge too...

The "Monte Carlo's progression" ,
add one win, or lose
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...till win,
seems ok  ...but will grow quite huge too...

Please show your ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Hi respected friends,

Anyone has any EC roulette or baccarat data that is worst than ,or around 69/200, or 70/200,or 71/200???
Please post them here, for testing purpose.

THANKS IN ADVANCE.[smiley]aes/pizza.png[/smiley]

I attach here the  "Worst ever recorded 69red/200spin",
Hamburg, 25_10_1999, Francese 1 ,

Only 69RED hit in 200 spins... which u can test your betselection, to see if u could win betting them.[smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Breaker
July 21, 2014, 04:00:02 PM
Hi Law,
no, my bet selection no better than others.
Maybe u could modified the Labby start from 1, into better choice.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Breaker
July 21, 2014, 05:59:12 AM
Hi Law,

I do a [LABBY, start from 1unit], which I think will not facing huge
drawdown and will not killed by the deadly MARTY in the last few
spins!!!HP Johnson can't face Marthy as u already know.


bet only 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 16,...
repeat at 17th spin

1. L   1st bet
2. L   2nd bet
3. L
4. W   3rd bet
5. W
6. L
7. W
8. W  4th bet
9. L
10. L
11. L
12. W
13. L
14. L
15. L
16. L 16[bet= as 5th. ]
17. L1    as bet6th
18. L2  as bet 7th
19. L
20. L4   as bet 8th
21. L
22. L
23. L
24. W8
25. W
26. L
27. L
28. W
29. L
30. L
31. L
32. L16
33. L1
34. L2
35. W
36. W4
37. W
38. W
39. W
40. L8
41. L
42. W
43. L
44. W
45. W
46. L
47. L
48. W16 and so on...

Below I do a LABBY start from a single 1

1st spins. Lose

start labby as

bet 1=lose=-1=-1

2nd. =Lose   2nd bet

bet 2=lose=-2=-3


4th spin. =W   [3rd bet]



8th.= Win  [4th bet]

bet 1=win=1=+1 win, reset.[total win=+1]


16th. =L [5th bet]

start labby as [1]

bet 1=lose=-1=-1


17. L1

bet 2=lose=-2=-3


18. L2

bet 3=lose=-3=-6


20. L4


bet 4=lose=-4=-10

24. W8




32. L16

[ 123 ]

bet 4=lose=-4=-9


33. L1

[ 1234 ]

bet 5=-5=-14

34. L2

[ 12345 ]

bet 6=lose=-6=-20

36. W4

[ 123456 ]

bet 7=win=+7=-13


40. L8

[  2345  ]

bet 7=lose=-7=-20


48. W16

[  23457  ]

bet 9=win=+9=-11


49. W1

[   345   ]

bet 8=win=+8=-3


50. W2

[    4    ]

bet 4=win=+4=+1  reset. total=win=2

52. W4[count as4

bet 1=win=+1.  reset. total=win=3


56. L8

bet 1=lose=-1=-1


64. W[16]

bet2=win=+2=+1.  reset. total=win=4


65. L1

bet 1=lose=-1=-1

66. W2

bet2=win=+2=+1.  reset. total=win=5


68. L4

bet 1=lose=-1=-1

72. L8

bet 2=lose=-2=-3


80. W16

bet 3=lose=-4=-7

81. L1

bet 4=lose=-4=-11


82. L2

bet 5=lose=-5=-16

84. L4

bet 6=lose=-6=--22

88. L8


bet 7=lose=-7=-29


96. L16

bet 8=lose=-8=-37


97. L1

bet 9=lose=-9=-46


98. W2

bet 10=win=10=-36


100. W4

[ 12345678 ]
bet 9=win=9=-27


104. L8

[  234567  ]
bet 9=lose=-9=-36


112. L16

[  2345679  ]
bet 11=lose=-11=-47


113. W1

[  2345679,11  ]
bet 13=win=13=-34

114. W2

[  345679  ]

  bet 12==win=12=-22


116. L4

[   4567   ]
  bet 11=lose=-11=-33


120. W8

[   4567,11   ]

bet 15==win=15=-18


128. L16

[    567    ]

   bet 12=lose=-12=-30

129. L1

[ 567,12]

   bet 17=lose=-17=-47


130. L2

[ 567,12,17]

bet 22=lose=-22=-69

132. L4

[ 567,12,17,22]

bet 27=lose=-27=-96


136. W8

[ 567,12,17,22,27]




[  6,7,12,17,22, ]


and so on....

Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Breaker
July 21, 2014, 05:23:45 AM
Yes. agreed with Albalaha.

HP Johnson is very dangerous when the
very last bet encounter long losing streaks.
That destroy the long flatbet and patiently
staking at beginning and middle of play!!!

Though some may argue that we can
SPLIT and SPLIT again the huge losses
to reduce the risk,
BUT then that u have to DECIDE
and GUESS and with the emotional
and the agitating mental stress and depleting BR...

That destroy the intended "mechanical steadfast rules"
in the first place!!!

HP JOHNSON only quite good
when play bet SINGLE DOZEN,
but strategy&staking intended for EC play,
where u never confront Mr MARTHY,
but the BR can go quite high!
General Discussion / Re: Correct?
July 21, 2014, 05:11:05 AM
WHAT   Albalaha mean, is,..
u should rephrase your question,
Not what the NEXT TOSS probability,
"What the probability of SERIES result when a coin,
being 'TOSS FOUR TIME' "???

And the answer is 1/16.

I am getting tired of these '50/50' ,
'can't win the edge', and can't win long term ,
and blah, bla,bla.debate...

All because they ask the wrong question
of what they had in mind and get the reply for other intended question!
...and then accuse other as moron...DUH!

List has 16 entries.
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Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Breaker
July 21, 2014, 04:54:26 AM
Hi Law,
Your LABBY is nice,
but u must prepare for the "UN-NICE", when it happen!
Or u lose your shirt, and underwear too! [smiley]aes/cry.png[/smiley]  :P

The averages '2 win and 1lose',
is good if it keep on constantly,that way.

Your Labby very interesting but dangerous.

You say,"I can't see what would happen over 10,000 spins"

Why not u try Labby start from a "SINGLE 1",
and reset, with 1 unit win!
its slower, but lot safer.

We must always remember, we not rush in' to lose money, but slow and steady to earn a unit a session.

Many gambler can't even win a unit per day , 365/year!!

Hope to hear from ATLANTIS soon.
Thanks Kattila!
I understand that you are one of the handful peoples in this world who can beat this progression. Today, many readers here   learned one of the most valuable lesson of betting by your reply here...
Thanks again.
There still one totally different strategy that can easily solve this problem.
Wait and see if that particular group of members here will kindly show them here, for the sake of learning to beat the wheel!!!
When that strategy being shown here, that's nearly concluded the mission to  seek the HG.
Dozen/Column / Re: Dozen Breaker
July 20, 2014, 12:38:15 PM
Hi Atlantis, and LAW,
I have a 'million dollar' question to ask both of u.

In an average 100spins, how many   "LOSE" hit, and "WIN" hit???

If in 100spins , averages, 'WIN' hit= 67 times, and 'LOSE' hit =33 times, then your BETSELECTION is very good!

A few simple progression will make them best system.

Thanks in advance!
oh Adulay [smiley]aes/love.png[/smiley]darlingg :love: ...so sorry, I forget to say, its EC bet, bet anyway u like >:D

ONLY  a handful of people in this world can solved below WL, and produce a profit of +1 unit, FLATBET!, yes, u read it right ... FLATBET!


One of them is ALBALAHA.
He knows how to win THIS, with flatbet, and win =1u..!
Of course I will not want him to show here, how to solve them.  ;)
[He has the answer in his web]

No! Please don't accuse me anything,
I not selling anything, or promote anyone!

The other erudite members of this forum know how to solve this WL,
[with totally DIFFERENT strategy from Albalaha].
They solved, with 2-steps progression of just 1,2.!!!..and small BR.

MAYBE they kind enough to show it here, maybe not, cross yr fingers.

If u know how to solved this WL, you're on your way to win constantly!

AGAIN,  Please don't accuse me anything,
I not selling anything, or promote anyone!
It is true!...
So just don't accuse me without ......

Albalaha's posting in his own web,about the VARIANCE topic, is the answer to many head scratching questions.
I wonder how many people take a very serious read, when they stumbled upon the  article...
If only they realized the value......sigh